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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. No, I just make my textures really small to try and reduce the mod's footprint. I could release in a higher res, if people would rather that. Some parts that have been around for a while will be more difficult for me to upres, as when I was less experienced I worked in strait 512x512 lol
  2. have you tried using the parachute without using the example craft file? When I made it, it was not using Realchutes, but since you are it could be that the craft file is incompatible.
  3. Are you using realchutes? If so, make sure that realchutes and module manager are both up to date. I use a MM cfg for realchute support and it's set to not load unless you have the realchute.dll. If I'm remembering correctly, komodo was getting NullReferences like that before he updated Realchute. Edit: Here is the first post that he mentions the issue. And here is where he resolved it. Hopefully that's all the problem is
  4. Can you guys tell me if this seems like too much wear and tear? Keeping in mind that Kerbals tend to build rockets out of junkyard scrap. Also note that when zoomed out it's less apparent.
  5. So from what I can tell lowering the top of the collider has fixed the docking port trouble. At least I was able to dock moving 1.5 m/s which is pretty fast for a docking maneuver, I think. Since it's a minor issue I'll wait for the next update to add it. I think I'd like to make a pair of low profile RCS thrusters down the line. (A two way and quad 45 degree) The RLA ones are nice but their pretty small and have less than standard thrust. I've certainly wanted larger low profile RCS in other projects as well, so I'm deffinately interested. This won't be till the next "phase" however (when I'm working on the other OM and fleshing out the 1.875m set) The IVA is coming, but I've been more focused on getting everything functioning and fun to fly. While RP elements are nice and help bring things to life, gameplay is more important to me. And an IVA for a habitat is certainly a RP element rather than gameplay. That's why I wanted to get the fairings up and running, so to speak. Now that I'm switching into polish mode I'll be working on making things look good and the IVA. Just keep in mind I work in a kitchen all day and have a social life outside KSP, so just be patient.
  6. Does anyone have a good picture of what soyuz or shenzhou RCS thrusters look like? I've never found one that was clear enough for me to get a good sence of it.
  7. Sorry the way ksp is coded doesn't really allow for male/female connections. I called it boom because well I just guessed at a name because I had to call it something. I knew someone more knowledgable than me on the matter would let me know what it was called. Limited google search didn't help. Yes they are just for aesthetics. The issue sounds like it could just be that the collider extends just past the docking node. Hopefully this is the case as it would be an easy fix on my end. I have to wonder if I should even keep the port however, as it can't even serve its intended purpose of fairing base/docking port combo and is just an extra part at this point. What does everyone think? Keep the docking port, or adjust the fairings to just use the standard one?
  8. There's also an alternative download if you only want the clamps. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71032-FASA-Launch-Towers
  9. I don't think x and y require zero. That's just how my example ended up. It's more about the position of the transform and the box mesh. Think of the box as needing to be big enough to contain the kerbal and the transform has to be in the middle of the box.
  10. He just lands at night so he doesn't get burned!
  11. Minor hot fix for the issues reported on the fairings. I reduced the size of the colliders and altered the shape of the mesh slightly so that RCS ports could be places on the rim that runs along the onion. I also increased the node size, hopefully this gets rid of the "flapping." The fairing base's mass was increased so it compresses much less and a decouple module was added to the escape tower so it can be staged off if you choose. The DL link is in the OP as V0.2b. Thanks Everybody! @S4qFBxkFFg: Oh yea I saw this in your mission reports. I was wondering if the ship was wobbly when you made your burns while using the small docking ports. Why not leave the lander behind the CSM until after you circularize at Minmus? Also this is very similar to how I usually do my early Career landings at Minmus, especially with so many other pods being way down the tech tree. (Most times I play with the rule that all manned landings must use a lander and CSM)
  12. I hope this helps, as you see the box collider is the area that the kerbal will spawn in and the blue pointer is the direction he will face. Also make sure your Airlock and Ladder are tagged as such. In your case you'll want to make the ladder a tall collider box so they can climb up.
  13. See that's super weird, I tested in FAR and everything was showing as shielded in the VAB as well as my solar panels being fine during launch... Maybe my FAR install is outdated, I'll check into it when there's time. When you installed the update, did you delete the old version? I did scale back the solar panels a pinch to get them to fit inside better. Edit: After a quick test, I'm pretty sure that the problem is that the solar panels are running into the fairing's colliders and that is causing both the flapping and the breakup of the panels. I noticed the compression on the fairing base and I'll add mass as you suggested. As you can see I'm going way over recommended speeds and in FAR. Also I haven't had trouble with a pad abort myself, maybe I'll increase the max amount of fuel that way people can just tweak the amount they like to use.
  14. No worries, thanks for the feedback. I often use the cfg files of other parts as templates to build on, so that's why the docking port hasn't gotten named yet and sometimes the mass of things are off. (Slipped my mind whoops) I'll do some stress testing on the system as well, I tend to fly with my TWR under 2 by habit, which could be why I didn't notice the issues with the fairings. Larger attach nodes may help. Edit: Also, how funny the Edamame is working with BahamutoD's animation plug-in? I installed the module and couldn't get it to work on my end, I must have installed the Plug-in wrong... Jeez Also, I like "Latch-o-Matic" I may use that if you don't mind.
  15. As a wise kerbal once said: We are all just debris in the solar wind...
  16. You know I bet if you put the grapplenode inside the drill and left a little off the top of the collider, you could make it look like it drills into stuff to attach.
  17. ...like one that might even be able to pierce the heavens.
  18. I'll see what I can do to make the nodes easier. The need to fit over the heatshield limits my options, keep in mind. Nice, are you using real fuels or does it make orbit normally? Those fairings remind me how much more I still need to improve my textures. Do you mean the various landertron options? To be honest the landertron thread is a better place to find the information, as I'm still playing with it myself and figuring everything out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61294-WIP-XT-Landertron-Smart-Retrorockets-for-Landers-and-Spaceplanes-v0-06a-12-28 The basics though is that once you stage the command pod's SRB it will be "primed" and will fire automatically before touchdown. The icon changes color depending on if it has enough DV to actually stop in time. I recommend not priming it until after the chute opens as I've seen it go off early a couple times when the pod was still falling quickly and was rocking. Ie. you want the pod to be in a stable fall. I suppose putting it on the same staging as jettisoning the heatshield would work well, although I did not do this on my example craft. Hope that helps! edit: hahaha Ninja'd
  19. OK, newest version is up and there's a lot of changes. -NoseCone is now simply a true radial booster tank. Holds as much fuel as the grey and orange tank. -Default Orientation of the service module changed so the intended position of the solar panels don't cover any detail. -Several parts have changed position on the tech tree: -Solar Panels-moved to electrics -radial boosters moved to heavyRocketry -G-120 moved to heavyRocketry -First implementation of my fairings. Unfortunately docking nodes don't like having extra nodes for some reason, so the sides had to connect to the new LES tower. -the Soy-juice capsule is now equipped with soft landing rockets via XT Landertron Plug-in. (The Plug-in has been bundled in the DL if you don't already have it) It is not essential for my parts pack to function. -Realchute support has been added via a MM cfg. Requires the latest version of module manager and is still WIP -lowered the default amount of ablative shielding for the heatshield. the max remains the same. (This was done to save weight as 500 was still often too much for default settings) Hopefully that's everything, I'll update this post if I remember something else. Have fun and look forward to seeing some polish in the next update.
  20. @slimecrusher: what set did you decide to use for the N1? If you want something stock-like may I suggest SXT. I recently did an N1 style mission using it and it was a lot if fun, I was using my own command pods however. Although Beal's should work wonderfully as his LK pod loser to the actual thing than my own and his soyuz is built for two people, which fits the mission profile. @beale: nice work on the D-2, you were able to get it made so quickly! Do you prefer older spacecraft to more modern ones? I admittedly like more retro rockets myself.
  21. It's a flag. The fairings seemed like a cool place to have your personal flag emblazoned.
  22. http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/2014-06-14_00002_zps39ecbb97.jpg' alt='2014-06-14_00002_zps39ecbb97.jpg'> Things are going pretty well, I have a bit more texture work to do after I get home today and this will be ready for update. This shot is using my fairings rather than Pfairings and they seem to be working fine in FAR. (the little fins are stock, just using clipping)
  23. Off to a nice start! Out of curiosity what diameter are you going for?
  24. Glad to hear that you're still going to be supporting this. I'be been working on adding the landertron module to my soyuz style pod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67164-HGR-R-D-Thread-Stock-like-Soyuz-Shenzhou-and-1-875m-parts-in-Development Thanks for the great plug-in
  25. This is the issue I tend to have when making IVAs. Coupled with those giant helmets, sit them too high in the pod and their portrait starts clipping through the roof... I think the first person camera might even be slightly lower than their eyes as well. Tygoo, I look forward to seeing what you make, even if it's not a command pod.
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