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Everything posted by 6677

  1. AQA have computer science available. Don\'t know about OCR or edexcel. I hate visual studio with its damn auto predict. Handy but friggin annoying that theres no keyboard shortcut to finish the word for you so you either add a '.' and delete it again or go to the mouse. And automatically adding close tags to html when using asp.net, don\'t get me started on that. I prefered gEdit on linux for my IDE. no word completion.
  2. Did it ever strike you as funny that the annoying bloke you got when you started a new file in SU6 was called bryce??? My dad used to have bryce 5. I never used it.
  3. Vanilla RCS its impossible, its quite hard to fly with just RCS anyway, I tried a 20 RCS vehicle and its was painful to fly around the space center. Made a max altitude of 100 meters with some flying around first, no chute or decoupler so landing was a failure.
  4. You sure the model file is perfectly placed in the X and Z axis (assuming a Y vertical). The CoG is calculated by the center of the model and might be out.
  5. Thanks. Sizes I can try and find elsewhere
  6. Pretty sure a homemade parachute could safely return an arduino and a few servo\'s to the ground. Reckon a servo could easily hold 2 bottles together and release them. At the same time it could probably release the pressure from a bottle. True staging. End stage could just parachute to the ground with the servo\'s hanging by their leads no problem. I\'d be tempted to give a static run a try if I had an arduino and servo.
  7. I\'m currently studying A2 computer science. As part of AS we had to learn python (python 3 specifically). When speed doesn\'t matter there doesn\'t seem to be a whole lot that it can\'t do. But speed does matter for game development and generally anything with 2D or 3D rendering. I quite liked it and managed to learn the few differences between 3 and 2 myself when I wanted to write some python on linux when I didn\'t have an internet connection to download python 3. I\'ve played around with py-game quite a bit. Had a shot at writing a module to automate the rendering of tile based games easier but as we did little in the way of object orientated programming at AS I never completed it. For A2 we\'ve got a new teacher who seems to believe visual basic is better. True its compiled and as a result faster but otherwise I don\'t like it. Before AS I used to model with google sketchup. I was truly awful at making things look good but I found a plug-in called sketchyphysics. Basically a ruby binding of the newton physics engine using sketchup as the renderer (and dealing with modelling at the same time). Definately not the most powerful tool but it did allow for scripting through a modified version of ruby. Does mean that some dedicated ruby programmers where able to make some pretty amazing sketchyphysics models. I didn\'t know ruby very well but could read keyboard and gamepad inputs with the SP bindings and knew how to play with the variables a bit. As a result I got by. I did however write a bad implementation of an acceleration script. With SP motors accel and damp settings being quite limited I decided to simulate a linear acceleration based on keyboard inputs, sounds alot more complex than it was. Quite a few users ultimately ended up using it in their projects aswell. Always nice to see something you wrote being used by others even if it was a very poor implementation. Its here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=c7269b406a932bdded42efd47678a53. I\'ve retired from SP apart from when I very quickly want to visualise how something would work such was the case with the HOG wheel: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=7c48ef10f42df980809e72bf96e013e7
  8. Just 2 quick questions regarding the standard kerbal parts. When parts are referred to as being 1 metre is this diameter or radius? How many sides are there on the standard parts? I would check for myself but my modeller of choice is wings3d which doesn\'t seem to support .DAE Any help would be much appreciated (before I make the mistake of making a 3 metre radius part when it later turns out to be diameter)
  9. Its a common problem with an easy fix. On windows, go into the parts folder, find the part showing red. Open its folder. Open the texture folder for the part. Right click the texture, select edit. It should open it in paint. File > save. Open KSP and the part is no longer red. In short, open the texture in paint and save it If you run KSP in wine for linux then editing with GIMP also works (not tried any other softwares). I don\'t have a mac and don\'t know what the default image editor is but I assume the above method works.
  10. I do assume that vanilla parts are of course allowed
  11. Yeah but you have to come back for this challenge. Hitting escape velocity without using an orbit to slingshot is easy but returning is harder as you still have to have enough fuel to burn off the escape velocity. Also at extreme distances it becomes harder to actually hit Kerbin on the return run. If you had enough fuel I guess you could just modify your trajectory a bit. I want someone to get to the sun\'s distance and back with just vanilla and C7 parts
  12. Updated the RCS module myself here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3101.0
  13. Got tired of waiting for sunday punches wobbly rockets to be updated. In particular I was after the RCS module as an easier solution to side mounts. So out came notepad. This is sunday punches RCS module, crash resistance has been reset to the old value before he made it indestructable (9), mass is the same, it is now classed as an RCS module in game but with 5 times the thrust of the old one. It is otherwise a standard RCS part but stackable. I do sincerely apologise for the lack of large scale testing as my computer can\'t actually run kerbal properly at all (I blame low RAM, single core processor and intel graphics). As a result I haven\'t been able to provide screenies alongside the download link so for those uber sceptics who refuse to download my file (with fixed textures) I provide the .cgf here: name = RCSModule module = RCSModule author = Sunday Punch, updated by 6677 // --- asset parameters --- mesh = RCS module.DAE scale = 1 texture = RCS_module.png specPower = 0.1 rimFalloff = 3 alphaCutoff = 0.5 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // --- FX definitions --- fx_gasJet_white = -0.609303, 1.58536, -0.0059382, -0.173648, 0.984808, 0.0, rcsGroup0 fx_gasJet_white = -0.559182, -1.39023, -0.0059382, -0.173648, -0.984808, 0.0, rcsGroup1 fx_gasJet_white = -0.508873, -0.0114848, 1.40088, -0.173648, 0.0, 0.984808, rcsGroup2 fx_gasJet_white = -0.508873, -0.0114848, -1.31142, -0.173648, 0.0, -0.984808, rcsGroup3 // --- Sound FX definition --- // sound_vent_medium = activate // sound_rocket_hard = active // sound_vent_soft = deactivate // --- editor parameters --- cost = 2500 category = 1 subcategory = 0 title = Yawmaster-3000 RCS Module //manufacturer = Kerbaldyne Aerospace description = An experimental RCS module, use this if your rocket has an attitude problem. It\'s a little scuffed around the edges. Wrtning: Side effects of the Yawmaster-2000 may include explosions. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.8 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 9 maxTemp = 3400 // --- rcs module parameters --- fuelConsumption = 0.2 // thruster orientations and thrust (X, Y, Z, Thrust) thrustVector0 = -0.173648, 0.984808, 0.0, 5.0 thrustVector1 = -0.173648, -0.984808, 0.0, 5.0 thrustVector2 = -0.173648, 0.0, 0.984808, 5.0 thrustVector3 = -0.173648, 0.0, -0.984808, 5.0 // thrustVector4 = 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 // thrustVector5 = 0.0, 0.0, -5.0 // ----- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT ------ // --- general parameters --- Download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6524693/SP_RCS%20Module.zip Credit for all modelling and texturing to sunday punch.
  14. I believe a workaround is to make a solid rocket rather than liquid and specify the minimum thrust to be 0. This should allow for a throttleable engine fitting your needs.
  15. I do apologise for my mistake. I just took the info from my physics textbook. Not an old one mind you, 2011 edition.
  16. Our solar system has 8 planets anyway. Pluto has been officially reclassified as a planetoid. For reference theres supposedly around 30 planetoids in our solar system but many of them are in the asteroid belts. Some also classify titan as a planetoid
  17. LEGO ROCKETS. AWESOME! I didn\'t think that I would ever be flying a rocket made of lego in a game
  18. You could model a part and texture to replace the default one but then the default would look pretty weird on other rockets
  19. Are the parts available on another mirror. My computer doesnt seem to like the current one
  20. Try attaching them to the top and bottom of 2 of the large srb's. only 1 connects.
  21. these are way to overpowered. 3 of them have gotten me past 30000 metres at over 800 m/s with over half a tank of fuel left
  22. if you can with the tri coupler i think you can with this aswell
  23. i mean as in add one of the connecting spheres somewhere below the model file and off to the left where the engine would go. The sphere would end up being nowhere near the model file but would allow a liquid rocket to take fuel from the tank.
  24. could you not define an attachment node with an unusually abnormal offset. would probably make mounting the tank easier aswell
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