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Everything posted by TechnicalK3rbal

  1. Sorry I can't embed it right now... Can't do that on an ipad. Anyway, Edit: I finally embedded it!
  2. It doesn't work, Jeb just freezes and falls over.
  3. You would've like Civ 3, there were no nuclear treaties, and they would destroy entire cities instead of just damaging them.
  4. Yeah, today's launch is going to be the first one that they'll actually try landing it, though they estimate a 30-40% chance of it actually working...
  5. Dangerous and possibly unstable? (At least with FAR.....)
  6. Most twist, but I've seen some that actually move vertically.
  7. No. ~1 Nokia/Windows Between 12pm and 2pm Completely disagree
  8. I don't know how I forgot to mention these originally!
  9. Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy? Less futuristic scifi, The Lord Of the Rings is really good. Your library's website ( if you're in the US, I don't know about other countries) will have lots of free eboooks on their website.
  10. 1 year ago, today, actually. I first saw it in the reviews for the Space Agency IOS game.
  11. Don't hold the trigger down. They aren't full-auto, you'll need to fire quickly. If your on a team, find somewhere relatively high (if there's any height, there are 3 floors where i go.) and snipe them. If it's free for all, stay on the lowest level and move around as much as possible. Bouncing the beam off of mirrors helps.
  12. I enjoy the game The Infinite Black.
  13. How many would be interested in the addition of multiple launchpads, either for different types/size rockets, or (in the future with some sort of an economy) having more so that repairing/reseting could be done in less time? (assuming there is going to be some kind of delay, I.E. if you launch a 20 ton rocket, you must wait two days before launching another)
  14. You have to research (what is that with the wing? basic aerodynamics?) That'll lead to it methinks.
  15. You should be able to run it directly from the flash-drive so long as it isn't in a compressed (zipped) folder.
  16. You could use the launcher but it isn't nescasary.
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