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Everything posted by LadyAthena

  1. The thing is, during mid stage, my "true" mid stage is more or less just the rockets, since I use virtually no fuel from the tanks, or nearly none. I consider boosters not part of the ship, since they are a 1 shot all use, and can't turn them off. Instead of using fuel which I can use for other things and fine tune maneuvers, etc. isn't being used.
  2. Is it really? logically if you believe in the "big bang" theory then the reason the planets revolve around the suns is the same exact reason why I was captured in the Mun orbit without the use of fuel. It's just the speed I was moving was at just the right speed when hitting the Mun gravitational pull that it pulled me into an orbit. It's essentially the same exact reason of why planets were captured in the suns gravity well without the use of fuel.
  3. Soo I was just throwing some parts together, and had a whacky Idea to put 6-8 small rocket boosters at my mid stage around my main engine. I've never really had this idea before or tried it, always used rockets to get that initial boost out of the atmosphere. The results was this... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238089442 An Orbit around kerbal at over 4 million M, resulting in virtually no mid stage fuel being used since all I had to do was speed up an extra 300 m/s to achieve the orbit. This seemed like a break through too me, I figured out a good way to save mid stage fuel for longer flights. But onto the Mun I thought, and this happened... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238089447 I only had to speed up another 150-200 m/s to get a Mun Encounter, since I was already so high too begin with, which resulted in my speed being slow enough that the Mun actually pulled me into an orbit without using any more fuel, further resulting in virtually no mid stage fuel being burned.. Yet another Eureka moment <3 This is the ship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238247339 How the rocket works. (Only launched twice so the #'s aren't specific) During launch I ignite the first stage, and keep the throttle at 100%. When nearing the point of ascent where you normally tip the ship over to angle it at 10k m I turn off the throttle, allowing the rest of the boosters to take it the rest of the way saving fuel, since at this point it'll still gain speed. (Tipping it isn't recommended until the 3 solid boosters have been jettisoned or the ship will go all haywire on you). Once the Solid boosters are jettisoned, turn the throttle back up too 100% and tip it too the proper angle ( 90 degree's I believe), and let it continue too burn the rest of the fuel. Once you jettison the first stage completely, turn throttle back down too 0% and ignite the second stage, allowing the small boosters to do their job, since you are now out of the atmosphere of kerbal your speed will go from 300-500m/s and be boosted too around 1.5-2.5k m/s depending. Once the boosters are depleted jettison them, and allow yourself too travel at 0 throttle too the AP. At this point you should only need a few hundred extra m/s to achieve orbit. The initial launch is a little wonky in my opinion since there are points where you turn the throttle off, but essentially I found putting solid rockets at the mid stage is a great fuel saver.
  4. When you roll out of bed by accident, and instantly think of your kerbals falling from the command capsule after exiting....
  5. That's the direction I'm hoping to go, engines powerful enough to do that, etc. I am also planning on making science labs extremely important for these new techs as well, too the point that the much much later techs will require several in-game years with multiple science labs "connected" via special transmitters recievers constantly talking too each other etc too accomplish. The Transmitters/recievers will be special, that any within range will add a multiplier to the science gain, but at first they'll be weak, only capable of talking within the same planet/moon, than it'll slowly be upgraded as you unlock more too allow it to the next nearest planet and moons (if and when they are within range during the cycles), it'll eventually get too the point that you can have bases and stations talk too each other from any range within the solar system, but even then the science gain wont be super fast. My over all goal is too make the process slow so that it's not just a huge chunk of accomplishments like atm, and that too truly unlock everything will require a very long time to do while building, upgrading, and exploring adding multipliers too the science input.
  6. Neither do I... I gotta learn how to edit the stuff, which I will, I'm pretty good at figuring that stuff out. At first the pre alpha version will probably just be nothing more than re edited stock version of everything, until at least, I find people willing to texture :3..... I know nothing "wow" right out of the gate, but I'll pave the road.
  7. Really there's a 64 bit version? Have they said they'd make it available for Windows? This really needs to be done imo, with how active the modding community is.... I also understand that I will probably have to do some huge fixes sometimes depending on if and how they change how certain things work.
  8. IS this going to be a problem do you think guys?
  9. My concern with my mod is that it'll be an issue since KSP is a 32 bit program...
  10. My Idea comes from the fact that soon money will be a thing you need to worry about. You can't build too extravagant of a spaceship just to reach the Mun. My idea is has 2 options to it. First is that if any part of the ship is safely recoverable and still intact, that that whole part actually goes into a new button in the Hangar, which is "Recovered Parts". These parts act like the "pre designed" parts, which you can then equip back onto your ship free of charge. If they are fuel parts, then you still have to pay a small cost to refuel the part but the main chunk of cost is knocked off. Second option is that the cost is simply refunded entirely back to your account. As if the part was recycled. Simpler to do, and still gets the job done ultimately. --------------------------- Second idea are timed ignitions of stages. Which would play into my idea above. Lets say you have a rather large rocket, and to make sure the stages separate nicely you have those fancy little staging boosters on them to push them away from the ship. Once they separate you can no longer control them. So if the timer was added in, you could put a parachute on the fuel tank, timed to go off 4 seconds after you activate the stage to decouple the engine. So now, even though you have no control over anything on that fuel tank and engine, and it's now free falling towards Kerbal, the parachute will still go off 4 seconds later to make sure that it falls safely into the water to be retrieved later.
  11. Updated the main post with probe information in it's own category
  12. Regardless, if it allows to make new solar systems away from the original that you can fly too..... <3
  13. Oh...my.....god..... I didn't know about this mod..... Yes, I will be using it now XD, Thank you for showing me this!
  14. Thank you ^.^ That's what I'm going for. Star Wars/ Star Trek style futuristic tech (Eventually) of course you'll have to work for it! I'm not entirely sure what your saying :3. If your asking about different solar systems, I hope someone adds new ones as that would enhance this mod all the more being able to travel between them. If your talking about the ability to build Factories on planets, that may be an addition to the mod. There is already a mod which does that, and I may work together with that modder to see if we can implement it into this one.
  15. With Permission I'd probably add those stock in my mod, as I used them all myself right now :3
  16. It is focused on the campaign, but that doesn't mean all the parts won't be readily available in the sand-box mode
  17. Note: This is a place holder for a mod I fully plan too execute and make, however I'm waiting for the deployment of contracts, currency, etc. to see how that all will work and play out too insure that my mod will fit snuggly with the stock game. Note 2: Now that 64 bit is coming to .24 along with contracts, etc. etc. After a few weeks of playing .24, I will be actively starting on this mod Just a heads up! Lady Athena's Kerbal Star Wars Mod Note: Please note even though it says "Star Wars" I don't necessarily mean weapons will be in the mod, nor do I mean the stuff will look like Star Wars ships. (Though they could if you wanted them too). I simply mean a very very futuristic style of additional stuff.. The Main Mod Futuristic Science How my mod will work is this.. I want the tech tree of my mod to be about double the size of the stock kerbal tech tree. My Tech Tree will also come AFTER the Kerbals stock (which means the tech tree will be 3x the size it is now all together). How it'll work. The Contracts The Mod starts and ends with the Contracts. Once you complete the full tech tree in Kerbal, you will begin to have the chance of taking on special Contracts. The main point of these contracts is for "Futuristic Science" points. You will still get currency from these Contracts, but not as much. This means you have to balance out the normal contracts and the special Futuristic ones which will net you a new form of currency "Future Points". The Contracts can range from all types of things, but they will be difficult to accomplish at first and take quite a long time to accomplish. For instance a contract could be: Contract Example: "Extensive Laser Research In Lower Gravity Environments." You must land two science Labs fully staffed on x planet, and have it running consistently for x amount of years, and then bring the special report you'll recieve back to Kerbal. If you beam it back, you'll recieve half of the reward, if you successfully bring it back with a Kerbal, you'll receive the full reward. Contract Example: "Extensive Research of the effects of continued radiation in a high intensity environment" Have a probe orbit between the sun and the nearest planet, with the Science Lab doors open for 2 kerbal years. Beaming back the Report will generate Future Science depending on the strength of the tele-com used. If you are able to bring the report all the way back to kerbal, you will recieve 3x the Future Points. The Tech Tree The Tech Tree after the stock Kerbal one, would require "Future Science Points" AND normal science points too unlock. I may break up the Tech Tree to focus on specific equipment and Tech, and have specific Contracts giving Specific Tech points towards it. So a Contact could give "Future Booster Science Tech" points, and any tech on the Tech Tree that requires that type of Science Tech can be used to unlock it. This would allow you too focus more on what you'd want as well. (Though I may not do the specific Tech unless it seems to be a big thing people want). The Progression would be slow with leaps and bounds like it is in Kerbal, and real life as well. There may be stand points where your waiting for that tech contracts to finish, but then you may get a big boost of tech and unlock 2-3 things at once. Regardless it will take a long time to fully unlock everything. The Tech Itself This is what it all comes down too. The Tech will progress as I said above, evenly. There will be no huge leaps in ability, but it will feel as though you're truly breaking through the Ice and into that Futuristic Era. The Tech will consist of everything which is already in the game + things that other mods add (with permission from them of course). A the start you'll only unlock a little better engines, slightly better/bigger thrusters, and ship components. Slightly bigger/better Command Modules, etc. etc. etc. However, once everything is unlocked much, much......MUCH farther down the line, you'll end up being able to build huge Star Ships, similar to the Star Wars Star Destroyers(hence the mod name). You will eventually be able to build massive futuristic ships that are able too take off horizontally like a Star Destroyer, enter the atmosphere, and then engage the main engines and shoot off. You will also be able to unlock large amounts of new modules for planetary bases, and space stations, so you can truly make it something like a futuristic era would be. I had an idea too also incorporate "Alien" like technology. Simply one of the theories behind flying discs, is that they use our planets electric, and magnetic fields to travel. Basically the planet itself powers the ship with its natural elements that the ship taps into. This could be a whole different branch on the Tech Tree, and at first you would unlock prototype parts that can barely get to the edge of space, then you'd slowly unlock parts that could go into orbit, but wouldn't draw on enough power to keep going. At this stage you'd need a "mother ship" to transport it between planets, before un docking it and exploring that planet. You would eventually get to the point where the flying disk could go anywhere in the solar system by itself, but not out of the solar system ever. If/when people or the devs add more solar systems to explore, this could add a really fun spin. Now imagine all that awesome tech in between? I plan for a lot of progression, and a lot of new modules and enhanced additions. The Over All Goal The Over All Goal is simple. To simulate, and make it feel as though your research, and hard work in the science field is really pushing the little Kerbals into a futuristic era of space flight. With the combination of "Future Tech" High grade, advanced, and futuristic feel of new Contracts, and the slow but steady flow of more powerful components, and new components as you push the boundary into the new tech tree opening the game up to you and your imagination combing it all together. This mod would also enhance many mods already out there, such as the mods which add food/resources required for kerbals. With this mod, being able too build larger transport ships, would allow for larger bases to be created. With faster and more powerful engines, would also save the trip. The mod which allows you to essentially build in space or planets, allowing for a much larger ship to be built, etc. New Solar System(s) Thanks to a helpful tip I was told about the PlanetFactory, essentially letting you create your own solar systems, etc. Here I now plan too also create a new Solar System (or 2) too compliment my mod. What fun would being able to go out of the Solar System if you couldn't actually go anywhere? Probes? What are those? Probes in Kerbal right now are just about useless unless you're doing a role-playing style play to the campaign. I also plan and aim to add probe core modules, and more mechanics to probes. My over all goal is to make it, while coupled with other mods which also enhance probes, to feel much more realistic. I'll add new scientific equipment that will work or be enhanced when used with a probe. When sent too the planet, it will feed back data, such as the gravitational pull of the planet or moon. If the probe goes into the upper atmosphere (if there is any), It will also give you details of the terrain type, and if there is an atmosphere or not. (if you have the right equipment on it). This is something which is done before sending a rocket, as the data you collect you will be able to go back too and look at, allowing you to have a better understanding of the situation your kerbals will be getting themselves into, and how powerful the different parts of your ship will need to be to make it safely back to kerbal. When/If the devs add weather effects and wind, it will also generate a report on the weather conditions (if any). This will give probes a realistic, and valuable commodity to your space faring fleet, other than just a fancy looking hunk of kerbal metal floating around in orbit. Feed Back Even though I fully plan on creating this mod, and I fully plan to execute it after the Contracts are released, etc. I am looking for any feedback regarding possible contracts, missions, components, parts, modules, etc. etc. etc. etc. Any Idea's, help, assistance, or support is more than welcome, as as you can tell, I probably bit off way more than I can chew, and won't be able to do it all alone forever. Please let me know what you guys think about the mod, and any thoughts/Questions you may have.
  18. I'd really love to download this mod, but a few mods in the "Essentials" lists I don't want to use, such as deadly re entry and TAC, Infernal Robotics, and a few others that will change my game in big ways. Will this still work without those?
  19. I do have the active memory reduction already
  20. Wow thanks alot, I see quite a few I may try ^.^ then pull my hair out as I try to stop KSP from crashing lol
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