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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. This is most likely because of the engine animation plug-in that's bundled is out of date. You could try updating the plug in (link in OP) or delete it and control the animation manually. Edit: @ElJugador: The decoupler is the larger in-line chute. If you're playing with DRE make sure you don't stage with space bar or your chute will also deploy and burn up. Use right click or an action group to detach the orbital module.
  2. It's a bug that has to do with .25 not loading .tga textures all the time. I'm working on re-exporting everything in a different format, but I have a full-time job and family that have to come first. Business before pleasure. Edit: Ninja'd by Komodo!
  3. Something that may be easy for a new player to miss, is that you can right click on the part thumbnails in the VAB/SPH to bring up more information.
  4. Do you happen to know if a single part can support two moduleEngines? Or, does that break things?
  5. I do like the space shuttle engines mod a lot. And while this is a good idea, I'd really rather prefer to keep dependencies to a minimum. Thanks XanderTek, I appreciate the heads up. I wanted to update HGR this weekend, but unfortunately family things came up and I just won't be able to yet. With any luck it'l be sometime during the week.
  6. @Sedativechunk: two thing I would try is loading the game in 32-bit and/or check to make sure your HGR instal path is correct. @WissNX01: from what others have told me, the mod should still be working, except a bug with .25 that is apparently effecting TGA textures and some may not load. The plug ins I'm unsure of. I'm going to try and get a basic functionality update out this weekend if I can.
  7. I agree that the spud needs some love. Not only in the form of fairings, but in a better looking chute( maybe even built in) and better/updated textures. That would all be stuff I'd work on if I split the Spud off HGR propper as I proposed in my last post.
  8. @therealcrow: Yea R&D is meant as testing platform, especially since my new releases almost always need something sorted out, and sometimes letting people play with things you haven't finished will give you good feedback. The revamp stuff will always show up here first. Speaking of splitting things off, I may just do that with a little bit of what's already in HGR. For instance I'm considering making 1.25m rescale of my soyuz style tanks when they're done and bundling with the spud for a "soviet start" mod. @Helix: Out of curiosity why not use the service module from tantares for a mini soyuz? Or just Use Tantares in general if you want one that size? Just wondering.
  9. Well, I can't promise anything. But, I will consider it since a distraction is nice every now and again. Heck some my best work comes from being distracted. I'd release it as a stand alone part, rather than in HGR though. Simply because I want HGR to mostly focus on 1.875m parts and a couple of real world-like spacecraft that I feel fit that size cattagory well.
  10. Thanks for letting me know guys, I haven't even had time to test my own mod in .25 yet. I may get some time to at least re export textures this weekend if that's all it takes for basic .25 comparability. Otherwise I'm mostly going to continue my work on revamping the pack. My over arching plan is to quite literally remake everything... I've got about half the 1.875m parts made and mapped. And I plan to finish modeling the rest before starting texture work. I'd like to recreate the engines (especially the G120, now that we have LFO verniers) after this and finally return to the soy-juice which suffers from being an awkward size due to the mod changing direction mid-development. I'd like it to fit better on the 1.875 parts. The overall style will be somewhere between the kerbodyne and KW parts, so a little less cartoony than I have now, but should still feel "used" and kerbal.
  11. Nice work on the proximity radar, I'm glad you're enjoying the juice. To answer your question, the docking probe is only aesthetic and it's what ends up blocking the camera in RPM. If you need or want a docking view, you could use an external camera I suppose. I've even thought of building something like your radar on a hinge with a camera on it to serve as the periscope. (Not a mod part, just built out of existing parts.) Anyway, it's good to see people are still playing with the mod despite my absence. I've started revamping the fuel tanks, but with a new job and such it will take a long time. I'm not really planning to show anything until it's pretty much finished and in testing.
  12. I've found that at times I had to put "dummy" textures in the same file as the model. A 1x1 pixel works, I'm not sure why it seems to need this but it does usually work when I have issues. Something to try at least Edit: This is of course if you're not keeping the models and textures all in one file like Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter does.
  13. Yea i'm getting this too with the newer version of BahamutoD's animation plug-in. I haven't had enough time to isolate the issue, which is why I haven't updated the mod yet.
  14. I agree that things need to be consolidated on the tech tree, especially the soy-juice parts. Not 100% sure on how the fuel tanks will be arranged, it will require testing. The one that hades made is broken, but somnambulist made one on the previous page. Link to post.
  15. HI everyone, I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know I'm still around. I've been really busy IRL and on a bit of a hiatus, but I don't want anyone to worry that the mod is being abandoned or anything like that. I'm going to be trying to ease myself back in to working on the mod again, unfortunately I still don't have a lot of free time atm so my work will be slow. The first thing I want to work on is updating the BDanimation plug-in and fixing realchute support. After that I'm considering remaking the fuel tanks. At the moment the extrude in a lot making their diameter feel a lot smaller. Their textures are also really inefficient and could use some updating. I'm thinking of moving them to a style more like the new NASA parts, (I get the feeling the game's art is going to go this way eventually anyway) but keeping my Russian/Chinese themes. In any case, we'll see how things go, Thanks everyone! @somnambulist: Do you mind if I use that cfg file when I update the mod next? I got to use it before I left and it seemed to be working well. I'll credit you of course.
  16. HI everyone, I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know I'm still around. I've been really busy IRL and on a bit of a hiatus, but I don't want anyone to worry that the mod is being abandoned or anything like that. I'm going to be trying to ease myself back in to working on the mod again, unfortunately I still don't have a lot of free time atm so my work will be slow. Thanks for your support everyone!
  17. They changed position on the tech tree so if you had previously unlocked them from their old position they will need to be re-researched in the R&D building.
  18. Good to know the issue is Realchutes related, thanks. Looking at the realchutes thread, it seems that chutes which are relying on MM files for their realchute support are not working. I might try adding some alt cfgs for the parachutes, so that they don't require Module manager anymore. Means that there will be an extra installation step for realchute users, but it could fix the problem.
  19. Hmm, well that's a new one. I'll have to do some testing to try and reproduce the bug. By any chance are you using RealChutes?
  20. Things are ok, I was away at Comic Con and I've been kinda busy since I got back. Still might be a little before I can work on the mod proper again, but I'll get back to it when I can.
  21. No worries I hope I didn't come across as hostile or anything. I had hoped that the extra efficiency and gimbal of the skipper would even things out. Maybe giving the G120 a price bump will help.
  22. Honestly I feel like the tanks and engines are well enough balanced and everything is base on stock stuff. For instance the biggest engine in my pack is the G120 and stat-wise it's exactly half a mainsail with a higher heat production and unlocks 1 teir earlier. The "long walk" is at least taller than the equivalent 2.5m tank and has the same mass/cost ect. If my stuff seems OP you should really blame SQUAD's recent changes and buffs to all the 2.5m engines.
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