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Everything posted by TechnicalK3rbal

  1. Welcome! Use the [ and ] keys to switch between ships within 2.4 km of each other.
  2. Show the. How big your rocket is. Then tell them that's about 1/6 how big it would need to be to get into earth orbit.
  3. The space shuttle from ~2020 in Tom Clancy's HAWX (ps3) was pretty realistic, albeit in somewhat more modern way.
  4. Judging by the lack of obvious problems, it should be out by the end of the week,
  5. I get an automatic 40points for being the only person on this thread without an avatar.
  6. Banned for being in three places at once. (Check location)
  7. There's always the magic boulder. Edit: that's Ike, isn't it?
  8. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1stu43/jingle_bob_kerman/
  9. What does the Soyuz reentry module use as (the material for) a heat shield? Edit: Yes, I Google'd it. Edit Edit: I know its ablative.
  10. Same reason both sides built nuclear missile subs during the Cold War. If the land based missile sites were destroyed, the pre-programmed satellite could rain the proverbial fire down upon the attacking country with impunity.
  11. 1. You do know those fuselages are upside-down, right? 2. The B9 landing gear have a nasty habit of spontaneously breaking, use the stock ones.
  12. It's probably why he doesn't use a mic, if he's not very good speaking English. Not to criticize Hungarians.
  13. Last I checked, if you had over 1000 hours flying a jet, NASA would consider you for a shuttle pilot. FOr obvious reasons, that's not a requirement anymore
  14. Yes, rudimentary, or at least semi-advanced. I don't think understanding how a virus reporoduces is required for this.
  15. Yes, it's not learning, it's memorizing facts for the next test.
  16. Being homeschooled, it's a bit more restrictive.....
  17. Biology is a required course in high school?
  18. Yay! Now to figure out how to use them!
  19. First, someone please move this. Second, its already been done and it works great.
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