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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I find myself in a bad situation with my shuttle, how do I protect it from reentry when the only available heat shields are for pods and stuff? That's why I'd like some procedural shields that can be built to protect the bottom of my craft. If it's not possible, tell me.
  2. thanks i got it working now the outer planets appear in the tracking station now. i think it was the curseforge download it might be broke
  3. what am i looking for. no this is the first time. here are the results of the search still dont know what i'm looking for.
  4. i run a windows and the game is x32 i have made sure i got the latest version of texture replacer
  5. hello everyone i'd like some help i installed this mod but the outer planets aren't forming its still just the normal solar system (i have the same problem with the multiple star systems mod) can anyone help
  6. i got a problem when i install this my game won't start it will load but stops when loading a part called vista. can someone tell me if anyone else is having this issue and if yes how to fix it
  7. pro: you get money from the controll con: you just sold your controlls:( i and anyone i touch turn into clockwork by virus
  8. granted you get my lamp but being a genie and getting getting a wish of my own my wish is your wish i wish to be free from my lamp
  9. i dont know what that is so you get a my lamp i'm a genie you know the drill i wish tery would wish for my freedom
  10. granted you are covered in napalm in a burning house i wish someone would rub my lamp
  11. granted you will explode when you say anything i will wish it agian since no one granted it last time i wish to be AN ALL POWERFULL GENIE
  12. granted but in a twist formed in the surgery you turn into a cat i wish to be an ALL POWERFULL GENIE
  13. granted there damaged beyond repair i wish my mike would work
  14. granted but UN creates a treaty that say's that only beatlejuice us available with the end result being all contry's having the same name and beatlejuice coming back i wish for a hyperspace warpdrive in ksp
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