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Everything posted by Razgriz1

  1. I've only looked at the Hermes and Atlas probes so far, but both appear to be correctly sized and massed. One thing to note, however, is that the Voyager probes actually contained Hydrazine and had 16 Hydrazine thrusters on them. As it currently stands, your probe has no room for any fuel.
  2. It's liquid. The Delta-K irl is a hypergolic stage fueled by Aerozine 50 and N2O4.
  3. That would be because the shuttle is not compatible with FAR at all. This same question has been asked all over the thread. It just is not ready for FAR yet. It works perfectly fine with stock.
  4. Are you talking about the main engines or the OMS engines? If it's the OMS engines, make sure you use the straight OMS engines instead of the right and left specific ones. Those two have had their gimbals disabled in the config.
  5. Hey YANFRET, the SmarterGimbal module on the RS-68's does not work. I forget if there was some mod that added this at one point, but as your mod currently stands, it is not included in your mod or listed as a dependency. I also checked BahamutoD's Constellation essentials, and this is the gimbal that is in his config for the engine as well. This causes the RS-68's to not gimbal, making the EMLV-III difficult to control in the atmosphere. Changing this to the stock gimbal module seems to work well enough.
  6. I like it! Basically just translate it out to the outside of the ring that it is currently intersecting and it should be fine! (That is, toward the camera in the picture you showed)
  7. Your mods are some of my favorite ones to play with, blackheart! I'm glad I could contribute in some small way!
  8. Many Google searches and a hefty amount of procrastination. Also, I've been looking into internships at a few of these companies including Boeing and Aerojet-Rocketdyne, so I had already researched a bit about how all of these companies fit together before this came up.
  9. After a little more searching, I found that the DCSS uses 12 Aerojet-Rocketdyne MR-106 thrusters arranged in four separate rocket engine modules (REM) placed around the outside ring of the equipment shelf. The REM's are offset 45 degrees around the circumference (i.e. northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest as opposed to north, south, east, and west) with the nozzles themselves facing at an angle of 45 degrees, such that two thrusters are facing in a cardinal direction. Each REM also has one aft-facing engine, making a total of 3 per module. The REM is essentially the second cluster in this picture with a third nozzle pointing downward between the two lateral thrusters (or the first cluster minus one if you prefer ). The thrusters themselves are very small, only producing 9N of force each, which is why it has been impossible to see them in any pictures of the DCSS that I could find.
  10. Unfortunately, I cannot find any more information on it. I'll keep looking, but I don't know where to get such in-depth information.
  11. According to Boeing's Delta IV Payload Planning Guide This is found in Section Stage Induced Thermal Environments. The "Equipment Shelf" referred to is the truss structure between the engine and the bottom tank. In your pack, blackheart, this is currently the fairing you have appear upon attaching the engine to the bottom tank of your DCSS. The thrusters are located on the bottom part of this equipment shelf, and are pointed downward and around the circumference of the circle. There are 4 sets of thrusters.
  12. That would be fantastic! Animations of the Centaur stage show a similar placement of thrusters on them as well, so I would imagine that the trend would continue for the as-yet unbuilt upper stages in your mod, YANFRET.
  13. In real world rocketry, most upper stages actually have attitude control thrusters. Reaction control wheels just do not have quite the torque necessary to sufficiently control heavy upper stages like the DCSS, especially when it's still in the atmosphere and time is somewhat of the essence. You can watch videos on YouTube of Delta IV launches to try and get an idea of where the attitude control thrusters are located. This one, for instance, gives a pretty good view of it in the animation of the second stage, which starts at about 4:50 into the video. From what I can tell, the thrusters are located 45 degrees off of what might be considered the "top" of the stage if one were to follow the stage in chase cam in KSP. The thrusters also appear to be angled at 45 degrees, such that two in total point in each direction (up, down, left, and right). Hope this helps.
  14. I would like to extend my full support and preemptive praise right now, and I hope you make it through this project alive. If you do, you will be my new best friend. Good luck!!
  15. There happens to be a very handy little text file included in the FASA folder that is titled "How to Delete Parts.txt" There is even a pretty handy example that Frizzank gives that tells how to do so. Read this file and you should be able to figure it out. That being said, since the landing legs are pretty simple parts with no complicated modules that aren't in the stock game, you can pretty much ignore the warnings at the end of the text file that warns you against deleting the folders that he lists. None of these apply to the landing legs file and can be safely deleted without fear of breaking the part. That being said, if I got something wrong and it turns out that deleting these does break something, you can always just put them back in. tl;dr: Just delete every folder besides the folder FASA_Gemini_Lander_Leg_Part and you should be good. EDIT: After testing by following exactly what I said at the end, this works perfectly.
  16. I believe that NASA has decided that the Service Module will be built by the ESA using their ATV as a starting point. The ATV has its thrusters on the underside, just like the second design you posted. This also means that the solar panels will most likely be the straight ones found on the ATV and not the circular ones from the Project Constellation concepts. That being said, the finished spacecraft could just as easily look completely different from either proposed design. I am so glad that you are working on this! If I had any idea whatsoever about modeling, or even just a creative disposition in general, this is exactly what I would work on myself. However, I don't, so I must rely on amazing people such as yourself. Good luck with this project!
  17. Ditto! I've been waiting for a good looking SLS to turn up somewhere!
  18. I second the Centaur Stage. This combined with Lionhead's Hermes probe would be awesome. Please and thank you! Have a nice day!
  19. Blackheart, I REALLY like the FX and emissive for that engine! That is absolutely gorgeous! Seems pretty accurate too! Keep up the good work!
  20. That would be "What's the Buzz?" and "The Arrest" from Jesus Christ Superstar. The actual words are "What's the buzz? Tell me what's a happening.":)
  21. Do you by any chance have Sumghai's Service Module Pack? This is exactly how he does the engine for the pack. It's just one of squad's engines without the fairings. The easiest way to do this is find in the .cfg where it says node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.124637, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.838068, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 and add the line: node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.124637, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 node_stack_hidefairing = 0.0, -1.838067, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.838068, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 Then down under the modules, edit the ModuleJettison's to say MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Orion1_shroud bottomNodeName = hidefairing isFairing = False jettisonedObjectMass = 0.01 jettisonForce = .00001 jettisonDirection = 0 -1 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Orion2_shroud bottomNodeName = hidefairing isFairing = False jettisonedObjectMass = 0.01 jettisonForce = .00001 jettisonDirection = 0 -1 -1 } If you do have Sumghai's service module system, take a look at his config if you need an example
  22. You've done some great work Yogui! I'm always amazed at all the people who can model real spacecraft, and cannot wait for Cassini-Huygens! I was wondering if anyone has had any success with config changes to Hermes or Valkyrie to scale them correctly for RSS? I tried a bit myself, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. Help please? Thanks!
  23. Hey Stevicent! I just wanted to add a few words of encouragement to add to all the other wonderful things people have been saying! This mod looks fantastic, and I wish I could model as well as you can! Keep up the good work!
  24. The method I use is similar to the one described by Francesco. Launch your satellite into an orbit of 475km above Kerbin. From there, continue just as he describes: wait until the KSC is 90 degrees ahead of you (this is assuming that in a reference circle, your satellite would be at 0 degrees.) A handy trick here would be to put a ship on the launch pad then switch back to your satellite. That way, you have a specific point on your map. From there, burn prograde until your apoapsis reaches 2868.75 km. Then circularize when you reach that altitude. Depending on your accuracy, your ability to estimate when the KSC is 90 degrees ahead of you, and your precision on the controls, the KSC might be a little ahead or behind you. If it is, don't worry. If it is ahead of you, then decrease your orbit by a few kilometers and wait until the KSC is below you then reestablish the keostationary orbit. If it is behind you, raise your orbit a bit and do the same thing. This maneuver became a staple for me when I started to play with RemoteTech. Hope this helps!
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