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Everything posted by roxedboxer

  1. No matter how many heat radiators I use, the waste heat only goes up...what do?
  2. Ehm...why won't my ir telescope generate any more science? It was when I first launched it..
  3. True enough...but I would like it to work a Bit better...
  4. Cool enough concept..always explodes jet engines, makes my craft flip out, and sends it into about a 120 degree inclination...
  5. Sooo, any chance of this ever being updated again? I would really really like that...
  6. Why am I only able to get tiny amounts of thrust with the plasme thrusters?
  7. Alright.. How the hey am I supposed to install this mod. The instructions are confusing. Edit: Nevermind, it works now.
  8. Why does far keep making my SAS go insane a few seconds after launching? This is extremely annoying and keeps causing my crafts to fly out of control. Edit: Nevermind. Screw FAR. Deleting it.
  9. So I'd be willing to bet this has been asked already, but I simply don't want to wade through a few hundred pages of comments. How compatible with procedural fairings is FAR?
  10. Hmm alright. Placing the smelter as the root part works, but it seems that if the smelter isn't the root part, then you're s.o.l.
  11. Still having the smelter not attaching or showing up outside of the vab/sph problem. Any idea how to fix this?
  12. Now I have another problem...the smelters don't work..when attached to something they stay translucent and don't spawn outside of the vab..
  13. How do I go about submitting an email application? What email do I send it to? I can't seem to find it.
  14. Ok so, I'm interested in this mod, but won't be downloading it yet because of the massive amount of work it still needs. I will keep an eye on it though.
  15. I would be extremely interested in the android beta. This is a phenomenal idea and I would make constant use of it. I have a samsung galaxy rugby pro.
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