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Everything posted by NoClass

  1. If you have the delta V, you can put a maneuver node on the next intercept point and just extend until the predicted intercepts are close together. This, of course, assumes that your orbital angles are the same.
  2. As to screenshots... that's weird. You might try copying your craft into a sandbox mode save, simply to get a screenshot. The pitching and yawing... Does the craft move back and forth, or just one direction constantly? If you have SAS on, do your pitch, roll, and yaw indicators show that it is fighting the movement?
  3. Hello all, Since upgrading to .24 (64 bit version), I haven't been able to get TAC part lister to work. Hopefully I can get it to work again. In the meantime, is there any other way to determine how much my craft weighs in the VAB? It seems strange that Squad has not made this a part of the stock UI. Am I missing something, or do most people have no idea of ship mass until launch? (seems impossible)
  4. I'm having trouble getting it to work for .24 (64 bit version). The widget appears as before, but when I click on it, I just get an empty gray box. I run a lot of mods, so God only knows what the problem is. Is there any other way to tell how much my craft weighs before I launch it?
  5. :ma You can also plant flags! I have three near KSP, labelled "RW09", "RW27", and Old Runway. They're better than nothing, though it's hard to discriminate precise headings, courses, and glideslopes off of the navball. Oh, what I would do for some proper NAVAIDs! Maybe I'll have to look into MJ just for the spaceplane guidance. This! Trim makes all the difference in the world if you just want a touch of elevon at a time. You can totally fly long distances using incremental trim touches once you get it centered. Of course getting it centered is a pain, as the trim setting moves SLOWLY (ugggh), and can't be mapped to a controller (UGGH!). It would also be nice for there to be a trim toggle button, that jumps trim to whatever control input you or SAS is using. Also, go ahead and get yourself a controller. I use a Logitech Dual Action controller, and it made flying winged aircraft waaaaay easier. In the meantime using the precision controls (CAPS LOCK toggle) is also helpful.
  6. Ahh, now that makes sense! I guess that I'm used to seeing those coefficients on graphs with multiple scales. Maybe it's time to start paying attention to what I read... That is a beautiful response! I'll clarify and say that my planes have good glide ratios, but I trouble getting them to fly slowly with the power off. Of course, more induced drag would not make this any easier, so I'll shut up now. Thanks for the info!
  7. Ferram, First off, let me add to the chorus saying how awesome your work has been. This truly is an accomplishment. Anyway, I tinkering with basic winged bodies in the SPH; seeing how your analyzer responded to them. I noticed that the calculated Cd doesn't seem to change much with increased AoA: Does this mean that the Cd of the analysis only accounts for profile drag with increased AoA? Regardless, shouldn't profile drag spike if the wing is beyond the critical AoA? Also, I'm having a difficult time designing craft that can glide slowly. I figure that's due to the relatively high density of KSP parts (thus, high wing loading), but I dunno... Still, with most of my craft it FEELS like the drag at high AoA and low a/s isn't high enough, as if lift-induced drag isn't a factor. Is there any way in the current version of FAR to look at that? ...or are all of these questions evidence that I simply don't understand aerodynamics properly
  8. EDIT (Internals not showing up) Guh, disregard. I mis-installed my mods. A fresh install of KSP and all mods made everything better.
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