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Everything posted by Redhotita1

  1. ow... Sorry, i though it was the Apollo, the FASA one it's kinda glitchy last time i tried. RCS not working properly etc, bugs that have been solved i guess. Thanks for the answer, and for fixing it! You're doing an awesome job! Please, keep doing this
  2. I just tried to remake the Apollo CSM... for the 6th time. Since you removed the 4m Heatshield decoupter i had to use tweak scale and i noticed that... it's little bit heavy... E: The capsule should be of 3.9 meters, and not 4.2 meters, as shown in the image below.
  3. I was just going on a Geosynchronus orbit... I got the problem it's a conflict between DarkMultiplayer and Flight Computer of the RemoteTech
  4. INTERGALATIC SPAAAAAAAAACE! From Wikipedia (with Real Solar System)
  5. I've tested a cool mod that i found! if anyone is intrested it's this mod Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded (Orthographic) ship view (That's a 1:1 scale of the Saturn V)
  6. Just finished to remake the Saturn C-5 with the Apollo mission. I actually put in orbit (with about 2.4km/s of dV left in the 3rd stage) The double of the payload that i need for land on the moon! This is the rocket that I like the most! Might look awful compared to the actual Saturn V, but I put alot of effort for make everything match to the real rocket.
  7. Actually you need about 13km/s for get in Mars's orbit and about 3km/s for get back, Aerobraking on both Mars and Earth
  8. As you described, it looks amazing! Graphics are even worse than KSP... I should try it though! Thanks alot! btw, this thread was pointed to ask how to do a recreation of the Apollo 11 in the RealSolarSystem, not on Kerbin
  9. It's the Atlas texture of ProceduralParts, and also my rockets got a >1 TWR at lift off then <0,95, fuels burn up quickly, just setup your apoapsis at 1:30 - 2 mins of "distance"
  10. I succefully made a Saturn V + LEM + CSM all with the same weight, I just lack of 1 engine that i still looking for... 1 F-1B, i have 4 from KWRocketry.... I need the 5th.It's up to scale, it's also taller than the VAB, probably they built it directly on the launchpad dV would be fine, if i don't have to wait still i get under about 2,6k tons before lift off, and this makes me loose over 500m/s of dV Every fuel tank is from Procedural Parts The damned 1st stage - It's composed by a F-1 (Four) of the KW Rocketry, has 3616m/s of dV. The tank size is ø 10.1 meters x 41 meters length Second Stage - Made up by five J-2X of the AIES engines, since the 1st stage should bring us into space the dV will be about 5000m/s and that will be enough for get us in a very good sub-orbit. 3rd Stage - Made by 1 J-2X of AIES engine, has ~3600m/s of dV, this will allow me to get into orbit (since i expect a manouver of 500m/s dV), the remaining dV will bring us into a TLI, well... that's what I hope And this is the playload without fairing CSM and the LEM Weight 45.2 tons The LEM has roughly the same dV as the original, and same size I hope... It looks little from the VAB, you really don't get the size of the Saturn V if you don't compare a Kerbal to it And this is just the LEM. and this is how they should return to the Earth... should... Maybe with this fresh install of KSP, FASA will work (are the F-1B engines different part from the tank?), because i tried many times, and i always get only the LEM and some other stuff, Saturn V and Apollo capsule never worked. It's not the best looking thing, but i like it. The rocket still in developement, CSM neither has the RCS (but has hydrazine, so more dead weight), i'll tweak something a littlebit. The mods that I am using (for this rocket) are, Procedural Parts, Procedural Fairings, Realism Overhaul, TAC Life Support, ALCOR, Raster Prop Monitor (for a full IVA experience ), Crew Manifest, KW Rocketry and AIES Aerospace
  11. Banned because is trapped on a little-blue-green planet.
  12. You should consider trying ArmA 3... Camping it's nearly the rule there, since if you put the head out of the cover, you're dead... It can be very boring since sometimes you have no vehicles to use, and action it's 20km away...
  13. This is a render I did few months ago, it's not that good, still my first serious test. It's the system Earth-Moon, so yea, that tiny white dot it's the Moon, orbiting at 357000km from the Earth
  14. In my opinion, for the movement, it would be great if i could just press W or S for go forward and backward, for get in the seat, look out the window, or check the Oxygen tank pressure just double click in it, and the kerbal goes there. For how it is Kerbal Space Program, it's useless movement inside a spacecraft, there aren't roles, like Pilot, Lander Pilot, Commander, every seat has the same command, and Kerbals can't do stuff. The AI would be so great in this game, an example could be, if there's a problem with a satellite, you make the kerbal go out and repair it automatically, instead of piloting the kerbal by yourself...
  15. I think something like this should be enabled only in Space Center view, I doubt that someone will take a walk, when a Kerbal rocket gets launched. About the collision and kerbal stopping infront of you, crashes, etc, that's kinda complicated and useless. You're supposed to be in SPACE!
  16. Banned for having only 17 posts. edit : just noticed i also have 17 posts...
  17. Getting ready to land on the Moon for the second time, hopefully i'll improove my ship. (Real Solar System)
  18. This is the best rocket i've done this far About 26 tons to TLI
  19. The SLS it's just awesome! New Technology, new design. The Saturn V/Apollo style it's just epic, i don't like the SLS/Altair and SLS/Orion, but it's more efficient than a Saturn V, first the money, right?
  20. Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, KW Rocketry Engines, FAR, and Deadly Reentry. best combo of mods
  21. In the EULA (End User License Agreement when you install the game) You accept that you can use, mod w/e is inside GameData folder, but you can't share what's inside KSP_Data Only personal purposes only.
  22. Although Kerbal looks like a finished game, I do remember it's only in 0.23 Many things will be added. I'm also starting to get bored about Kerbals, i wish the A7L Space suit (Used by Apollo Program) Don't like the fact the head is bigger than the body...
  23. Wow, non avevo notato una sezione Italiana, beh... come mai fare un Subforum di quello ufficiale quando c'è un sito dedicato..?
  24. The first landing, was with this ship. Today i do Apollo Style mission only, way more efficient have 2 separate ships for landing and returning home
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