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Everything posted by Lolkillalevi

  1. Thank you for that! Yeah i'm still new to KSP so i'm messing around in sandbox acting like i need probe sattelites and all that So how would i start burning do i set target or right click and click add menuever? Thank's in advance!
  2. Thank you for clearing that up, How can i make the resolution bigger? I've been on my game resolution of 1200x670 or around that it's 1200x something i know for sure!, How can i do that. Please because i've uploaded 2 different image hosting sites and also imageshack i uploaded in 1600x720 so, there's no reason for that!
  3. My arc is pretty well done? and i can't seem to get it to stop falling!
  4. Yeah the arc when the you look at the map, I'll get a snap when i can
  5. Mine's jebediah, What's you'res? Never Looses his Grin!
  6. I have a big radius of all my probes...And THEY dissapear after a few hours! help! I apoligize i just got up when i posted this, But my sattelite probe/station thing, I was pretty sure i had a stale orbit or not moving whatever you call that, And my station, I found crashed debris on my map after a few minutes to at most an hour. and my Sattelite probes dissapeared too, And also i sent up a new station but then it started falling back down again, But my probes we're for SURE not moving when i stopped,Why is my station crashing?
  7. I haven't gotten to trying to go to minmus, I tried once...I ended up falling back into where i keep reversing, I throtteld up and it just made it reverse faster ??!?!?
  8. Thanks For posting! I thought if i was gonna go arm my kerbals for intergalatic war, That i would be the wierdest KSP player in history ! Lol, But now i've read you're post, I'm gonna start making new tankers carriers and all that stuff, And dude jumbo tanks, AWESOME! So thanks for letting me know that other people make tanks and stuff! I think im gonna make a inter-galactic defense grid!
  9. Yeah, I think i would have fun making jets that are able to shoot some kinda thing without any mods...Just like you said, Every player has a differen't goal and Way they have fun!
  10. So what you're saying is the only fun in ksp is the jets and docking to mun and bases, No interplanetary wars haha.
  11. Do you need to go to other planets to have fun or can you have fun by flying jets making explosions or even making you're own army of kerbals arming themselvs for intergalatic war?
  12. I did the training parts But the hardest part with the menuever nodes, is i keep forgetting prograde and retrograde from the first to the seccond (Greener is 1st pinker is 2nd) And i also keep accidentally failing, Making my rocket zoom away from the mun instead of at it. I really don't know what i'm doing wrong. It may be my rocket, But it would be cool if you can make one that can get to minmus! Because i'm not having any luck getting there. I really have no expirience either, I don't really know what i wan't but lets say i want help getting to atleast some planet. so yeah it would be great if you can make me a rocket that can do that, And the craft files how do i use them or put the in the game?
  13. Okay, I'll go for mission minmus. But what rocket should i take does the KERBAL-X Have enough fuel to get there or am i gonna need a refuel docking place?
  14. Okay, So i don't need to burn anything like everyone says, I also started driving twoards it once and i speeded time because it was getting boring waiting to get there, But i would always pass it ?
  15. I'm new to ksp and forums, Having alot of fun! But i now wanna focus on landing and planting a flag on the mun or another planet. How do you think i should pull that off with no mods and particulary Easy? should i focus on getting a refuel docker and space station also sattelite probes? Or how should i go upon a mission to a planet? I am new player so anything easy would be great!
  16. Thanks for all the posts, If i can ask, how can i put achievements or get achievements on signatures?
  17. Oh okay! Thank you For clearing that up. Do people flame on this forum or...Not? I'm still new so i really don't know what these people here do.
  18. I've heard something of a kraken, And also I've watched a cinematic with some kinda ship swirling around. I did go to google and researched it, But i didn't really get it real well. So don't flame me if i'm asking a dumb question. Thanks in advance!
  19. Thank you! I think i will use that design to try and get to duna or the mun! If you can which planet is easier to get to for a new player? Duna, the mun or...some other planets i may not know about lol, Thank you for the fast reply!
  20. Hello! I'm new to KSP Forums and the Game! I've watched a little youtube videos so i kinda know how to make a rocket, And played the demo. But what rocket with no mods would you suggest to get to the mun or duna? Thanks in Advance!
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