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Everything posted by Filippe999

  1. So, as we are all aware, you can install a mod like firespitter to get access to propeller blades and turboprop engines, and then the game itself offers powerful jet engines, but what about propfans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxVAaIsfPIY I am sure uses for this are many as the greater fuel efficiency is generally a desired trait
  2. Hello fellow Kerbalnouts! I have risen from the dead to witness first hand the effect of the 1.0 release. Cant' even rememeber last time I played. Well, to the point, I read an article about a theorized and tested EM Drive that uses electromagnetic resonance to push the qunatum vaccum away from the craft and generate thrust. Simply put, it's an engine that generates thrust without fuel, only electricity, and it generates way more thrust than an ion engine, might have read the article wrong, but in it, they specified about 0.4N/10KW. How awesome it would be to launch a probe and have it maneuver using only electricity! on the article they also mention RCS thrusters using the technology so no longer you'll need Mono thanks on your probes, just put a massive solar panel and you're fine:cool:. As we know kerbals love to innovate. Here's the article. Thanks, let's hope my rockets still work:D
  3. Did you add support so that we can directly buy a part in the research lab by simply clicking in it on the VAB/SPH menu? that feature will help a lot, specially people with lower system performance, as for some reason, the research screen lags a lot, which greatly increases frustration when you are looking to buy a specific part from a node.
  4. does it feature an auto-buy option for the tech tree? i get a huge lag whenever i'm there sop having to unlock 100+ parts by hand is really a pain, specially because you have to scroll down all the way everytime and the lag...
  5. Did anyone fixed the issue with radiators not working? if they don't work, i'll be forced to use either fission reactors from near-future or their solar panels as they don't produce wasteheat
  6. I've just put a warehouse with six Gigantor arrays and two heat radiators, but the radiators are not radiating the heat away, they have no power convected ratings. i would post the pic, but i can't seem to upload right now
  7. Is this compatible with .23? or just like other great mods the dev launched an "experimental" .23 release?
  8. Quantas vezes voces já idealizaram uma missão, desenharam o foguete, verificaram tudo antes de lançar, e tudo vai exatamente como planejado de primeira sem nenhum contratempo, o foguete não dá um 360° e faz quadradinho de 8 no ar, nem falta combustivel, voce só consegue, eu fiz isso quando consegui o laboratorio do interestelar, eu fiz um foguete de 4 estagios, o primeiro era o aceleração inicial com 6 propulsores solidos , que duraram até ~15k depois tinha velocidade e combustivel pra alcançar 115K, o plano original era o de usar esses propulsores solidos bem rapido e trocar pro liquido, mas eu segui o plano, os motores liquidos se esgotaram bem antes do que eu esperava mas eu consegui ter uma apoapíce de ~260K eu, então troquei pro estagio de maior eficiencia e comecei a circularizar, tudo na mão(não sou muito fã de MechJeb, mas uso outros mods pra informações) consegui, na boa uma orbita estavel, com 300K, quase circular, pena que no final de tudo o laboratorio, não gerava mais de .15 ciencia por dia aparentemente os kerbals não curtem experimentos em micro-gravidade .
  9. Normalmente o que me salva são os videos do Scott Manley, ele faz uma serie de KSP com mods, e como tambem jogo com varios mods, salva bastante, ele faz coisas incriveis como, shuttles funcionais
  10. Mim ser BR tambem, sem muito orgulho devido a politicos e completa apatia a futebol, mas sou BR
  11. What about a module that creates a node for a "Free-Return" path at n closest approach? just so we can more easily gain science in the new carrer by doing pass missions rather than hohmann transferring and circularization burn, then return from moon burn. Free-return would accept n, where n means the closest approach you'll have at the target before turning back to the celestial body you were previously orbited, of course this is intended for advanced satelites orbit manuevers.
  12. thanks, that is that SSTO made in SPH?? what type of crazy staging goes into that? that's amazing, but thanks for the tips, tomorrow i'm going to try my updated designs and post then here for evaluation.
  13. Hi, lately i've been trying to make a working design for an unmanned extractor vehicle, that would land on the planet, fills itself up with kethane then orbit and rendezvouz back to the station where said kethane would be refined into fuel for the probe and the station engines, but i've been failing to get a working model(a model that can de-orbit, extract, re-orbit and rendesvouz). Are there any tips for said designs? most of my designs either run out of fuel on landing or just can't reorbit again, of course, bringing more fuel over would cause the Vehicle to become much heavier, but not bringing much seems to make it's mission, impossible to do, i've been trying to make it on Kerbin, where i cheat fuel for the vehicle to get in orbit, then deactivate the cheat and de-orbit, try to land on a kethane spot(which mechjeb2 seems to be very bad at doing so, i had to do manually with just smart ass), then land run out of fuel at 2k altitude, i've been using the very efficient 500 power engines from KOSMOS, as they hnave enough power to lift my probe and are as efficient as an orbital 2.5m engine from KW Rocketry. BTW got modular fuels so i can adapt other tanks for kethane too, any designs that are working for you? any ideas that might help my goal? anything you would like to discuss about kethane that might be constructive? please reply, after all it's a discussion thread . thanks. filippe999.
  14. this looks awesome! thanks, i can now properly program my rocket rather than piloting manually! finally some precise control, different from mechjeb it actually requires something of the person who's using it.
  15. Hi, well, this suggestion will greatly help players that have about 5 addons or so and the loading times of the game start to become unbearable(mine takes straight 4m), if the game had a persistent cache, the game wouldn't need to reload and recompile everything, if the game wrote all the compiled data it generated after it has done doing so, and it used these files the next time to speed up it's loading times greatly, as it's just reading files not generating then again.I have no knowledge on how the game works, or which language the game is made in, but it might be possible. For easier understanding i made a simple flowchart: This will help a lot in loading times, but it might increase the game size a few megabytes, but a few extra megabytes is a good trade for faster loading times, of course, this would only work if the game actually compiled the parts on the run, if it doesn't do a cache system would be awesome. Thanks Filippe999
  16. agreed, and let us pray that one day there is a persistent cache so it doesn't take so long to load the game
  17. You have saved many of us from lag, thanks, keep up the good work
  18. Kerbal Engineer and Interestellar should definitely be added to the game.
  19. Mine is on the mun unraveling the secrets of the universe with Bill they got the company of Multivac, an AGI core below then.
  20. Hi, i've been pondering lately as i saw scott manley videos on some plugins for KSP, well, plugins can take the game in a complete different way and make certain things easier at the same time greatly increasing ths flexibility and challenge involved in doing so, personally i play with a bunch of mods, here a list if you're interested: - Novapunch; - b9 Aerospace(although i never designed a jet that could fly without crashing into the runway); - KOSMOS; - Interestellar(used to be my favorite until the recent update, now there's no point in launching a science lab in sandbox, at least not for part upgrades as it did before); - Kethane pack; - Achievements(); - extraplanetary launchpads(i'm yet to make a succesfull one yet, although i'm mapping ore as i type); - firespitter( although i never made one); - hexcans(fancy tanks!); - procedural farings(it's really cool to deploy stations that way); - KW Rocketry(their engines and tank for 3.75 rockets are really balanced); - RLA Electric Engines(for more efficient kethane probing); - MechJeb(only for the delta-V calculation and the smart A.S.S., the ascension guidance is kinda cheaty in my opinion). Yes, it takes about 5min to start the game¬_¬", unfortunately there's no such thing as a cache for faster loading times yet in KSP, but i like the versatility these Addons grant me. Do you play with mods? why not? if yes, which ones? why?, this is a discussion thread you know . thanks, filippe999
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