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  • About me
    In-house Philosopher
  • Location
    Anywhere but there
  • Interests
    Model railroading, backyard astronomy, space exploration, music (composition, play the French Horn, Oboe, Alto Recorder, and Cornet), learning to play the ukulele (seriously, I am :D), kit-bashing, camping, and hiking, reading great science fiction, and escaping the university campus any chance I get!

    I teach World Civilization, U.S. History, and U.S. Foreign Policy at the college/university level. So, with that said, I love history, love to do research, and enjoy good conversation.

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  1. KNnncgG.png?1Nothing really, just some updates, plans for this week, et al.

    A few of you have sent me a few PMs here, a few on Discord, Steam's messenger, and other social media messengers I use asking me if I am okay or if I have left the forum. No, I have not left the forum nor have I quit being a moderator. The first two weeks of May, the last week of July/first week of August, and the first two weeks of December are extremely busy times of the year for me. I teach at a community college and a university and those weeks are finals and final grade posting weeks. There's a lot of things that goes into what I do for a living.

    Now that the summer semester is about to start, it's fair to say it's going to be a really light term. I am only teaching one class at the university. It's HIS 6301 - Introduction to American Foreign Policy (a graduate course). It's a class I've taught since 2007. The community college schedule is really light, too. Originally, I was scheduled to teach two classes, both of them are HIST 101, one was to be a traditional lecture course and the other is online. The traditional course has small enrollment (under five students) and if four more students do not enroll by the end of the month, it will be cancelled. To be honest, I am hoping it will. I never wanted to teach anything more than one class at each of the two places where I work. But the dean of students at the community college scheduled me a second class anyway, justifying it with the ever-famous statement, "if we build it, they will come." :rolleyes:

    So, this week, I have a lot of time to do the things I want to do. Normally I am more active on the forums and am able to do more moderating (more like playing hallway monitor like we did in elementary school). But I also plan to do some of the projects I enjoy doing on the forum:

    • Write the next chapter in Kerny's Journal. (Yes, it's long overdue!) Done!
    • Clean up the micro-challenge thread, update the leader boards and post a new challenge for those participating.

    If I can get those two things done, I will consider this week a huge success as far as my Kerbal Space Program forum piddling goes. Now, there are other things besides that I want to do, too. Over the course of the last couple of years, I have neglected my own blog, and I want to start doing something new. Here lately, and as a part of my treatment from the VA for my service connected PTSD, I get a lot of free PC games, mostly Steam keys. Some of the games are good, some not so good. So, a few of my real-world friends and family have convinced me to begin doing reviews of the games I play. I'm still trying to work out all the bugs in how I want to do this.



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