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Everything posted by stevism

  1. perhaps i will help...thanks for pointing me in the right direction
  2. just curious why you can't get up and float around in IVA. would make for some cool space stations if you could move around and interact with stuff internally (think...move to a cupola...move to a robot arm...etc.) are there mods that do this? is there a reason tied to the game why movable iva isn't possible? just curious
  3. i recently figured this out with a fuel station around jool i had done right before 0.23 came out. i waited until i unlocked the relevant tech in my career mode so i didn't feel like it was cheating. the amount of code between the [vessel] tags was astonishingly large. but i just zoomed really far out and that made it easy the code is well written / indented properly so it's not bad.
  4. wow that's pretty cool. pardon my ignorance but how to go underwater?
  5. very true...but i like to spam flags sometimes did that EVA up/down for the first time on a gilly trip recently...haven't tried minimus yet though
  6. hey thanks for the kind words! and @GusTurbo tbh i left out RCS because i wanted to make an additional challenge for myself in rendevouszing and landing. sharing it on here was an afterthought that and the docking ports shouldn't be too hard for people to add if they want
  7. This design requires rendevouszing (but no docking) without use of RCS. I've only tested it to Minmus...not sure if the lander would work on the Mun. I feel like it wouldn't but not sure. Also I didn't design this for efficiency or accuracy or anything...i just wanted to make something for fun / looked cool. I know there are plenty of shortcomings on it hope someone can enjoy 100% Stock: https://www./?cr5rd5bbylkthfg
  8. goodluck fixing the com issue...curious how it looks in the end
  9. orbital space stations around the mun or minmus are pretty useful if you still have some science to do...land/hit a biome/return to orbital base/store experiments at mpl/reset experiments/refuel lander/repeat what are you looking for in videos/wikis? I like to make it by designing a great lifter that will be used for the missions, then sending it piece by piece. I included extra fuel /dv for each mission, and each time i dock i fill up tanks and anytime i get an empty tank i discard it i think it's important to have: 1. decent sized fuel tanks 2. a good store of RCS 3. mobile processing lab 4. a docking port of each size (or whatever you have at the moment) 5. LIGHTS (the softer ones) that illuminate the docks...nothing worse than rendezvousing right as it all goes dark 6. batteries +solar for said lights 7. plenty of snacks
  10. have you tried "Shift Hold to rotate parts in 5° instead of 90° steps" let's you be more accurate with the ladders. otherwise im not sure. maybe the direction has something to with it. but why bother? EVAs are fun
  11. maybe you don't, but I'm sure plenty of players switch to them on a regular basis. I do it for time warps (full range of course)...specifically if the flag is near where I plan on landing, and i want to time warp to daylight in that region. I love having them displayed in the flight list / maps, because i always make note of what flight landed there, what biome it was (if any) and what number landing it was for that flight. So for science missions to Minmus or the Mun, I have a good history of what the mission event timeline was like. I 100% agree they should not be listed as an "active flight" for the save file though, because as someone who plants a lot of flags that number quickly loses all meaning. But as for the rest of their implementation...I like it a lot and hope it doesn't change.
  12. I have a lot of experience doing interplanetary, and almost every mission has gone off without a hitch. I've been (landed and returned where applicable) from a lot of places, just haven't hit any of Jool's moons except Laythe. I tried Moho last night and wow, I miscalculated. I wouldn't recommend it as a first interplanetary trip, not at all. I know have 3 brave kerbals stuck in a highly ellipitcal orbit around moho...their main engines are gone, their landing engines are depleted and dumped, and the final orbit maneuvers was accomplished via RCS. sooo I'll let you know how the rescue mission goes.
  13. First, time warping isn't personally an issue because after I plant my first flag on the surface. I switch to that when I need to do faster time warps. For the Mun I put it around 35-45k, equatorial. Load it up with a lot of fuel so polar trips, etc, aren't a big deal. Minmus has much lower gravity and is smaller than the Mun, so you can kind of do whatever you want with that. For Minmus I like to orbit it really low (25k or so) just because it's a nice view and easier to aim landings with rotation taken into account...but far away orbits aren't that much harder to manage either, since it's easy to get to high orbits.
  14. agreed, it definitely feels grindy as it is. although it's obvious they have much more in mind for it. it would be cool if certain tech tree elements couldn't be unlocked until a certain biome had been reached. so like, no nuclear engines until 3 mun biomes and 3 minmus biomes have been explored (to some stated extent), etc. anyway i use the mpl as a part of a orbital refueling station as well...seems great for that so far and makes for more interesting roleplaying. definitely glad it got me to stop spamming transmissions...which was boring
  15. i really doubt it's debris collisions. not even sure if that's calculated if you don't have one of the two objects as your "active" flight? this happened to me in 0.22 when I made my first orbit around Eeloo. I went back the next day to do my landing and my entire craft was gone and the kerbal was back home. i hadn't done any staging out there so no debris it's a kraken glitch, one that made me step away from 0.22 and not play until 0.23 came out.
  16. i take it back. since posting on here i have had manned mobile labs in orbit for both mun and minmus, with one lander and one return ship. as i now see others are doing as well with the mpl, i just send a ship down, do my science, return and dock to the orbiting station, put all my science in the return craft, clean the experiments, refuel, and set out to hit some more biomes. it feels a lot more realistic to me this way, although i still do NOT see the point of "processing" the samples and sending them back. ymmv
  17. yeah, but mobile lab rovers can't hit *that* many biomes, unless you land in a few sweet spots. i think it's more efficient to build a ship that can bunny-hop amongst biomes and then send a small apollo-style return vehicle, but that's just my play style. agreed, it's useless for now. looking forward to where they take it though. OP, the main point is to flesh out a badass space station
  18. lab module is mostly useless. considering how you can go and collect data while on an eva and then put it into your ship to take home... i've been building single-man ships that have detachable one-use science segments (materials, goo, etc). i do the experiment, eva and collect, then get rid of it. 2 kerbals + size of lab + meager increase in science value = not worth it imho. i was REALLY hoping that it was going to be more along the lines of say how a real space station works. where it you put it in orbit, then deliver like a "plant" test or a "animal" test, etc. and you could only do that test in a mobile lab. of course you could deliver these "tests" to different mobile labs and get new science results, since a "plant" test on Duna would be different than one on Laythe, etc. idk...right now I think the only point of it is to slow down your progress and look cool. if you actually want to get the most science, it's more frustrating than anything.
  19. i stopped playing when the kraken totally and inexplicably destroyed my first mission to Eeloo while it was still in orbit. I went back to land it and it was gone that was a month or so ago...when 0.23 hits I will return there again. If it doesn't make sense to use my last career mode, then I will hit Eeloo as early as possible in my new career mode.
  20. Hello! I have taken a break from exploring the solar system and instead set my sights on building my first modular space station that Kerbalkind can be proud of. Mission: To build a space station that can hold at least 8 kerbals comfortably, as they contemplate the Kosmos and work on science. Multiple docks should be accessible, with at least one of each size. Lighting is necessary, and indefinite expandability is also required, although only 3 parts are planned initially. It should also hold enough fuel and monopropellant to serve as an emergency refueling station (one day it may expand into a more serious refueling station, but part count lag might make that more of a hassle than it's worth) Kronos Space Station Part I: Command module, as well as other control vessels. Responsible for generating the power for the rest of the station. Part II Main living quarters, as well as a "walkway" that has 4 centers of science. There are two chairs by each science module, so that teams of 2 can sit together and work on their research. The walkway serves as a shield from ill-fated docking vehicles, as well as ease of EVA access from docked vehicles (4 ladders reach down towards the docking area that will be on part III). inspection of part I + II docked: Part III Fuel depot / docking station. Delivered to the station with full fuel tanks, bottom has sr docking port to allow further expansion (but for now, docking with bigger ships) Parts I-III docked successfully! Zeus Transport I It's all well and good that there's a space station up there now...but what good is it without any Kerbals up there? I purposefully only sent up one Kerbal with Part I (Baremone) and he was responsible for overseeing the construction of the KSS. I didn't want to have too many up there in case something went wrong... But now it's time to build a reliable transport to get them there and back! KSS is parked at a circularized orbit ~204km, so that was kept in mind while designing it. after stage I has been spent (i had 8 outside boosters on it, i think t400+t800 per each and the 200 thrust engine) next stage spent, rotating to take advantage of the lift on the wings as well as look cool after achieving stable orbit, this stage will be used to rendezvous with KSS as well as return home when their stint is done coming in for the maiden docking! Kronos Space Station and Zeus Transport I are a major success! I docked another ZTI at KSS, and used the extra monopropellant on each to top off the monopropellant stored on KSS. here it is orbiting over the KSC Thanks for reading!
  21. wow thanks for the warm welcomes and kind feeback everyone, I really appreciate it! definitely looking forward to becoming more involved here My apologies! I definitely agree that this belongs in Mission Reports (now that I see what that entails), sorry to clutter the wrong section and thank you for moving it to the right one! I will bring this over-reaching thread to a close by posting the rest of the "highlights" from my other missions. I see now that you can post your craft (which looks awesome!) so I will attempt to post in the correct sections by doing specific Mission Reports and uploading the craft(s) that were used in said mission, and linking them accordingly. If anyone sees any particular craft on here that you want me to upload asap, just let me know and I'll do those first Minmus Missions: first manned mission: visiting the first probe sent to Minmus (the probe was one of my earlier missions and earned me a ton of science. landing was done on tailpipe, didn't plan on landing originally) visiting a leftover portion of a MunSci styled lander. The return ship decouples from the lander that this Kerbal is standing on lastest Minmus missions purely to explore, as tech tree is done. well, i still put science gear on it for future career modes Kerbin South Pole not many pics but did this while working on the tech tree Eve probe/lander this mission gained me a LOT of science (well, by my standards haha) and helped me finish the tech tree. Duna probe / lander (same craft as Eve mission) Manned mission to Jool/Laythe lander / push crafts docked together, aerobraking at jool, swinging past tylo, and arriving at laythe: I had misjudged how much fuel I'd need to get there, so I sent another "push" craft to meet up with the first one. I planned to dock them once Jeb Bob and Bill had landed safely on Laythe, but I refused to send them down to the surface until their fuel home was safely in orbit around laythe: landing on Laythe, then leaving 101 days later (when the launch window was optimal): docked with push vehicle, and return trip to kerbin: can't forget to repack the chutes! back at kerbin: mission successful! mission stats: the science I brought home instead of transmitting: ----- sorry for the HUGE post but I hope you guys enjoy some of it haha
  22. hello everyone! I'm new to KSP. Well, I played on 0.21 and when I updated to 0.22 I didn't know to back anything up so....I was forced to start career mode from scratch. Which was good I suppose, because it made me start over but with a good foundation in gameplay! I accomplished the tech tree mostly through exploration of the mun (MunSci missions flown by Elmy Kerman were critical to this) as well as a few missions to Minmus, as well as a couple of Kerbin missions. The "last" mission of mine that mattered was a probe that flew to Eve, getting info on interplanetary space, Eve's space / upper atmosphere / flying, and ultimately landing there and sending back a ton of science. I've flown plenty of missions after the tech tree (including my first manned trip to Laythe and back that was a success ) and continue to explore the solar system. I play 100% stock. Not because I am against mods, but more because I just get distracted by having so much fun already If you just want to see ALL of my pics thus far of my career mode, then you can see that here:http://s999.photobucket.com/user/stevism/slideshow/KSP%20022 But I doubt you do, so here is a quick overview: MunSci missions (some before tech tree completion, some after. don't have pics of each one): more to come...still haven't posted any minmus pics, probe pics (to eve and duna), or the big Jool/Laythe mission cheers!
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