:ma You can also plant flags! I have three near KSP, labelled "RW09", "RW27", and Old Runway. They're better than nothing, though it's hard to discriminate precise headings, courses, and glideslopes off of the navball. Oh, what I would do for some proper NAVAIDs! Maybe I'll have to look into MJ just for the spaceplane guidance. This! Trim makes all the difference in the world if you just want a touch of elevon at a time. You can totally fly long distances using incremental trim touches once you get it centered. Of course getting it centered is a pain, as the trim setting moves SLOWLY (ugggh), and can't be mapped to a controller (UGGH!). It would also be nice for there to be a trim toggle button, that jumps trim to whatever control input you or SAS is using. Also, go ahead and get yourself a controller. I use a Logitech Dual Action controller, and it made flying winged aircraft waaaaay easier. In the meantime using the precision controls (CAPS LOCK toggle) is also helpful.