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Everything posted by Seanoog

  1. A nice little aircraft! Certainly on shape, its a accurate rendition of the MIG-29. On performance, I found it lacking! Difficult too land/take-off, VERY lazy too turn, always needed too fall off the runway too take off, sensitive too land! Always found myself ripping the engines off... Still was fun, an VERY Kerbal like... (Great work)
  2. As a community we will have too vote what landing zones we want. Please give me your feedback... Same as version 2.0 we only need 3~4 Landing Zones max. Too add verity for different craft/plane an slight varying difficulty levels. As for the new Flight List: I am NOT taking bookings in this thread, when the new one is created. Please feel free too flood me with requests then..
  3. I am starting the flight list fresh, with version 3. Will be taking bookings in New thread only. Also will be implementing new rules, reduced the amount of none contributes wasting time. Stock, has close to 10 missed flights. 2 weeks roughly of waiting.
  4. Persistence file attached. Thank you khyron42. I must commend your ship design! Its BIG! 8) Would you like too book another flight? Mr_Orion Its now your go! Please see the original Post for the latest information.
  5. Exovian its now your go! Please find the latest Persistance file presently available, an all relativent information on my original post @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9656.0
  6. Adding you now. PS - Welcome too the forums. Done. Sorry guys, I have been really busy the past few days... With personal things + Testing the latest KSP X Build. I intend too FULLY update my original Post, soon! There is many bits of missing information, an landed ships, that haven\'t had there picture taken + credit given too said pilots! Part of the reason will be this thread can be archieved! Sadly, testing the KSP 15x1, has shown, that its completely broken compatibility, with KSP 14.4 Persistance file. So its likely we will need an entire new thread, dedicated too version 15, an start completely a fresh. I was thinking: STOCK COMMUNITY BASE STOCK COMMUNITY BASE 3.0 Suggestions On A Post Card: My mentallity too calling it 'STOCK COMMUNITY BASE' is that we can fly too other airfields + the mun! 8) Removing Mun, from the name seem neccessary. I fully intend on supporting, the Community STOCK Mun Base 2.0 Until such time, members stop requesting flights + the flight list is exhausted! At which point the latest Persistance file while be freely available too download as always.. If members have any questions/suggestions please feel free too let me know!
  7. Thank You trbinsc. Can you please forward me.. Ship Name + LZ (A/B/C) information! Forgot too run Persistance file, before updating First Post.. GOOMH, Its now your go again. Please find the latest Persistance File an information in original Post.
  8. Sorry too hear this. Please feel free to request another flight when you ready. trbinsc, its now your go Please see my original Post for the lates Persistance File + information.
  9. Hi sjwt. Sorry too hear of your difficulties! I really dont wish too dump you too the bottom of the list, thats a long wait... If you have been making landing attempts, you are welcome too request extra time, under rules 5 an 6 quoted below: 5. A 48+ Hour Window, will be given - From my notification. Pilots Must have made an attempt to Land, in this time frame. 6. As long as an attempt has been made, pilots may request further time, to succesfully land. These rules, are designed too dump players, that have NO interest in contributing, not penalise eager members Would you like some more time? Worth note\'ing, that when members have been on the clock, they have reported its significantly more difficult to land succesfully. Also its worth note\'ing that when you approach 200-300 Meters over your choosen LZ, too press F5 too quick save, your progress. Then if your kerbals die, in a massive explosiony death they can be reloaded by Holding F9! An re-live the last 200 meters landind approach.
  10. Thats some cool piloting skills there! Seriously close, but would appear to be safe enough apart... Adding you again. sjwt, its notw your go. Please see my original post for the latest persistance file an information.
  11. Not ancient spec\'s by any standards! Certainly makes a good desktop system. An was top spec 3-4 years ago. But as you rightly noticed, with a Landing Zone with 300+ Parts, construted over 8 ships. It really hammers the cpu... Thanks Sal_vager. Certainly safe to advise Laptop users to stay well clear of LZ Alpha. It tortures my laptop too 1FPS slide show. :\'(
  12. Thank you, Sal_vager. With your help, this community project can continue! May I ask, what system specs your running, so I can generally gauge the break off point, for members with slower systems! (Not to discourage, more advise members) Apotheisis its your go again. Please see my original post with Latest Persistance file. Post is still under construction...
  13. Yikes! Good spot! It would seem that the explosions Salda reported, could have been your ship exploding! (Not blaming Salda.) If you dont mind, can you please edit these two persistance files together, an repost with merged version! 1st is the original (Last Stable) 2nd is newest from Salda (Catistrophic failures) Can you please add Salda\'s ship, to the first persistance file, if you know what I mean! Adding you now!
  14. To anyone else heading for LZ-Alpha: you want to inch your way across the 200m mark; there is a whopper of a lag spike when it loads the other ships. (Also, it looked like there were explosions by a couple of the other ships, but they seem to be OK; I didn\'t check them out directly, though...) Thank you Salda007. Hope you had fun, an a interesting ship. The first to use alternative engines... Do you wish too book another flight? - As for the explosions: It would seem, my APOLLO-01 craft, has toppled over! > However Jeb an Co. Seem happy enough with that (There not getting home)? An Awaras Craft Horizon, has nose dived into the terrain, breaking the parachute module off! I have kept archieves of older persistance files, who is capable of editing in Salda007\'s New craft into an older File. Keeping both damaged ships intact!? Or just move on!? Adding you now, once I update the First Post. No, one flight window = one Craft launched an landed. The only exception to this has been me, I launched 3 craft in my last window, to setup the other two landing zones (Bravo/Charlie)
  15. Sounds like a perfect landing! Prefarably set down, when its day light + at less than 1m/s drift! So you want on the stock list? Any progress update Salda007?
  16. When landing at Landing Zone Alpha + Bravo. Be sure too take your time, an orbit the Mun until your prefared LZ is in direct sunlight, making distance judging far easier. - Sadly LZ Charlie at the South Pole, NEVER gets direct sunlight. One of the reasons it\'s for more advanced pilots. Secondly ALL Landing Zones are on very slight gradients. Not by design it\'s just the way of the Mun Surface. So landing at Less than 1m/s is advised, an try to remove all Horizon drift, as it WILL break Lander Legs or Winglets. Sorry to see you failed. Better luck tomorrow/today!
  17. Hi Salda007. I hate skipping members, but it\'s a necessary evil for this Mun Project too progress. But I am NOT skipping you, since you requested more time under the rules. Take your time, an land what your happy with. As for lower stages, Leave-em. They help tell the story of your voyage. - Happy Anniversery.
  18. Salda007 it\'s now your go. Please see my original Post, to download the latest Persistance file. Can members kindly inform me, when they cannot fly! This would save holding up the Communuty Mun Base by 2+ Days. Thanks.
  19. Which base was that? Landing Zone Alpha? As its filled with craft! Do you want me to put you on the end of the list! Could be another week+ before getting the chance to fly again? Ciber, its now your go! Please see my updated, original Post for access to the Latest Persistance File.
  20. Just unzip another version of KSP, from your download! Keep both on the Desktop. 1 Stock, 1 Modded! I\'d be keen on giving it a go, when its Stock only parts. PS: only need 1 ASAS unit.
  21. Yes I Post in this thread, in Blue writing, when a post needs immediate attention, off ALL members. I have also sent PM\'s to every member, reminding them its there turn. - However, going through my PM Messages, I dont see any record of sending one to Gojira, So I appologise, if I missed you! Yes, that looks like a Crash landing, but thanks for contributing! Would you like to book another flight, or try again immediatly, too land another craft intact?
  22. Why don\'t you just download the persistence file now, an see how you get on. This question was actually asked before. So Perhaps a slight editing of words is appropriate. The real reason why I want usable an working craft is watching the Original Community Mun Project. @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7849.0 It resembled more of a Scrap Yard than, a Community of Mun Vehicles... Sadly many of the pictures in the original post are taken down, too prove my point. Besides, after ALL the effort you put into building, flying, landing your craft, don\'t you want it represented in the best light, some one might want to test fly your craft, I have personally flown Sal_Vager\'s Radio Telescope Unit One an crashed it.... However, I have NEVER refused a Persistance file contributed by members, Some of the craft are almost out of fuel, some have no RCS. But generally they are in working order. Heck, I landed my APOLLO-02 (Landing Zone Bravo) an its missing two winglets during a hard landing, Its not Perfect but its still usable. Too summarise, I don\'t want a collection of scattered parts + Command Pod, as been your Craft. Sorry, I have never been a fan of role playing. (In reference to to micro-managing of the Base, an damaged ships) So I won\'t be implementing that idea into this project. Also, my time will become some what limited, as I am starting my own business. (Don\'t worry, I will do what I can.) How big are we talking? 100-200 Parts? If its really big, you could consider opening another space port, close by, or completely away from other craft. Obviously you\'d have to wait your turn.
  23. Thank you Sal_vager, another wonderful contribution to the Mun Colony. An a wonderfully original Lander design... My Kerbals Thank you for the gift of Food + Drink + Satelite TV/Radio... - I trust you will want, to book another flight? Moving on: TNTGODZZ Its now your go.. Please see my updated post, for all the latest information. An I have made a few alterations, too The Community Stock Rules: Copy + Pasted For members conveniance, New/Updated Rules are highlighted in Blue, Please read them. Mun Colony Flight Guide-lines: Updated 26.04.12 1. All Flights Must be flown, with the Latest Supported KSP Build. Presently KSP 0.14.4 2. All Flights Must be flown, with STOCK Parts Only. 3. All Flights Must be requested in advance, to be added to the Mun Colony Flight List. 4. All Flights Must be flown in order - Please No Skipping. 5. A 48 Hour Window, will be given - From my notification. Pilots Must have made an attempt to Land, in this time frame. 6. As long as an attempt has been made, pilots may request further time, to succesful land. 7. Pilots who missed there Launch Window, are welcome to request another flight. 8. Land you craft in a working re-usable order, with some fuel - Some one might want to test you craft later. 9. At the End of your flight please post your Persistance file. (It will then be accessible to others, an uploaded to this Post.) 10. Please take pictures, for your own record. But also to help tell the story of your brave Kerbals voyage. 11. Pilots are free to choose any Landing Zone (Alpha/Bravo/Charlie) At there discression. 12. However Pilots will be encouraged, to Land at alternative LZ\'s, if one or more may become overcrowded, in the fareness that ALL members can enjoy an contribute. - Always Have Fun.
  24. That big of a craft. Please take some Pop Corn an chips, as my Kerbals are doing funny things to each, cus there so hungry. That\'ll teach them to pack there lunch boxes. Nahh, I sure there lonely however. Must rebook another flight for myself, an try landing in a Crator.
  25. Wonderful work, Greghorst! A very well presented an documented reply of your mission. 5 Stars! Do you wish too book another flight? Sal_Vager, its now your turn. Updating original post, so please check there for persistance file.
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