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Everything posted by Seanoog

  1. No idea: But at a guess, the normal missile's aerodynamic profile, would generate lift when upright. So when upside down, the canards, would be working to keep the missile (Lifter stage + Payload) in level flight. As such, once the dumb lifter stage was separated, it would automatically be in an aerodynamic profile + position to fall away from the payload. ie, it would assume a upside down position, to guarantee a safe separation of the Payload section.
  2. Some thing to do with the way the Terrain was handled differently compared to be lite/non-lite at night. But I do remember it myself, as been a laughable bug... One of my First Mun landings. Back in the 13.2 Builds, around the time I lead a community Mun Base; I landed on the Mun weeks before this picture was taken, but for the life of me, can't find a picture.
  3. Hello AceGamer. An welcome to Kerbal Space Program, young explorer. As Endlesswaves, has correctly pointed out KSP, can be an incredibly demanding game. I am assuming by your Specification, that your playing on a modern-ish laptop, truthfully there is little if anything Hardware wise you can change to improve your experiance. But I can recommend the following changes: 1. Lower games resolution? From 1920x1080 to 1280x720 (Maintaining same 16:9 aspect ratio for screen) 2. Reduce + Priorities small efficient craft designs (100-200 Parts). (KSP is very CPU intensive, an each part (Fuel Tank, RCS Thruster, Lander Leg, Battery) Has to be accounted for an physics calculated in real time by the CPU. 3. Launch Task Manager, an Terminate ALL unused programs (Internet explorer, iTunes, Word) Any thing that requires precious CPU Cycles + Ram. If it makes you feel any better. Even my system struggles with 400 Part crafts, with the game at 2560x1600 Max Detail settings...
  4. It's great to be back old friend, an too our Develops, an every other member past or present. Great to have our Kerbol System back up again.. PS: I am guessing the Experimemtal + QA Team, sub forums where lost, or pending re-intergration?
  5. GPU overheating, causes graphics corruption or BSOD. CPU overheating, causes game crashs, BSOD or power off. But you never mentioned, is it a laptop, OEM pc or self build. Because complete shut down is common with under performing (overstressed) powersupply.
  6. Babylon5 is the one Sci-fi show I have yet too see. As for others to recommend; If you aint seen them yet. Battlestar Galactica. Farscape. FireFly + Serenity. As for StarTrek. Enterprise is my favourite, best CGI, 16:9 Film, an I prefarred the screen play more than the others. Then TNG > DS9 > VOY > TOS
  7. With RedDrawf, have they filmed new episodes, or is it re-runs from ten years ago. I did watch it, loved it actually but now find it an adquired taste. Looking forward to the new StarTrek Into Darkness movie. Apparently Khan is making an appearance. How its meant to compare to (Rath of Khan) is any ones guess. Also looking forward to watching Promethious on Blu-Ray soon, an SkyFall in the cinemas.
  8. Kerbalnaughts; Confirmation of Will's an Disclaimers are at the hatch entrance. Pens, Sick-Bags, Struts and Parachutes are optional extra's I am an Rocket Scientist; If you see me running try an keep up. (Printed on the back of my Kerbal T-shirt)
  9. Ahh there we are. Well Munshine is presently orbiting Kerbol, waiting on Duna to catch up. An oddly Jeb, has found that hidden stash, an is happy again. Me personnaly always carry ASAS, Point + Engage an Launch. Makes my missions easier, despite adding weeight. I guess with that much Delta-V, Adding ASAS higher could work. Have you tried adding Parallel Liquad Engines. Little hard to explain, super powerful like SRB performance from liquad engines, to push heavy crafts to low orbit. Will send you some pictures to explain better...
  10. Thanks for sharing wayfare. Your brochure of Munshine XI-B was highly informative, an funny too read. Wonderfully worded an with nice pictures. I have enjoyed downloading, an testing out Munshine, which was a good craft. - No ASAS... This is game over for me personnally. Spent the entire mission keeping the craft on course, rather than planning ahead. - MunShine XI-B... An not a drop of liqour in sight. Jeb was NOT impressed. lol - Loved your use, of cross feeding + jettissing un-used tanks an engines to save weight. - Was a little disappointed that so many stages where jettisioned before reaching 2400M/s, but there was still ample Delta-V to go. Saved in the STOCK Folder, so I cant use it in the future, but it sadly wont be pioneering my Space program.
  11. Well Said.. As for the OP, an his/her's teachers comments. lol But we must remember, that Primary/High School teachings, are commonly "inaccurate". Example been: In science, I was taught, light only travels straight, fine comment to make at GCSE level. An was correct for passing Triple Award Science. But trying saying that to an Engineering/Physist lecture, an watch them laugh at you. Its True, that light generally travels in stright lines, but wormhole theory specifies that light can be bent, when a powerful force is acted upon it. An dont even get me started on Bible's (In many differnet forms.) As a Catholic myself, I believe in my faith, but I think the Creational Concepts, hold more truth. Just my 2 Pence.
  12. Watched almost all "In Space" Sci-Fi series's, an loads of other TV Series. Presently watch Season 2 of Nikita. To List ALL In Space Series's: Star Trek (All TV Shows + Movies) Star Wars Firefly + Serenity BattleStar Galactica (Edge of my Seat Drama) StarGate (SG1 + Atlantise + SGU) Falling Skies Futurama? Red Dwarf V (2009 Series) The Walking Dead Really excited for The Walking Dead, the Drama + Filmography is really good. Just finished watching StarGate (All Three In Order) = I do hope they make another at some point. StarTrek is my favourite by far... With the events of Season 3 Enterprise, an Xindi attact, changing ALL recorded history (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY). + After the 2009 Movie with the Time Line change + Two future sequals. Any Speculations on what route any Future TV series will take? (TV Show Time Line or Movies Trilogy Time Line)?
  13. No they wheren't. My parents believe/believed even then I was mature, so gifted me the oppertunity to learn through experiances. Like I said previously, I have done some incredibly fun, interesting, an also stupid things while drinking. At least am now mature enought to acknowledge that, some of things I done where great/bad/illegal. In hindsight, I am glad my parents let me start drinking early, I enjoy the taste of alcohol, so only drink socially or to enjoy the taste, not to forget or drown my sorrows. When I drink, I drink in moderation, an can stop myself at any time. I wish some of my friends or other Irish forum members had the same level of self control.
  14. I found it was easy enough without Patch conics to achieve Mun SOI capture. But I used a process of predicting where the Mun would be, through Phase Angle's. Wouldn't dare try that approach with the new solar system in .17! I could have swarn there was a public version .6 (A build, that didn't include struts as a part)?
  15. Well IF you attempt a landing, firstly press F5. So you have quicksave, to reload from when it all goes wrong. Tylo is very difficult, the First extra orbiting body that I landed on during experimentals was this beast. Realistically, the mass of your craft + the NERVA engines, an the amount of time it will take to deacelerate from 2000M/s, you'll likely Litho-Break at 200-500M/s. My only advice, would be - Light those engines to 100%, an DONT throttle down until, you have stopped. But give it a try...
  16. Is that a laptop specification? You'll find upgrading laptops expensive, an with certain parts impossible. Now your playing it at low setting + low resolution. So it shouldn't be that taxing. If its a desktop, consider doing the following: 1. Upgrading cpu heatsink + overclocking. 2. More Ram, to 8GB if 64Bit OS. 3. New graphics card. KSP is Alpha Stage, so still in active development, an poorly optimised. So running it at max setting is impossible without a powerful computer. But the orbiting visuals are beautiful, if your computer can handle them.
  17. We cant transfer craft files, over TS? Does sound like a great idea, been able too openly chat an challenge each other in game. Will be online tonight. Would be an idea, just an idea, Squad may conaider including TS natively with KSP.
  18. When I was 14 (25 now) Christmass day, typical family get together, I asked for a coke please, an was handed Budweiser bottle. Was drunk by my secound. Since then I have tried every drink offered to me (experimented with Shorts, champaigns, cocktails, bears, to legal/Non-legal spirits) Had wildy varying likes/dislikes to combinations of drink. Favourites been Guinness, Bud, Vodka, Tequilla. Generally only drink socially, but can go months without any. Also done some amazingly fun an stupid things while drunk, but life is too enjoy.
  19. Microsoft SideWinder joystick. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-SideWinder-Joystick/dp/B00004Y6FN Looking to replace it tomorrow actually. But I have had it nearly 15 Years, the yoke squeaks when moved. But since I have had it so long, its acceptable, Basic 8 Button + Throttle with USB interface.
  20. Well firstly Trial an Error. But I am sure wikipedia would be a good source of information. Perhaps list all your accomplish's an we can suggest further one to strive towards. Perhaps improve on your ship design's (Massive amounts of Trial an Error there, perfecting one design) To Vanamonde: I too have been working on designs. Presently have 2 working prototypes an they have undergone THOUSANDS of design iterations/modifications in persuit of perfection.
  21. I rarely get the chance too. I am on the Test Group, so playing the game for fun, encountering a bug or bugs, an work to find a method to recreate it for the Devs. Then document it, an continue to follow it up, to check if it has been fixed in later experimental builds. Its a time consumming but methodical process. Besides there ample things in space to do. Its vast after all. An if I fancy a break, I have a vast selection of games, or TV shows to watch.
  22. Thats some useful information. Will be very informative for new/struggling players on how to re-enforce there rockets. I think this thread should be stickied... Just two extra additions about struts. 1. Each strut weights (0.1) Mass. So good placement an conservative usage allows for strong, but lighter craft. 2. Struts are strong an mavellous. However they must play by the rules (Physics). Once your System Simulation falls below 10FPS, Phyics calculations (Strut Control) is sacrificed. Meaning your supper strong craft, may become supper wobbly, because the Simulation left out some important strut calculations.
  23. I am sorry Nutt, was been stereotypical in his comment. Sadly however it was the vocal minority (with pitch forks an torch's) that went for Developer blood, when they released a poor quality buggy experimental to the whole community. This is what lead to the Experimental Test Team been created 4-5 months ago. Ohh, it has it perks, an I am honoured too be part of the Team, working (often very fun/rewarding) to find these bugs, so you's can play much more stable builds. As I understand it the Test Team is 50+ Members (Not including Dev's + Moderators) More positions may become open in time.
  24. Play all my games on my PC. (See sig for specs) I plan on new joystick soon (Mine squeeks when used) + Dell 3011 upgrade. Have a Late 2009 17" MAC Book Pro, that gets used on occasions for games, regularirly for testing.
  25. Do alot of users still keep all there windows, an document files in C. I know for laptop users its typically the only HDD available, but desktop users? I exclusively keep windows on C:/ an every year, or critical mistake an just format it.
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