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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. You got it exactly right, it's not meant to land on its own. They are mostly just for fluff and was something that was often requested during the pods developement.
  2. Actually I think this is far enough along in development that I can start bringing out Dev builds for those that want to give it a go early. The download and additional information is in the OP.
  3. Are you playing with TAC life support? If so, this is likely the culprit from additional resources being added. I will try to address this when I can, but in the meantime adding a part module that does nothing should solve it. For instance adding a reaction wheel that produces0.0001 torque. (Avoid zero values)
  4. Thanks! I'm sort of just taking the elements I like from several sources and smashing them together to see what I get. Hopefully that will result in a style that at least sort of goes with anything. The screens are a prop I made and actually use in HGR as well. They get replaced by RPMs if you have raster prop monitor installed however, which may be why some dont run into them.
  5. The Nose is a separate piece from the pod. Just about all the normal maps are finished but not all of the screenshots are current. There's nothing wrong with the Radish, I just wanted to try and work with some limitations, it can make things interesting. And I figured that not everyone who wants a small 2 kerbal pod wants a big parts pack with it. This one is just 5 parts; Pod, Nose, Service module, Monopropellant Engine, and a twin nozzle 1.25m Engine.
  6. The duplicated textures are likely a result of names changing and then getting re-exported in unity. The last update was somewhat rushed and was mostly just to make sure everything was working with .25 and to update the plug-ins. The mod needs a lot of work in its current state and I will be getting to it, but time is limited and I was rusty when I first came back from hiatus. I've been mostly working on a little side project, but I'm about to finish that up and get dug into fixing HGR up. If you're interested in the other thing I'm working on, check out this thread.
  7. No the Dev Build always gets everything first. I *think* those might be from tantares. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure. @Boosters++ That's a nifty little orbiter you've built. Nice to see people finding other uses for the Soy-Juice. I fancy it as a lander from time to time myself.
  8. It can also be on layer 16 (kerbal) the difference being that things in layer 16 show up in the face cam in the corner and things on layer 20 will not. Both show up in IVA view. Edit: Beat to the punch...
  9. Hmm I've just realized that my title and intentions should be more clear. When I say mini part packs, I mean like little sets and one off parts. Not necissarily miniature things, although I can definately see why there's been some confusion. My first release just did happen to end up being a miniaturized gemini analogue. (I still feel 1.875m is a better size to represent a kerbal gemini, but I've wanted to see what I could pull off working with the 1.25m restriction.) So this name would be just for this set of parts. Sorry, I should probably re-title the thread. I re-textured the foil area of the engine. It's now "hand painted" rather than a simple foil image. I think it's a better fit and I feel better using it, since I actually made it.
  10. Funny enough I had thought about calling it either Castor or Pollux, but I didn't find that it got quite right for a spacecraft name. How does Ursamini or Ursa-mini sound. This way it uses mini which seems to be a popular convention for it and it sounds like a real constellation without actually being one. Thoughts?
  11. That's really funny. I always thought the stock IVAs just felt roomy because they never cram in too many kerbals at a time. The biggest issue for me is that you don't get a lot of head room in tiny pods and kerbals eyes are so low... Hard to get good visibility. I've redesigned the nose to look much more gemini, I think it looks a lot better now. I'll post some pics when I'm home again. I'd also like some help, from the community, with coming up with an appropriate name. Right now I've been calling it Kermini in my files, but that seems awefull generic.
  12. Hey! Nice job on the cloth effect. Did you hand paint that on the texture? If so then bravo, I've had a difficult time with that kind of texture.
  13. To Cpt's credit he's probably got more experience than me. But, thank you all the same. The model is the same diameter as the exterior in unity when I export. If KSP is changing thing behind the scenes when I export then I've never seen any documentation on it doing that. Edit: I should note that I've done this IVA the same way as all my others and they seem to line up just fine. Maybe, tomorrow when I have KSP time again I'll do some testing with transparent textures and see what I can find out. either way the pod will get made all the same, I'd just like to know if there really is funny buisness going on.
  14. Why not? Beale does it with his Tantares pack as well. Their helmets are a huge partion of their apparent size and without them they take up a lot less space.
  15. I built the inside model from the exterior one... There isn't a scale difference.
  16. Added some WIP shots for the IVA. It may not be FASA, but I think when it gets done people will still like it. The kerbals have to be helmet-less to fit in that tiny space.
  17. GUMBERCULES! He's my favorite. But really the more traditional style gemini nose didn't look right. The pod was too small, anyway the pos and nose are seperate bits so no reason you couldn't use .625m parts for a more cylindrical look. Funny enough I'd like to make a pack with some mercury bits too. As well as an Apollo CSM at some point.
  18. Anyway I'm planning to start a sort of collection of themed mini part packs that will all be found in one thread. This way I can sort of work on new stuff in a more compact one off way. My first little pack is funny enough, a true 1.25m Gemini analogue. This won't be a replacement for the radish from HGR, but will give people an alternative if they don't want to invest in a whole new part size. This has been nice, for my comeback to modding as well, since it isn't huge and overwhelming. It's also given me a chance to get the style down that I want to move towards with HGR. The plan is to fall somewhere between stock and other popular mods, so that my parts will go well with pretty much anything. Anyway, this is still pretty WIP especially with texturing, but it's starting to come together and I thought I'd show it off a bit to see what people would say. Note these screenshots are from different points in development and may not 100% represent the current build. This is still a work in progress and a few things still need to be done before an official release: 1) The textures still need a bit more refining, namely the paneling could use some patina and the pod's windows and emissive could use some work. 2) The lifting engine I've planned is in it's 3rd incarnation and is currently untextured and thus not included in the Dev build. 3) Realchute and RPM cfgs. are planned but not available yet. 4) Probably other stuff based on the feedback I get. Download the Dev Build Version 0.1 To install this extract the GameData folder into your Kerbal Space Program directory. Allow the contents to merge if it asks. FAQ: Q: Why is HGR in here I don't want it! A: Because I only have limited time to work on my modding and HGR includes a bunch of props that I'm reusing so I don't have to remake them. The props are all that's included in this, however. Q: Why aren't the parts loading? A: Make sure you install it correctly, I use a lot of texture sharing and that requires proper paths to work. Snack Pack and HGR should be in your GameData directory. Q: Can you make/add ______________? A: Sorry but this is meant as a simple pack and I neither want to take the time to make alternate versions of things or flood this with too many parts. Feel free to make suggestions or requests, just don't get upset if I don't do them. Legal: For the time being this mod is licensed as all rights reserved.
  19. Regarding the radish, one of my eventual goals to allow texture swapping on the tanks to allow you to make a stock like Titan II. It's way down the pipeline, however I'll get to it when I return to the ol' Radish. If I ever make a voskhod, it will be done outside of HGR.
  20. Yes, at the moment as far as HGR is concerned I'm working on refining and improving the existing catalog. (As well as fleshing out some of the missing 1.875m parts) Anything else I do will most likely be outside of HGR at this time, as I want this mod to primarily focus on parts and craft that can be best represented in the 1.875m size range. Even the spud I feel should eventually be moved off into it's own little mini pack, when I get around to refurbishing it.
  21. Probably a lot, they're half the size of the originals and I think most are still .tga format, so they're susceptible to the bug. (I didn't get time to convert them yet and I though that maybe people who needed the reduction would rather deal with the bug associated with .tga for the smaller footprint.) Are you having memory issues now that everything is .mbm?
  22. OK, updated version is available via the OP. No real changes other than the textures are pretty much all .mbm and the plug-ins are the most recent versions.
  23. OK, everything should be working now. Updated version in the OP. I've also gone ahead and added my landercan, because why not, people seem to like it.
  24. Well I got all the textures converted. (Takes longer than you'd imagine, since things tend to break when you make sweeping changes.) tomorrow I'm planning to work on updating the plug-ins that are bundled in and do some general testing to make sure it's all working in 0.25. So I "should" have an update up sometime by the end of tomorrow.
  25. OH NO! I'm glad the crew at least survived... It looked like issues with the engine animation I use. The version included in the mod is outdated. I'm working on an update that should be out sometime tomorrow. In the meantime you might want to delete the plug-in and open the engine covers manually by right clicking. For more info about the Plug-in, check out BahamutoD's page here. Keep in mind my parts likely need to be updated to function with the newest version of the plug-in. Again I'm so sorry that happened and I'm working as fast as I can on getting this updated.
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