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Everything posted by Fraz86

  1. I'm using NEAR, so I guess that's the issue? Missiles seemed to track just fine in previous versions, though. In regard to the direction the missiles are facing, I generally design my AA turrets with their missiles pointing straight up, which worked fine in the past.
  2. I've noticed an oddity with the new Smart Guards. I designed an AA turret with a Goalkeeper and 4 Sidewinder missiles. When an opposing aircraft enters range, it fires its missiles then switches to the gun, as expected. However, the missiles fail to track their target. My suspicion is that as soon as the turret switches its active weapon to the gun, the missiles stop tracking.
  3. It's funny, the same is true for me: I rarely ever actually go to the IVA view, but knowing that a part has a nice IVA makes me far more likely to use it. I think it's mostly about the immersiveness of being able to go inside and look out the window, even if I never actually fly the ship from that perspective. I'm especially looking forward to the greenhouse you mentioned for SSPX.
  4. Ah, I see! So AMT will utilize the Karbonite parts (and add new parts, presumably), but will completely overhaul the functionality such that Karbonite is assimilated into AMT's more complex & difficult structure? That sounds like an ideal solution; I can't wait to try it out!
  5. Questions regarding Karbonite vs Advanced Mining Tech (AMT): If I understand correctly, the two resource mods will have several major differences, including single vs multiple resources, undepletable vs depletable, static vs dynamic availability, and simple vs complex conversion processes. Given these rather fundamental differences, are the two mods intended to be mutually exclusive? Of course I'm sure it will be possible to install both, but I'm asking about the design intentions. It seems that if one has both mods installed, Karbonite might be substantially easier to utilize than the more complex AMT resources, making AMT a bit redundant. If so, then AMT may largely supplant Karbonite as the dominant resource mod. I don't necessarily have a problem with this, but it would be a shame to leave behind all of the wonderful part models made for Karbonite. Any chance that AMT will utilize the Karbonite models for its own purposes?
  6. Looks great! Any idea how soon we might get to try out a Regolith-based version of Karbonite?
  7. I know it's been your intent to keep CLS itself as merely a framework, but restriction of internal transfer is such a basic and intuitive application of CLS that it really ought to be built-in, as it seems a bit silly for someone to maintain a separate plugin for this purpose alone. There could be a config file to turn it off for those who don't want it.
  8. Do you have "RCS" turned on? It seems to be necessary in order for the fans to properly function.
  9. This mod is awesome. However, it does have a significant limitation: it's exclusively a self-directed/sandbox-type experience. That is, the only way to utilize the content of this mod is by building things to blow up other things you built, just for the fun of it. Don't get me wrong, this can certainly be fun. But I believe it could be far more fun if it were possible to accept contracts in career mode that would allow you to blow things up with a sense of strategy and purpose. Ideally, this would be accomplished by adding a "Destroy Target" contract, which would spawn a pre-designed target (ground-based, orbital, or perhaps even airborne) when the contract is accepted. In some cases, the target would be equipped with weapons and set to "guard" mode for additional challenge. If spawning targets is not feasible from a coding standpoint, then an alternative approach would be adding an initial "Deploy Military Drone" contract, which would involve constructing a probe with specified weaponry (and perhaps a special part which designates it as a military drone), deploying it to a designated location or orbit, and setting it to guard mode. Having an operational military drone would open the possibility of being offered a "Destroy Rogue Drone" contract, which would inform you that a specific drone is no longer under your control and needs to be destroyed.
  10. I've been getting some odd behavior with the flotation devices. Most annoyingly, they're prone to flipping the craft upside down, even when landed perfectly upright with a wide base and low center of mass. The flotation devices seem to be ultra-buoyant, behaving as if they were magically repelled by water rather than floating in it. I suppose this is probably primarily an issue with the FSbuoyancy Module, but perhaps your config files could use some tweaking? I also noticed that the floats have tweakables in the VAB, wherein their "Buoyancy" can be adjusted between 0-50, however, I'm not sure where this number is coming from given that the config files show a buoyancyForce of 100. Speaking of which, all of the flotation devices have the same buoyancyForce regardless of size. EDIT: I took a screenshot to demonstrate the ultra-buoyancy issue. In this test, I reduced buoyancyForce from 100 to 10, and yet the flotation devices still sit on top of (actually, hovering slightly above) the water.
  11. I've been wanting something like "Figures Fraught with Fragility" for more than a year now. Unfortunately, there seems to be some kind of curse surrounding sanity/fitness mods. Many have been conceived and attempted, but only one has ever been released (KeepFit), and it died quickly and frankly wasn't very good. That said, if you're up to the challenge, I do believe this represents the single largest unfilled niche within the KSP modding community.
  12. Is the remaining EVA Propellant converted back into MonoPropellant when the Kerbal re-enters the craft?
  13. I would like to add a JSIExternalCameraSelector module to the PackRat camera, so that it can be used with RPM screens in IVA. The problem is, I need to designate a cameraContainer transform in the module's config. Does the camera model have an appropriate transform for this purpose?
  14. Beautiful! Side question: I noticed that you are a contributor for Karbonite, which I have now installed, and I feel it works well alongside Near Future Technologies. However, the distillery currently allows the conversion of Karbonite to Xenon, but not Argon of Hydrogen. This provides an unbalanced advantage to Xenon over your other lovely ion & plasma engines. Perhaps you could include a ModuleManager file in NFT to add Argon and Hydrogen conversion to the Karbonite distillery? Also, while I'm on the subject, said distillery is one of the less attractive models in Karbonite, and it bothers me that the 2.5m distillery is just a re-size of the 1.25m version. Given that the distillery is of particular relevance to the relationship between NFT and Karbonite, it would be wonderful to have a new & improved distillery created by you, if it strikes your interest.
  15. The new command pod is magnificent. The texturing is perfectly stock-alike, and yet distinctly better than any actual stock texture. I cannot wait for the finished IVA. I also love the new station tubes. Hope I'm able to try them out soon!
  16. Thank you for your continued work on this awesome plugin. Any news on the update?
  17. Very nice landing gear stephm! I hope you've seen lo-fi's new plugin, which looks like it would be quite useful for your wheels.
  18. Personally, I love the idea of SCANSat, but every time I've installed it I've ended up uninstalling it for various reasons. To me it feels bloated; too many types of scan data & scanners, user interface is too busy, and attempts to incorporate too many features. It also doesn't have the greatest track record in terms of timely updates, and (at least in the past) it has a non-trivial impact on performance. "SCANSat Lite" would be perfect, with a single scanner that provides basic data for altimetry, biomes, and Karbonite, toggling between these 3 overlays on a simple user interface. But since I'm not aware of anyone working on a "SCANSat Lite," I would very much like for Karbonite to include basic built-in scanning & display functionality. Ideally this could be toggled on/off in the map view similar to Kethane.
  19. The license is WTFPL, so it's basically public domain. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could share a modified version of the plugin without the right click menu feature.
  20. Well, it works except that it's dependent on KAS for refueling, and KAS has quite a few problems in 0.24.
  21. I'd like to suggest adding NEAR support, which should be as simple as duplicating your FAR config and replacing ":NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]" with ":NEEDS[NEAR]".
  22. I'd like to suggest adding NEAR support, which should be identical to SP+FAR.cfg, just replace all instances of ":NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]" with ":NEEDS[NEAR]".
  23. The Onion's top hatch texture appears grainy and too small, whereas the hatch on the bottom is the proper size and looks excellent. Could you change the top node to match the bottom?
  24. I really hope this doesn't die due to source code issues. I'm using ATL 1.4, and it performs excellently. I much prefer this over ATM.
  25. The other active (functioning in 23.5) LS mods I'm aware of are Ioncross, ECLSS, and Kerbal Life Support Mod. Ioncross uses the same names for Oxygen, Water, and Food, though the quantities would need to be adjusted. ECLSS uses Oxygen and "O2 Candles" but no water or food. Kerbal Life Support Mod simplifies the whole thing down to a single abstracted resource named "LifeSupport." Personally, I'm primarily interested in customizability, which is well supported by TAC-LS and Ioncross. Currently, I use a modified version of TAC-LS with 3 resources, named "Food," "BreathableAir" (a resource requiring both the removal of CO2 and replenishment of O2), and "Health" (an abstracted measure of psychological wellbeing and deconditioning, maintained by providing adequate living space).
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