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Everything posted by HaDeZs

  1. Having an issue with the graphics on planet Kerbal. It loads up perfect for a half second then changes to this white Kerbal.
  2. I don't think because you can't give yourself goals that you don't belong here but I get your point. I'm not one of those that enjoys giving myself goals for a pat on my own back, there should be a reason aside from exploring new things. First off, I think the .22 update is a step in the right direction and yes it does add something good while not changing the basics really. After you gather your initial science for all the unlocks, your essentially playing sandbox while still being able to collect more science. While people can say "oh science is too easy, I maxed the tree in 3 flights" there are still plenty of people that found this a better learning experience and more of a reason to play kerbal as did I. I thought the sandbox mode as a new player was extremely daunting with all the parts. If your not playing from the early releases its hard to jump in and stay in it. I'm one of those people that can log into minecraft and won't build or do much and stops playing in a few days. I find it boring giving myself challenges after a while because there is no end reason for them aside from knowing I can do it. I know I can build or do them before I try, the issue is really how much of a timesink they will be and if that will keep me interested. I know other people like the open sandbox but I do much better on multiplayer minecraft server with different plugins that give me different open ended goals. If I want to PVP i'm able to, or go build a house in a town, or farm mobs for drops to build things. And each of those has a purpose. There is now a reason other than creating something that I can focus my attention on. It gives me a bunch of little things to do that I can interchange between to keep myself interested in the game. Take kerbal sandbox mode for example. First off, your given the plethora of parts which in itself is hard to swallow without watching hours of video's or playing with all the parts for a few hours. Then you start flying to things and give yourself goals, like lets fly to each planet and land or lets make a satellite or a space station. Once you complete those there isn't another reason to do them again unless you enjoyed that experience. Granted its amazing that you can do anything you want but there is no underlying open ended REASON to do anything. There is no purpose or reason to do anything in kerbal, same as minecraft. But the majority of people are playing plugin heavy minecraft servers and after you flew to 1-2 planets in kerbal your downloading different mods and jumping into challenges to post and share online. Now with the early implementation of the tree and science points, I'm able to choose how I want to achieve those science points for my next unlock and if I want to see if I can fly to Duna on tier 1 parts I can without limitation. In the end its giving people different new goals and a reward system for playing the game openly the way you want to. Thats the key that people are missing. You can't put the tech tree and science point gains on a linear progression past what the tree already limits you to. I'm sure noone here wants to be forced to fly around kerbal and do a bunch of storyline goals to be able to fly to the mun or beyond. This would kill the game. I like the open goal approach that the career mode still allows and i'm sure eveyrone will agree. Ideally, I would have loved a merchant system or a research area where I can use my science points to unlock the parts that I would like instead of having them grouped and there are ways of establishing a "tier" system for the parts in both those which still doubles as a "tutorial". Either way, its just a different way to skin a banana and this game has plenty of different banana's to skin in different ways. But this tree doubles as a tutorial for new players to learn and better understand which is in itself much greater than anyone here understands. This game needs new players coming in, new interest and this helps Squad with that as well. Also, how open ended is modding in this game. Most of the stuff I see is just additions without any major gameplay changes. One of the great things about minecraft and a few other games is the fact that people were able to modify the base gameplay and create their own versions of the game. Since then minecraft has just been adding those mods to their new releases. I'm sure Squad will take all this feedback on the tutorial and build out career mode to be as great as the sandbox already is. There are plenty of smart people here giving their input and suggestions on what they would like and Squad will be able to skin out an open ended End-game for everyone eventually.
  3. In the end its not about a timeline progression. Its about adding an achievable value in the game for people to acquire and give the same sandbox mentality where people can acquire it the way they want to. I don't think the game should put more constraints on people, the tree is constraining already but its a great tool to get people into the game and learn to build. If I want to get science by building a jet and flying around kerbal one day and the next morning I wake up and want to practice flyby's on the moons for science then I should be free to do so. I think this update is excellent in its execution and it gives the devs at kerbal a GREAT base of idea's to grow the "endgame" out. Anyways, I'm on the same spaceboat as Polaris. I played with the game a while back but there was no real goal for the game aside from a rocket physics engine. This update changed that for a lot of people that play games like I do and have the same view. Like, I can sit and play for hours on some minecraft servers building and playing around on the server but if I go on my own private server I won't build or do anything. I loved the idea of kerbal, just got bored with the lack of goals in the game. Plus the plethora of parts available at the start is very daunting and hard for a newbie to jump into without spending hours on youtube watching scott videos =)
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