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Everything posted by TheBadAstronomer

  1. It's gotta be the Jool system. It's so beautiful. Then again, everything is beautiful in KSP. (Ok, maybe not everything)
  2. Wow, Magnemoe! I wonder how much science you got. My greatest achievement in KSP has to be my Kassini explorer. It It was going for Dres, but a Jool encounter was possible. I took the encounter and had enough DV to visit every moon around Jool. I got over 2000 science in the process, and earned some vital parts.
  3. Around a day or two before .20 came out. Things have changed a lot since then!
  4. I always use escape systems, since some of my bigger launch systems like to wobble. It works rather well, and I haven't had any kerbals killed (not yet).
  5. The 50th anniversary of what? The user below me has been to Mün.
  6. Let's see.... Hmmmm.... Oh yeah! I went to EVERY PLANET IN THE JOOLIAN SYSTEM, And got 2000+ science.
  7. Sorry to rain on your parade, but this has been suggested already.
  8. I believe there's a mod for this, it's called http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55227-Kerbal-Sound-Overhaul-Project Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project.
  9. If you press F3, there's a readout that tells you your highest G-force achieved, even though the one near the navball only goes up to 15. I once got it to 27 G's.
  10. Granted, but that button is blowing up the space center. I wish that we had a base on the moon. This reminds me of the story of The Monkey's Paw. If you haven't read it, go read it.
  11. For some reason i seem to have kraken attacks on Pol, so I call it Pollen Of Lethality.
  12. Yeah, I'm with you. The show deserved more. My favorite character is Stephanie, as she can run 2 miles per second(almost Earth's orbital speed!).
  13. I'm 13, and the game is a blast (quite literally) for me. BTW,I like to plan my craft design before I build it. I also use subassemblies, which help a lot!
  14. RTGs and the big battery. Science transmission takes up a lot of energy!
  15. I'm interested how the naming will work out. Will they start with 'k', or something else? Also, I liked map 1 the most. EDIT: Krasia could be a good name for continent 2, because it's so darn big!
  16. I've been playing since .19ish. As for my age, I'll give you a math problem: 22x5-99-(-2)
  17. Multiplayer is in the what not to suggest list. Also, museums have been suggested.
  18. Although I'm not having your problem, perhaps you could land on the grass next to it. It is quite a bit longer than the runway.
  19. Actually, the sun is the same color on Mars than it is on Earth. At sunset, it is blue. This is similar to how Earth sunsets make the sun look red, while the rest of the day it appears yellow-white.
  20. Once I had found Kerbin Kerman. Try saying that ten times fast!
  21. According to the wiki, 0x62656570 converted to ASCII reads "beep".
  22. I wonder what it would feel like to walk (or for that matter, do any physical activity with your legs) after 2 months! With no exercise!
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