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Everything posted by bigbadben

  1. I'm with Northstar1989. Ask yourself what did Squad do? They made 'space physics' fun! They made a game where I've learned orbital mechanics, rocket equations, things that NASA takes into account when they plan missions. I -understand- the Apollo program, and appreciate it greatly more than I ever did. When I hear news articles about our space program, I (kinda) understand what they are talking about, and the obstacles they face. Squad made 'space physics' fun! Now, the idea of resources have been floating around. Different ideas have been fronted. Easy or hard. RTS-game style or Eve-spreadsheet style. Squad seems like they are looking around for a vision for the idea....an overarching concept to guide them... And here it is: Make 'space chemistry' fun! They should do what they do best, take a complex/interesting concept, and make a fun game/simulation out of it. Northstar1989 is along that route, just needs some KISS and polishing. Imagine if they go this route, what journey would we take in chemistry? My interest in orbital mechanics and all NASA things has skyrocketed. Perhaps chemistry would too.....? How many students/adults/kids might become more interested in chemistry, just like the knowledge and interest in space has skyrocketed with KSP. I never though delta-v would be fascinating, ....and now it is. I also don't see how 'hydrolysis' can be an riveting endeavour, but....maybe..... And how did KSP start? With a kid launching bottle rockets into the sky with green toy men taped to them. That has grown into a game that takes people along for a journey of exploration and discovery. How should ISRU start? With a kid opening his 'science kit' to mix stuff up and see what happens... "hhmmm....I have my Duna colony working pretty good and..." BOOM! "Awww crap, there goes the greenhouse."
  2. holy crap! how is this not stock?! Makes docking make sense!
  3. there was a papi mod, iirc he used a 4 degree glideslope (instead of the standard 3-ish), saying it was better for KSP's aerodynamics. But I am with you, a ILS would be handy. A common mistake I see in Harv's and Manley's youtube videos is that they have a .....very.....flat approach, with little to no flare. A common mistake, for beginners that don't have a proper 'sight picture' yet for vfr landings.
  4. Procedural generation does not necessarily mean random. Case in point, Elite games. A hundred billion systems, all the same between every different player, by using the "seed" concept of procedural generation, in where your equations generate seeds that the orbits, size, types, biomes, and all that stuff is generated. It may seem random, but actually mirrors all other players. Then you could have large amounts of systems, large amount of diversity, and multiplayer would still work.fine.
  5. thanks NathanKell, I removed the custom.cfg and my install works fine
  6. Who could forget the sacrifice of Shelbus, at the hands of Hanland Corp?
  7. Been messing around with the mod, really enjoyed it. I upgraded to v4, and now there are no flame effects. Tried redownloading/reinstalling, starting new game, but the flames won't show up, only the wind effects when I get lower. When I remove the mod, the flames are back. A possible problem might be that I used the custom.cfg from v4, and deleted the one from v3 accidentaly. Would that cause it? I was just checking here to see if anyone knew some code voodoo, before I reinstall ksp and see if that works.
  8. The idea is to have a buying/selling mechanic for resources(when implemented). I was thinking of this for the KMP mod, but could be tweaked for single player easily enough. 1. The buying/selling mechanic Should be easy to implement, once resources are fully developed by Squad. It could be as easy as the transferring fuel game mechanic, but with an added money ticker. How the prices are decided and how they fluctuate can be decided by a supply/demand method, or some other combination that could prevents players from gaming the market. Currently, there a couple resources that are ready to go now, from the hugely popular Kethane and Interstellar mods. 2. Added parts On a first pass, a module that is a "commodity exchange" part that can be added to space stations/ground bases. This could reflect the Kerbal Systems' market. The module part could have 'infinite' storage, to make it easy to use. If it didn't have that, and required a place to store the wares, then additional storage units to offload your cargo would be required, and then that would require the added necessity to transfer those barges to a base, another ship, or another station. A benefit of having the commodity exchange module on a ground base would be that it could be considered to be tied into 'underground' storage tanks, thereby greatly increasing storage capacity(unlimited, if wanted) without the need for extra parts. 3. Transferring goods If docking is required, then the space station could quickly become a crowded place. What if a player docks and doesn't undock in KMP? What if he decides to grab a drink, and then leaves a line of other player's cargo ships waiting to dock with the station? If trying to dock on ground, will there be an easier method to do this? The ability to adjust landing legs, or rover wheel height, would alleviate this. Docking a huge cargo ship to the commodity exchange module might be impossible. KAS mod? Or have rovers that can offload the different resources and transfer them back and forth to the commodity exchange module? Dunno, but I think the player base would figure out what needed to be done, and the best way to do it, anyways. 4. KMP Easiest way I can think of is to have the player's handle and flag be his 'company'. That will tie his different ships, resources, and money to him. Other considerations could be to increase the variance in required resources at different locations, i.e. hydrogen/water/oxygen/kethane/uranium/thorium/etc... Whatever Squad or the community develops. Different places in the Kerbal System could have different needs and surpluses, there-by setting what needs to be traded where. A stock-market feed could be set up for the different locations, but that adds to the complexity and I have no idea how you would go about it. 5. Large Scale Possibilities Some of these ideas are on the 'wall of crazy', but could be pretty cool in-game. Players would gravitate to profitable 'trade runs', which could set up piracy by others(Macey Dean), which could create the need for a military to protect different trade lanes, or valuable cargo runs by the employers of private security, and so on. Lots of mechanics could be created in-game by the players if this was implemented, and was allowed to evolve. Different players would try to control different areas/stations/bases, which would lead to more conflict as people 'encroach' on another's territory. Lots of possibilities. If other star systems were ever added by expansion/mod.... 6. Single Player Single player would be the easiest to test out, just need a buy/sell mechanic, the commodity exchange module that you can sell to (I guess owned by the Kerbal government?), and some method to regulate the price of goods. Would be very cool to set up a trade empire. Input appreciated
  9. Different resources, that you can gather, and use or return to kerbin to sell for profit. Commodity exchange modules that you can add to different bases on different planets that can act as a merchant hub to buy/sell different resources. Ability to use this game mechanic in kmp mod.
  10. Re-function 'F' key for an SAS for atmospheric flight. Current SAS is a great auto-trimmer, but flight in atmo needs more. An 'atmo mode assist' needs a Angle-of-Attack/'G' limiter. The AoA limiter is a no brainer, when a plane exceeds it, it stalls and departs from controlled flight. The 'G' limiter can be based off this chart: (edited) If KSP doesn't model this stuff all the way accurately, then maybe a 'pitch-limiter', something to limit the amount your control inputs can move the attitude indicator from your velocity indicator, thereby tumbling. On another note, does anyone know if the landing struts can be lowered or raised incrementally? Or is that impossible to model correctly with the physics system? Just wondering if it would be possible to add two buttons to a landing strut when you right-click on it, one to raise is incrementally, the other to lower it incrementally. Basically, make base building and planeside docking easier.
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