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Everything posted by Hudsonkm

  1. While OpenGL works great for me in terms of sheer performance, I am plagued with OpenGL memory issues that tend to hit after KSP has been running for a bit with OpenGL forced. Have been searching for a resolution for it but haven't found anything yet. When I check my event log for info on the eventual crashes it just says --- The NVIDIA OpenGL driver has encountered an out of memory error. This application might behave inconsistently and fail. First time I've ever encountered the error, and strangely enough it's only happening with KSP in OpenGL mode. Current video card is a GTX970 SSC running under Win7X64, and there had been many reports of stability problems under the last driver. I updated to the most recent 344.48 reference driver hoping it might solve the problem, but sadly it has not.
  2. No no.. I only removed the SPP folder from the RPM patch folder. Problem was my own damn fault for not realizing I had the old space planes plus patch in there. WAIT! There is my problem! It's in a folder.
  3. Found the issue. Having the SPP RPM patch in the RPMPodPatches was causing the conflict with the stock mk2 and mk2 inline cockpits. I removed that patch folder and the problem went away. I did a fresh install of KSP only a couple of days ago and am not entirely sure why I had that patch in there in the first place. I haven't used space plane plus since .25 seeing as most of it is stock now. I likely tossed the patch in there when I reinstalled KSP and was going through my folder of mods to use. But the strange part is that it was only the RPM SPP patch that was causing the conflict. I did not have space planes plus installed anymore.
  4. I am experiencing a somewhat bizarre problem. If I load the stock Learstar A1 and then go out to the launch pad with Raster Prop Monitor installed, I have no staging and have no way to actually launch. The staging shows up while still in the VAB, but is gone once on the launch pad. Then if I remove Raster Prop Monitor and try to launch with the Learstar, everything works as intended. It's the only vehicle that is causing the issue and haven't had problems launching with anything else. See pictures below. RPM Not Installed RPM Installed
  5. I almost never post on the forums, but I had to this time. I messed around with this interim release and its looking absolutely awesome.
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