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Everything posted by Spacecats!

  1. Sopa sucks. If that bill is passed, I\'m moving to england, where I can go on the internet and NOT worry about somebody shutting down an importnat site. \'Nuff said.
  2. Guys, how many of you hate the 'bill'? Reply with 'Aye', 'I Do' , etc...
  3. I\'m not going to waste my efforts, and I wont let this go by. Either SOPA goes, or the internet goes. Who\'s with me?
  4. I support this so much, that I wasted an hour of my life that could have been used to go outside and play, read a book, or play a video game. But no, I decided to write an essay on my view of SOPA. Government of the United states of America, I want my liberty back: America: Not as free as you\'d think America. Honestly, people. America, The land of the free and the home of the brave. Well, the internet is losing it\'s freedom as this is typed. SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, is essentally going to allow any moron to shut down any site, whether or not it infringes his or her rights. It also doesn\'t require any evidince of any sort, which is essentally saying 'Oh, you don\'t like this website? Here you go, it\'s gone!' This god-awful law is a horrible solution to a horrible problem. On Janurary 18, 2012 over 7,000 websites were blacked out by their own will to protest against SOPA, and this has only outraged Americans as word spread just days before Janurary 18. And, I out of anybody who might be reading this letter to you Sir/Ma\'am, I certainly will let you know how I feel about this act which should not be approved by any means necessary. Piracy is a big problem, but is also good, in some cases. People are sucessful, not because somebody made something horrible. Have you heard the word 'Meme'? It\'s something that\'s sucessful and passed around a lot. Yet you don\'t see somebody going around saying 'Hey, idiot! I made that, not you! Sue, sue, sue!', but rather 'Nice job guys! The comunity is really growing around the thing I have made!'. The reality is this; people APPRECIATE having their things shared, they don\'t hate it! John Clark testified about illegal pirating in the monline medical feild, in which I respect the feild very highly for. IF this bill is passed then it should only be avaliable to the high-ranking government officals. Rep. Lamar Smith proposed this outrageous bill and had people like John Smith backing him up on this. And, this to me is very dissappointing to me, and my fellow Americans. This bill is a horrific monster, in my opinion. Not because it will, say, take down Youtubeâ„¢, or Facebookâ„¢, Wikipediaâ„¢, etc..., but because that in doing so, you are destroying people\'s ability to learn, as well as other\'s hard work and effort. Imagine this: You made a Youtubeâ„¢ video, and it went viral. Lets say, something like 1,265,965 views in an hour since posting. Then, sombody you don\'t know, completely out of the blue just comes up to you, says'This video infringes on my rights, cuz I have had that music on mah laptop for teh longest tiemz. INFRINGEMENT! ' and removes your video. Wouldn\'t that make you mad, like you wanted to kill that person? That\'s SOPA on a very, very small scale. This bill will let the government take down any site they want and abuse their powers. Its just like communism, if the government runs this way today it is run that way the next day, and the day after. The police everywhere, looking for people who don\'t agree with the government\'s ideas and being around up in the middle of the night just for speaking their mind. Unforntantly, this happened before. Once a government is corrupt, then the whole country goes down the tubes, with no one to turn it back to normal because of the new laws they impliment to keep the people just so they can do it a while longer. I won\'t see the internet, possibly the greatest invention of our time yet, go to waste. I, just like everybody else, use everyday to find out information. And so do the schools, I mean, if SOPA was passed then what if Wikipediaâ„¢ was shut down, what else the schools use if Googleâ„¢ was shut down as well? And, what if Amazonâ„¢ got shut down, they are an online-only store, and will be run out of business because of this act, with the same story for eBayâ„¢. If you have a Facebookâ„¢, Twitterâ„¢, Myspaceâ„¢, or a Gmailâ„¢ then it will be greatly affected, you can more than certainly count on it. I am not trying to start a riot, or a fight, or a 'My dad can beat your dad' situation, but just a peaceful protest. I would prefer that the sites themselves have to monitor everything posted on them rather than the government. It may be more work for the sites, but in the long run, it would be better for everybody. I will not stand for this and, therefore am completely against this act against freedom. I may have my back against the wall here, but I can and I will stand against this bill for all that its worth. These are my words, and I speak them boldy and proudly, as a true American should.
  5. Translation: No, we have the Mun, so we have Kerbol?
  6. Normal text: Little boy that has done litterally NOTHING wrong to infringe on others rights. Bold: Asshole who has no life, and simply hides behind a COMPUTER MONITER to make 'Friends' with people that don\'t even care about him. SOPA: HOW TO BE A DUCK: By Jonathan Parenthesis, 2nd grade You first be a duck by learning to swim. Then, you blah balh blah. Blah blah blah bhallhalhallh hlahlha lh lalhlall la lhall hal halhlalhalhalh lal a lalh l allal hlal la hlallhhahah h ah l lal l al lal lalalallalallallalall al al lal al all al alall alal THIS STORY INFRINGES OUR RIGHTS, SO WE ARE DELETING IT. Oh yea, that reminds me: ©©©© Happy, government?
  7. Squad! Take my sword in the fight for freedom! \'Merica! †*Yes, i know you guys work in \'Merica\'s 'Pants', but you can still help, just like the guys in \'Merica\'s hat can. Sorry if offensive. oh yea. COPYRIGHT 2012 DINOSAUR_MCGINLEY BLAH BLAH BLAH ©©©© Happy, government?
  8. Uggh. If SOPA and PIPA are passed, i\'m moving to england. Long live the queen, pip pip! No? Okay.
  9. Trust me, you\'re not alone
  10. You should post a bulletin on the main page of the KSP website to say 'If sopa is passed, it\'s okay to make videos/ take photos, record music, montages, etc!'
  12. Lol, you took that the split second before wikipedia changes.
  13. *falls out of chair, screaming pure happiness and vomiting kitten fur at the same time as of seeing your comment*
  14. If you like ponies, then you like being a little girl. And that\'s just fucking weird.
  15. Cool story, bro. You should get it published. :X
  16. Chuck Kerman can access the internet. THROUGH A WALKIE-TALKIE.
  18. *Nervous shrug* Photo taken at the ripe age of 13 (even though it looks as if I\'m 6)
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