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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. Well at least it didn't break apart when it "landed" in the water. Also first time I've seen pictures of the Radish being used for an aircraft, although I've heard stories.
  2. One my favorite things about this game is the innocence of the Kerbals. Apart from puzzle games, nothing completely nonviolent has hooked me for as long as KSP.
  3. Yea that should work fine. I'd urge you to use the Radishtest from HGRtest over the one from HGR though, this one works better with FAR and is more adaptable. Its adapters use shared textures as well btw, so those likely haven't been showing up either. Maybe having HGRtest inside HGR is causing the ATM problems?
  4. My engines use shared textures, so installing HGRtest strait into your Gamedata directory is required. If you look in the engine's .cfg files you will see: MODEL { model = HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/model texture = Model000, HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/Model000 texture = Model001, HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/Model001 texture = Model002, HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/Model002 texture = Model004, HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/Model004 texture = Model005, HGRtest/Parts/Engines/G90/Model005 } You can change these file paths if you really need to have it installed somewhere else, but I wouldn't recommend it as it can be really fickle. EDIT: Yup, no worries I'll put everything in, in the next release.
  5. Directly under the pod is the toroidal fuel tank and the 1.25m battery. (I had TAC installed and don't always like putting solar panels on everything) Under that is my smallest 1.875m tank and the panels are held on by the tiny radial attachment points from RLA stockalike. I like getting my landers to have a more angular base so I've been working on my lander aesthetics. Still haven't designed a two stage one that I'm happy with yet though.
  6. Finally got a chance to take some pictures of the PMK in its current state. Just keep in mind that it's still very WIP especially the IVA. Speaking of which, I also did my first IVA landing test. Some of the instrumentation needs to move around I think. It looks like I'll be adding in the Spud to the next update since that's the format people seem to prefer. Unless I suddenly get an overwhelming amount of opposition, but I think that's unlikely. A lot of people have asked for that last missing adapter so that's what I'm going to try and get done ASAP.
  7. I can do this if that's the format people prefer. I was hoping to move a lot of this stuff over to the main release in the next coupe weeks. The idea was that it would be easier for people to update if the experimental stuff was separated out. Either way is fine with me, but I'll need more people to speak up as to whether or not they'd prefer to keep the released parts separate from the developmental stuff.
  8. I'm going to be starting them soon, but I've got nothing to show yet sorry. Well there's something for everyone and I've tried to organize the files so that it's easy to delete the parts you don't need.
  9. Request (just in case nobody actually did already) I'll throw my hat in with those asking for the Mercury IVA. Also thanks for all your hard work Frizzank, it's been a huge inspiration to me as a fledgling modder and artist.
  10. I was coming here to ask about a 1.875m .cfg, but I see that's no longer neccissary. As far as Career goes what tech nodes effect the size of diameter a base can be? Would I need to unlock the node that opens up 2.5m fairing before I can scale up to 1.875? Really enjoy the mod and now I can't wait to get home and try the new version.
  11. One of the things I did was to set up a module manager file that removes all the reaction wheels from pods. It also severly nerfs the sas parts so they barely provide torque. Makes RCS a necessity and provides more interesting engineering challenges. Couple that with FAR, DRE, and TAC life support and you get a lot of extra aspects to consider when building. I'm hoping to figure out a way to lower Mun and Minmus science multipliers as well. I know BTSM does a lot of this but I don't really like the restrictive tech tree.
  12. I haven't used ATM, does it do a lot of compressing? I try to use the smallest texture sizes and formats that I can, so that could be one possible reason.
  13. I feel I should point out that the challenge calls for the command pod MK1 rather than the MK1 cockpit. So that would be the tiny mercury style pod. It's an interesting challenge I might give it a shot. Should be doable if you give it a couple dry runs outside the IVA view so you know when to stage and such. I'd probably try time advancing till the mun is just at the horizon of the space center before launching so I could burn strait to it after gravity turn.
  14. OK, the G90 should be working correctly now. It would seem that for some reason the new model.mu didn't copy over correctly, so the appropriate transforms were not there for the new FX to reference.
  15. Yea it's got an IVA it just still needs a lot of texture work and some prop finalization. Sorry about the G90 guys it was working for me before the upload... I'll get it fixed in the morning. I'm glad people are liking the PMK so much
  16. Hmm ok I'll have to take a look at it tomorrow morning when I'm home again. Do you have the NASA pack installed, the effects are from that, so without it they may not load. I may well have messed something up switching it from my dev file to the test one I uploaded as well. Can anyone else confirm the problem?
  17. On the most basic level you need to burn retrograde relative to kerbin's orbit around the sun. This means you burn prograde in your orbit at the point that your ejection angle leaves Kerbin on its retrograde. Hope that made any sense ^^;
  18. His taxes maybe, didn't one of the Apollo astronauts get a pardon from the IRS while he was "out of the country?"
  19. OK first version of the PMK is up. (Including an IVA) Still very WIP, but it's a good start if I do say so myself. EDIT: Oh, btw to use the docking scope just double click on the eyepiece area and it'll switch your POV like with windows. Press the "C" key to switch back. I've also updated the art on the Soy-Juice service module, although I still need to fix the stats/name etc. The G90 is now using some of the new NASA pack engine effects, so that should give it a better look. As always back up your saves and all that when you upgrade, let me know what you think about everything, and have fun! Thanks everybody, sorry I can't post pics ATM as I've got to run, but I'll try to get some up ASAP.
  20. Wow, is that eerie minmus from the better atmospheres mod?
  21. Maybe he's just upset that there's no IVA for the mk2 cockpit, so he can't see out.
  22. Isn't that something in Zelda? I want to say one of the goddesses possibly.
  23. That's actually the one I meant in my post, not sure if I'll add fuel to it but I do believe the squad adapters are a bit overweight so mine will likely be a little lighter than what I think they would do.
  24. 1. Gypsy 2. Cherno 3. Typhoon 4. Eureka
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