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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. We need to inform the devs, fast!
  2. Uh oh, I hope we don't have another forumsplotion! That would be catastrophic! It's been happening to me too.
  3. Banned because on my planet there is no night/day.
  4. Good luck on your station! Anyway, I'm going to go watch Man of Steel again, it's so awesome!
  5. It's the Nostalgia Critic, also known as ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. 1/10 Impressive comp, but unimpressive sig.
  6. 10/10 You're the guy with the weird video game as your sig!
  7. Pro: Exploration! Con: You could sneeze and teleport to Venus. Or Jupiter. Or Neptune. Or Pluto. Or....... Have the most dexterous hands ever.
  8. Banned for giving me awesome news!
  9. Banned for repetition! Banned for repetition! Banned for repetition!
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