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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. Can I have a flag with all of the planets, and the Sun in the middle with the KSP logo inside? You guys forgot about me. ;-;
  2. 0.19 doesn't seem like an important update to me, sorry i forgot it
  3. I think Dres should have a VERY thin atmoshere, simular to the one that Moho used to have, but no heat. Also make Dres a pinkish colour.
  4. I would like a flag with All of the planets on it, with the sun in the middle
  5. What do you think was the most important KSP update?
  6. Gullible on the ceiling, is that an ASDF movie reference?
  7. I noticed that in the Jool postcard on the 1st page, Laythe is eclipsing the Sun
  8. I think they put themselves in cryosleep for the night (and when we aren't playing KSP)
  9. Yay! I'm the first player to land on Ike! http://imgur.com/a/eLQh7#0
  10. I know right. My country is in pieces, and we beat Russia to the Moon just 50 years ago.
  11. As the title says how many KSP players are also Minecraft players?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLDv-fUINM
  13. I hope it will be The Moar Planets Update:P
  14. Seriously do you think that SQUAD will implement anther planet because the older ones have gotten boring for me.
  15. You know how Minecraft uses names to promote their updates i.e. The Adventure Update, here are the names for the KSP updates. 0.12 The Mun Update 0.13 The Demo 0.14 The Persistance Update 0.15 The Aircraft Update 0.16 The EVA Update 0.17 The Planet Update 0.18 The Docking Update 0.19 The Rover Update 0.20 The Flag Update 0.21 The Space Center Update 0.22 The Science Update 0.23 Better Science Update 0.24 Charts n' Stats
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