Hi all, I'm just picking up KSP again after a short break of a few months (pc died) I'm quite excited about the new version and the missions etc. I've somehow got this idea into my head that I want to stage missions at a SLIGHTLY more realistic timeframe rather than firing up mission after mission only a day or so apart! I realise that fast forwarding a few years between missions each time might get a bit boring, but I'd like to know if anyone else rp's this sort of delay between missions? I'm thinking of having different types of delays to simulate design / build times such as: rocket design time: simulated time for designing a new launch vehicle rocket build time: simulated time for building a new launch vehicle payload design time: as above except for payload payload build time: as above except for payload If I was using the same launch vehicle on consecutive missions I wouldn't need the design time the second time around and likewise for the paylod, BUT I'd still need the build time for launch vehicle (not for the payload if it was recovered... refitting time maybe?) Also should design and build times for each component run concurrently? I'm thinking that simulating timeframes as above would make catching launch windows that much more important. Anyone else simulate this sort of thing and if so what timeframes do you use? PH