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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. Nope,last time with 0.23.5 they went to stratchpad and then released,Or I dunno.
  2. Well,Looks like our hypetrain crashed today,Killed many kerbals.. See you guys tomorrow ^^
  3. I dont know what it means but,Now they are working on strachpad; http://steamdb.info/app/220200/history/
  4. Discovering wheels at the end. Pretty ironic eh? still thinking that those are rover wheels which is pretty technologic.
  5. Usually 64bit games come in same package,With two executable,One for 32bit,one for 64bit.
  6. It's 00.00 in Turkey right now,Wish I could see the update after sleeping.
  7. Ion engine or Nuclear engine probably,Because they are kinda experimental parts,and still developing.
  8. Before lock,Let me say one thing; Aerodynamics.
  9. I dont know ksp but,other 64bit games uses same folders and files,Not different files for different architecture. They just have two executable in same folder. Like battlefield 4.
  10. If you ask me,Space planes are become more ridiculous with every new patch,Think about 0.24; there is no proper aerodynamics,when you use nosecones on planes or rockets,it will cost money,also it will add more weight. And there is nothing good about them. I believe we will need better aerodynamics soon.
  11. Even my laptops gt650m gpu can play game at 1080p. Problem is with the cpu always,You can try overclocking.
  12. Yes they do,But honestly I was actually referring my own cpu,i7 3610qm 2.3ghz (3ghz at turbo) 8 core (4 of them real but,counts as 8 ). And Im not very satisfied about my cpu's performance in ksp. I get high fps but,with the higher part counts,Performance drops significantly.
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