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  1. As people have already stated this can easily be done with parts already in the pack, thusly: And yes, I always tend to build the entire thing in the VAB then send it up in chunks... just to make sure it all fits together
  2. The size of the KSOS mods are really not the issue. I run them with KW, Nova, Karbonite and a bunch of others without running out of RAM, and i'm still using 32bit...
  3. loving these craft beale! Here is my Koyuz spacecraft linked up to KStation1! (it's hiding there on the underside in the back)
  4. Awesome! I was hoping for some KAS compatibility on that so that I can get some supplies up to this beast-in-the-works:
  5. what are your plans for the progress, is it going to be compatible with other mods like TAC or KAS for supply deliveries? EDIT: if you've already answered this i apologize as all the lines tend to blur together when i'm scanning previous posts >.>
  6. i've been using it in my .24 sandbox games without any issues... the only problem is taking the time to integrate it into the tech tree the way i want it
  7. so yeah... I have like 6 different installs of KSP, but this is the only instance in which i use both of these two mods at the same time... then i realized I apparently still had v6 of Stretchy installed in this one... so yeah... it works now
  8. NathanKell, I actually found that I am only having the scrolling issue on any of the tanks from the StretchyTanks mod, it seems to work on all the tanks that have a fixed volume. On the stretch tanks it seems to be giving the window too many decimal places to deal with causing it to word wrap, thus moving the buttons farther down than the plugin thinks there should be options. Because of this maybe the plugin does not realize I should be able to scroll down.
  9. I followed the instructions that you gave him to do, however, there is no RealFuels.dll anywhere in the GameData folder. Once the ModularFuelTanks.dll all the tanks are once again stock. The menu does not even show up in the action groups window.
  10. ^ this. I am also unable to scroll the window to select fuels farther down the list and can never get to the auto-configure buttons. Scrolling the mouse wheel does nothing. Trying to grab the scroll bar and drag it does nothing. A solution for those of us with lower resolutions would be much appreciated.
  11. Positively loving this story! Picked it up again since I'm on vacation. Can't wait for the next one!
  12. oh i did... he hates Bob now and has vowed to launch him into the sun at the first opportunity
  13. good job as always czo. keep up the good work! on a side note my boss saw me playing KSP on my laptop during break and made me install it in his office so he could try it out
  14. of course you deserve the rep! i just wish it would let me give you more...
  15. whether or not czo has military experience or not... these are Kerbals!!! everything must be long and complicated side note: gearing my Kerbals up for my first attempt of a Grand Tour since .22 if all goes well, they will be meeting up with resupplies and upgraded systems once they get to Duna, then more upgrades should meet them at Jool
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