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Everything posted by Redhotita1

  1. Mun, then Minmus, then Duna, Jool, Eeloo, then Eve, then i discovered Real Solar System.
  2. FAR download is broken. It requires ModularFlightIntegrator for work, which is not downloaded by default.
  3. You can tweak the FOV by holding ALT then scrolling MMB also. I didn't know about that one
  4. Apparently i broke kerbal once again! I though it was Interstellar... not Intergalactic gah...
  5. Apparently last feedback for the G510 it's for Kerbal 0.25... I can confirm anyway that works great in Kerbal 1.0! Awesome mod!
  6. Procedural Fairing.... separate better, have a rounded shape, look more realistic while stock fairings have too many sharp edges and separate awfully. Wit the StockFix you have the same controls you would have with the Proc. Fairing. I'd go with the stock fairings if someone is able to make them separate correctly, not in the kerbal way.
  7. Even with the fix it doesn't work I reported it yesteday but due to the bug spam nobody noticed http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116805-Engines-won-t-start-with-interstages
  8. Kerbal 1.0 32bit I did a rocket with the new stock fairings which those worked as interstage, but if i don't deploy them, and i just decouple them, engine will still have the "Occulted" tag without giving me the possibility of starting it, even tho the rocket has staged.
  9. I don't understand what's the problem really, the 64bit of 0.24.2 is waaaaaaay more stable rather than the 32bit of the 0.90. (Except for the right click problem) But I don't mind since i prefer something like this(http://i.imgur.com/gK2bf0N.png) , rather than this... (http://i.imgur.com/XHx38XF.png) I'm usually playing with the mod pack for RSS and i usually hit the 8GB(http://i.imgur.com/Qny0KDA.png), just jusing kerbal, while now i have to pray to not crash while switching scenario because I'm with the 32bit with 3,5GB of RAM, one more and game will shutdown without any advice. Do mods need to be coded also for 64bit? If not I don't see the point of limiting those...
  10. I... I don't even... gah It works better as Retro-Booster...
  11. node_attach... try to change to something like node_attach = 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
  12. Ye, you have to move that point... and rotate it of 90° Sorry if i can't explain it that well...
  13. I believe you're looking for node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 I'm not completly sure, just give it a try I think that is what tells the game where radially attach your part. It correspond as node_attach = X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ, Size
  14. http://i.imgur.com/lyKnZzJ.png http://i.imgur.com/pstuv6R.png Gets stuck on loading this texture... I used the installer, i don't have any crash log
  15. Alright, remade the launch config, but still it looses the control as I give the command to go 45° Since I need to go only East, and from Up to Down, I can calculate the values by sin and cosin of the wanted pitch angle, If i correctly understood the mean of X Y Z axes. This is what i came up with: X -> cos(a)=E/W Y -> sin(a)=U/D http://i.imgur.com/rfuLhrk.png Tried to do it in Kerbal: http://i.imgur.com/R4mdttg.png http://i.imgur.com/SzTfrbj.png Result : http://i.imgur.com/F1DGFef.jpg http://i.imgur.com/i545fDM.png What am I doing wrong?! EDIT: Images are just too large to be poster directly... Isn't there a spoiler?
  16. I've been tring to make a Gravity turn... but I don't really understand the SetNavballHeading values... The launch it's perfect! after 10 seconds starts the engines, and after 6 seconds, removes launch clamps, going perfectly straight up setting all at 0 After i set a NavBallheading of N\s 0.35 E\W 0.6 and U\D 0.6, just because i read them from a previous test flight, those values should be Pitch : 45° Heading : 90° Roll : (not figured out yet.) This is my actual flowgraph. http://i.imgur.com/Bxdpcw7.png http://i.imgur.com/MgY2uGu.jpg If you already explained it, i'm sorry, i must have missed it in some page... I've checked every page twice
  17. I'll do my best to provide the logs for a reentry, but kerbal keep crashing during liftoff... For tomorrow I'll do it. I hope Well, that's how i did it... As you can see, it's quite fast starting from a 300km x 91km (about 3 aerobraking)
  18. Sorry if it's the wrong position to post, but I have really no clue which mod is causing the problem. Apparently Mk1-2 + heatshield has no drag! When i try to make a reentry with it (I didn't try with other cockpits though) it slows down very slowly, I usually set an orbit of 200kmx81km My speed keeps very high (7,7km/s) till 60km-50km even though my capsule actually burns alot, until burn up all the heatshield and explode at 4km/s to an altitude of 25km... It looks irrealistic, i don't know if the problem it's of RSS, FAR, RO... I really have no clue...
  19. I guess DR it's realistic, while reenting your speed it's about 3km\s, while in the Earth with RSS you get easly over 7km\s. It's not made for simulate the Earth reentry on Kerbin... That's what I think at least.
  20. 0.24.2 for the simple reason that Realism Overhaul it's not updated yet and because FAR for 0.24.2 supports 64bits.
  21. Nice! Good luck with that! I didn't noticed the WIP for the FASA, sorry. Take your time for make a good job, I can wait Don't thank me... You just deserve it. Everybody involved in Real Solar System related mods are doing great! Enough OT, Sorry
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