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Everything posted by neamerjell

  1. Okay, cool. I think I may have found something useful: http://hunt.net.nz/users/darran/weblog/15f92/Arduino_UNO_Big_Joystick_HID_firmware.html This firmware can turn an Arduino UNO into a HID Joystick with up to 8 axis and 40 buttons! Wow! I would definitely have to use shift registers or some other voodoo to read 40 buttons with an UNO, but this looks promising.
  2. A Python daemon is equivalent to an application that runs in the system tray, right? I run Windows 7, and from what I've read about daemons in reference to Linux I think that's how they work.
  3. Okay, I'm sold on the idea, and being inspired by this project, I have an idea rolling around in my head. As much as I like KSP, I would like my control board to be more versatile. I want to use it as a performance monitor, fan controller, game controller for games other than KSP, etc. At the center of my control board would be a monitor, like the AOC Portable USB Monitor. This monitor would display a custom screen based on whatever application I am using it for: gauges and readouts for KSP, temperature and fan speed gauges, network throughput, etc. for a system monitor. It would also display a label for all the buttons and switches, as their function would change depending on the application I am using it for. Around it would be a collection of buttons and switches, maybe some potentiometers or rotary encoders. I found a link to a site called Desktop Aviators that has ready made USB interfaces for switches, but the price is awfully steep in my opinion, especially when there is probably a way to use an Arduino and a shift register to do the same thing for practically free, since I already own an Arduino. I also thought about integrating a USB hub into it, as it would probably be necessary anyway. I want only one cable going from this to my PC, I would also likely need a power adapter for the USB hub to provide a full 2A, since the PC's USB port only supplies 500mA. The assembly and wiring would be no problem for me. I'm experienced in programming, and am fluent, but at least familiar with C#, Python and Arduino's customized version of the C language. The biggest challenge for me would be how best to interface with the PC. I think mapping to keyboard keys would prove to be problematic since I would be using a keyboard along side of this. Any ideas? Map the switches to joystick buttons or read them directly over a serial connection with the application I would inevitably write for the PC? Is one easier than the other? Parts already owned: Arduino UNO Powered USB hub A strip of RGB LEDs Parts I know I would need: Material for the housing (I'm thinking acrylic) All the switches, buttons, etc.
  4. Okay, so we all (or at least the majority of us) agree 1.0 is great. I think we are arguing semantics at this point. As long as it is great and the devs are still working to make it even better, what does it matter what version it is called? It could be called version 1 + ( SQRT(5) / 2 ) for all I care. So long as it is stable as it is and the devs are still committed to improving it even further, I'm happy. Even Micro$oft gave up on version numbers with the release of Windows 95 and assigns seemingly arbitrary names to new versions of Windows. Heck, they even skipped a version and went straight from 8.1 to 10!
  5. I knew it! It wouldn't be long before a modder started development of a heat sink or radiator for 1.0! I was just about to request one too. I too am aware of the radiators available in some mod that Scott Manley used in his Interstellar Quest series. I wonder if these could be reverse engineered and adapted to the new heat model to make inline and radially attached heat sinks... Here are examples of what I had in mind: Radially attached: Cylindrical:
  6. In my experience, mismatched RAM is rarely a good idea. Your motherboard will be limited by the slower RAM even though there is faster RAM installed. It may or may not be related. Have you noticed speed or stability issues in applications outside of KSP? If yes, then I would blame this.
  7. I for one applaud the efforts of the testers and developers! 1.0 is amazing and surprisingly stable! With all the new stuff they added or just flat out replaced, I'm surprised there are as few bugs, if any as there are. I haven't played much yet and I don't know what is a bug and what is simply different because of the new aero and heat models. Even though 64 bit was disappointingly dropped for 1.0, I can tell that the devs spent plenty of time under the hood of the 32 bit version with optimizations (how else would they have been able to add the fancy graphical effects without a severe impact on performance or memory usage?) People will always lash out against change. That is human nature. But enlightened individuals will realize this about themselves and curb their negativity in favor of encouragement and, if needed, *constructive* criticism.
  8. I wholly disagree. This version definitely deserves the 1.0 badge! They completely reworked some things and they are way different from 0.90, but take some time to learn what's new before calling everything you don't like a bug that escaped beta testing. Yes, aircraft constructed with 0.90 will be completely whacked out under the new aero model. I learned early on that the COM-COL relationship is slightly different as well. COM should now be twice as far forward as it used to be of the COL to keep a plane from backflipping at take off.
  9. My $0.02: I think the slow downs due to part numbers you are experiencing is due, at least in part, to the higher resolution textures and graphical effects used in 1.0. You might gain some performance by backing down your texture quality and terrain scatters in the settings menu. Outside of that, Active Texture Management is 1.0 compatible now.
  10. I have redesigned the Ravenspear V4 stock craft with very good results... Mach 1.08 while still on the runway!!!!! Top speed: Mach 2.64 / 901.4 m/s (right before it blew up) Part count: 36 Mass: 15,486 kg Surface TWR: 3.88 I love the new feature of the fuselage type being stamped on the hull. I also love the fact that airbrakes are now stock! Mach 1.01 (358m/s) and still some runway left to go! Mach 2.64 / 901.4 m/s (right before it blew up)
  11. My observations after about 20 minutes of building and flying a custom jet: OMG! The controls are touchy! I swapped out my elevators for a pair with about half the lift and that helped a lot. I also adjusted my COM much farther forward of my COL than I would have in 0.90... and I finally got it to be stable without doing backflips on takeoff. Also, when flying slow (less than 80m/s) and you think you just found another infiniglide, you drop straight down like a rock and crash. Kudos to the devs for creating a realistic stall, but be warned: it is very unforgiving! "Even tiny planes with only two engines can reach OMGWTFBBQ speeds at extremely low altitude, when such planes could barely reach 250m/s before." - RedDwarfIV BBQ speed? LOL Yeah, that just about sums it up! Won't be long before modders will be creating new mods to bust the windows out of the administration building on a flyby... (hint, hint) Mods you may not need now: FAR, Deadly Reentry, Stage Recovery(?), Scan Sat, Karbonite...
  12. I'm excited about KSP 1.0! I nearly uninstalled Elite Dangerous when it hit 1.0 because they didn't deliver on their promises (landing on planets, IVA, EVA)
  13. Well there you have it: the community has spoken. NO PAID DLC! My two cents is that I have always thought that DLC was just a greedy money grab most of the time. Using first person shooters as an example, if you want me to pay $5 for just a new skin or a single new weapon, then forget it - that is clearly a greedy money grab (Every MMO that exists and Tomb Raider). If you want up to 30% of the original purchase price of the game for an expansion that rivals the size and complexity of the original game, then maybe I'll bite. (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
  14. Actually, it comes in very handy for several reasons: 1. Most importantly, it allows me to balance the COL and COM more easily 2. "you could pack it with science experiments" - eddiew << what he said! 3. Its great for those "test this part at such and such altitude" contracts, it gives me a place to put the part!
  15. This is a fairly simple jet that I use for science gathering missions and Kerbin visual surveys. Mods I know for certain I used: B9 texture replacer astronomer's pack Ven's stock part retexture environmental visual enhancements Anyone know how to get Raster Prop Monitor to work with the MK2 cockpit?
  16. I've added this mod to my watch list. I have been looking for something like this for a long time...
  17. I completed the space station contract with a science station that keeps on giving. I have already unlocked most of the tech tree with this thing! In doing this, I also completed my first really successful docking! YAY! I used MechJeb to launch (because I'm lazy, not because I don't know how) and to rendevous (because I don't know how, yet). It took me a few tries to get the orientation correct so I could use the RCS effectively - Thanks DasValdez for the dorsal battery idea! The docking alignment indicator mod was utterly useless to me because I didn't know what the lines and symbols meant, I would much rather have just mounted a camera near the docking port. But I finally got it done.
  18. This is great to fall asleep to, also spacey, floating feel to it (more for when you are in orbit...): Liquid Mind
  19. Not always, some Easter eggs are "hidden in plain sight" sort of like the ridiculous clauses in EULA's just to see who actually reads the whole thing before clicking okay. Maybe you've heard of the brown M&Ms clause in Van Halen's concert contracts? The purpose of this Easter egg was for safety instead of humor. "Uh oh, we have brown M&M's here. What else did they miss?" Their contracts spelled out specific power and structural requirements of the stage for their equipment, which, if not followed could result in injury or death of band members, staff, or even audience members. (http://www.snopes.com/music/artists/vanhalen.asp) I too love the Easter eggs which are little details like the ones earlier in this thread that were likely put there by the developer / modder, just to see who would catch it. I especially enjoy the pop culture references in some games (Deus Ex:Human Revolution is full of references to sci-fi authors and characters).
  20. neamerjell


    1 Always changing, never the same, <== okay, so it is / they are dynamic 2 But always one in nature and name, <== not sure, singular identity? 3 Always wandering, always collecting, <== air molecules? water molecules? they are always fluid and collecting dust particles, etc. 4 But never travelling, and never detecting <== that blows my last idea, so this is something intangible... 5 What their true importance is to us all, <== this statement makes no sense grammatically, ignored, for now 6 For without them, even the mighty could fall, <== something intangible, dynamic, with a singular identity, which is "always collecting", and is absolutely essential, hmm... 7 They all have their lives, they all have a quest, <== this seems related to the singular identity, but this is a major clue 8 But one of their number is more than the rest. <==Got it! The human mind! The human mind is constantly collecting and rearranging information (1, 3), every living creature has a mind of some sort (2), the mind can't exit the body it inhabits (4), it is essential to the being (5, 6), each one is unique with its own wants and dreams (2, 7), the human mind is considered to be the greatest of them all(8)
  21. It is uncanny that I have been working on just such a thing... I wrote mine in Python 3. I'm having problems with it not writing the last 13 records to the csv file even though it is definitely reading and parsing the data from those files according to the messages I wrote to the console. import os startpath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData' outpath = "C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\Desktop\\partlist.csv" datain = '' title = '' fullpath = '' partpath = '' modname = '' idx = 0 filecount = 0 readcount = 0 partcount = 0 strout = '' f = open(outpath, 'w') #column headers f.write('PART COUNT,TITLE,MOD NAME,PATH\n') #Apparently this function that automatically handles the recursion through the file system (SWEET!), found it using Google for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startpath): for name in files: filecount += 1 #If the filename ends in ".cfg" then open it #something in Crowd Sourced Science mod files creates errors, and this is not a part mod anyway, so just skip it if name.find(".cfg") != -1: fullpath = os.path.join(root, name) if fullpath.find('CrowdSourcedScience') == -1: i = open(fullpath, 'r') datain = i.read() readcount += 1 i.close #make sure it is actually a part file because not all .cfg files are part files if datain.find("PART\n{") != -1: #since outputting to a CSV, commas will screw everthing up, replace them with underscores #Prime example: "Advanced S.A.S Module, Large" datain = datain.replace(",", "_") idx = datain.find('title = ') if idx != -1: title = datain[idx + 8:datain.find("\n", idx + 8)] #endif 'title = ' found #Create a path starting at "GameData\..." modname = fullpath[76:fullpath.find("\\", 76, len(fullpath))] partcount += 1 #This fixed my earlier problem: it was not writing the last 13 or so records #so I stored everything to a variable and then wrote the variable once #This confirms my earlier suspicion that the write routine was bogging down somehow strout += str(partcount) + ',' + title + ',' + modname + ',' + fullpath + '\n' #This works perfectly, go figure print(str(partcount) + ',' + title + ',' + modname + ',' + fullpath) datain = None #endif datain.find("PART\n{") != -1 #endif name.find(".cfg") != -1 #next (for name in files) #next (for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startpath)) f.write(strout) f.close print('File Count:' + str(filecount) + '\n') # 14231 print('Read Count:' + str(readcount) + '\n') # 1595 print('Part Count:' + str(partcount) + '\n') # console displays 983, only 969 written to csv... print("Done.") I thought maybe the call to the os file management routines might have gotten out of sync or something, but every record is just right until just before the end of the list. I also thought maybe the program was closing the file before a write queue was finished. EDIT: I fixed it! At least the initial test makes me think so. I stored all the stuff to a variable and wrote the variable in one shot rather than continuously writing to the file (which I suspected was bogging down somehow). I have installed a few mods since I started so the actual count is more like 989 but the count and the number of records in the csv match this time!
  22. Amen, brother! I play because its fun, interesting, and for that immense satisfaction you get when you spend hours, days or even weeks designing something and finally completing the mission without making anything important explode or killing any Kerbals.
  23. I agree that KSP needs something crane-worthy that is KAS compatible. I made that crane in the pic using Lack Luster Labs, Infernal Robotics, and Kerbal Attachment System. The turntable was the weakest point on it, so I ended up just posting it for show. The rover base functioned beautifully, although it would drag the rear end while trying to climb hills, so I put hinges on the wheel mounts so I could raise the body, sort of like hydraulic lift, but Kerbal style...
  24. http://www.neamerjell.com/projects/ksp/Kolony%20Mothership%202.craft BTW: it takes a few tries to land these modules correctly. I have to send a crane to put two of the modules upright again and move them close together. However I was impressed with myself that I got all the modules within about 8km of each other... now THAT took a lot of tries to get right! I did a little victory dance when I finally got all the modules to the surface without wrecking them. I have about 80 mods installed, but the ones I'm sure I used in this are: Tweakscale Tweakable Everything MKS / OKS B9 Aerospace MechJeb the solar panels are from the Near Future contstruction or something - I know it is part of the Near Future series KAS KW Rocketry
  25. Oh yes! This too!!!! Stage 1 should be launch. My idea still stands, but I would suggest the stages follow standard numbering (except the reverse like Vallius said) unless you choose to rename that stage. I just thought of something else - what if you could fold the stages down so only the number or name is visible, so that if you have 14 stages, they don't go off the screen? I'm thinking of the same concept from computer programming "integrated development environments" or IDE, where code folding is a convenient feature that lets you shrink down all the visible subroutines to just the first line (which normally is its name) so you can concentrate on the one subroutine you are working on. Apply that concept to the staging.
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