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Everything posted by Revencher

  1. Ok i just added a bunch of mods and now even the small warehouse is to heavy for anything to hold. does anyone know how to reduce the weight of these things or any mods that would aether increase the weight or weaken parts?
  2. I was wondering if people can help me find a list of mods that work will (not crash my game) with Orbital Construction Redux mod? My goal it to build bases on every planet and moon I can.
  3. I cant seam to get docking ports to work when im on land. i select the port as a target and bump the other port in to it but it doesnt seam to dock
  4. I am looking for a way to transfer supply and fuel from vehicles that are landed on a planet. can any 1 help me with this? pla excuse my spelling im extremely dyslexic.
  5. so i am using this mod to conquer the the solar system but there seams to be a limit to how many parts i can build in space. after x amount of parts are built the construction window will not show up on the launchpad. any 1 eals having this problem? plz excuse my spelling im extremely dyslexic.
  6. Wow really? you think this is an actual answer? you totally avoid how to transfer the supplies to the Launchpad?
  7. Thx for the info. Anyone else know if having more then 1 OW on 1 ship will that increase the total mas of the ship I can build or are they counted as 2 seprate OWs?
  8. Need some help here. I need to know the mas of a rocket part? The OW tells me how many parts I when I need to know the total mas of the parts to see if I can make a ship in orbit. Also. If I have more then 1 OW on 1 ship will that increase the total mas of the ship I can build or are they counted as 2 seprate OWs?
  9. I am using MechJeb in career mode but i dont seam to have the accent auto pilot or rendezvous planner. does it unlock latter or am i doing something wrong?
  10. 1st off fantastic job everyone. I do have a few questions though. Do mods work with career mode? Also is there a way to save data and close the doors on experiments?
  11. ya i have to. the sound gets really wavy when im doing burns a lot
  12. i was really talking about when you load the game for the fist time i have to lower my speakers volume all the way not to blow them.
  13. Hey I love the game and think you guys are doing an awesome job, but in the next patch could you make it so the volume isn't maxed out? it is really loud when you first start it. thx.
  14. ya but to i delete every thing in the original file?
  15. not sure what i am suppose to do with this https://raw.github.com/sarbian/MechJ...AR202/part.cfg? im i suppose to copy and paste to the old cfg file? or do i make a new one? if so how do i make a cfg? file?
  16. Are ASAS parts embedded in other components now? I only see 1 ASAS part in the VAB and its to big for a lot of my rockets.
  17. I am trying to use multiple coupling devices to attach a gantry to a rocket, but once the rocket is attached to one of the couplers on the gantry i cant attach any more of the gantry couplers to the rocket. it seams like once 2 items are attached i can not attach them agen in a different place.
  18. ok i changed the file but what do i need to do now? i take it i restart the game right? then the object should be in the tracking station right? So far i i have modded the pr file to look like this VESSEL { name = SSK1 sit = ORBITING landed = false landedAt = splashed = met = 0 lct = 118.099997360259 root = 0 lat = -0.102561869965503 lon = -74.5753264318003 alt = 80.1480613780441 hgt = 11.72862 nrm = -0.02665916,0.9449844,-0.3260271 rot = -0.5766309,-0.1095791,-0.09906711,0.803539 CoM = 0.0293909,-3.605458,0.7987407 stg = 3 prst = False cPch = 0, FLOAT cHdg = 0, FLOAT cMod = -1, INT ORBIT { SMA = 700000 ECC = 0 INC = 0 LPE = 340.518331561772 LAN = 81.2190688665883 MNA = 2.11222363842244 EPH = 39.9399991072715 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 i left the game and re-launched it i go to the tracking station and i get stuck there and there is nothing orbiting kerbin
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