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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. Ok, I can get the numbers for you if you want to figure out the ratios. It will be a couple days time before I'm free enough to get them from my modeling program. I'll study up on the formulas as well, so that in the future I can figure it out on my own. If you want to do it sooner, you can get the size information from the VAB by just placing the part you want information on and pressing the "i" icon. The game does round the numbers to the tenth place however, so I'm not sure if you would rather wait or not.
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking. The biggest problem for me is that if I went with having two cfgs people will essencially be paying development costs twice for the same engine. I suppose slightly fiddly nodes it is then. I think I'll cheat it a bit by bringing the top of the "boattail" up a bit higher than the framework, which will raise the node. Guess the 47b will work similarly as well.
  3. That's definately an option as well. Figuring out a way to make this engine able to be used both covered and uncovered, will be a challenge. The way I see it I could either tie the outer shell to a top attach node or I could use part welding and make a second config for the engine.
  4. I also wanted to ask the community's opinion regarding the G120 (the soyuz style engine). I've been debating on whether or not I should make both "core" and "radial" versions. Would it be worth it to people even if it doesn't offer much advantage on its own? Is it worth the resources to you? Edit: I should clarify the "radial" version would still be a stack engine, but would look like the engines on the soyuz strap on boosters.
  5. Awesome, thanks for the feedback. I was admittedly being conservative with those tanks and the nose cones as well. How does an extra ten percent per adapter sound? Too much or too little? Do you have an opinion on the nose cone fuel levels? I was afraid of making them too heavy.
  6. Thank you! I love the work that you and Daishi have done, quite amazing stuff. Yea, that's pretty much what happened. I added a lot of brown as well so it has a sort of "rust" color now. Yup, it even has two different frames depending on if you want 1.875 or 1.25 meter nodes respectively. Should help with clustering these and just look better in general.
  7. Some WIP of the new G90. Texturing is ongoing. Edit: I'm not sure the yellow on the start tank. That will probably change to a more subdued color, as I think having all three primary colors in large amounts like this looks odd.
  8. I deffinately want to make a reaction wheel, docking port, and SRB. The only reason I wasn't sure about the inline battery is, that I don't see people use the bigger ones often and wasn't sure if there was demand. If I make an inline battery I would probably make it a battery/fuel cell combo part, just for variety sake. I think it's kind of a shame we don't see many fuel cells when they're actually used often in real life.
  9. I think it's quite obvious that their mom's made them wear mittens because it's cold outside. Also don't forget your sweater!
  10. Yup just checked it out. Seems my remote tech patch is not applying itself only when remote tech is installed. I don't know how I managed to mess that up, but deleting that patch will fix the issue.
  11. For those that don't follow the R&D thread I've just released the first Dev build for the HGR reboot. It's fully compatible with the current version of HGR, but features much better looking tanks, adapters, and nose cones. If you're interested in giving it a try or want to know more information check out the HGR R&D thread.
  12. Alrighty, the first Dev. build is now available from the front page and here: DOWNLOAD This version is fully compatible with the original HGR, so feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think. @Pappystein: I think that might be doable. Let me look into how other mods set up these types of parts and we'll see about adding them in.
  13. Ok the adapters are in game now, so I've just got to do a thorough cleanup of the .cfgs and I can put up a download for the new tanks and move on to working on the engines. DL expected in the next day or two. @Beale: Sorry I haven't written up my methods yet, I will try to ASAP.
  14. Sounds like an issue that an older version of the BDanimation plug-in had. Make sure to check your installation and possibly re-download/re-install. If even that doesn't work you can always delete the plug-in, you'll just have to open the service module's engine cover manually by right clicking.
  15. It seems to be working fine. The only reason I haven't updated is because I'm working on a reboot. If you're worried you could delete the plug ins as this update didn't break basic parts. The plug ins are only there for convenience.
  16. Sure I'd be happy to. I want to provide example images as well though, so it makes sense. Because of this, I might not be able to demonstrate until sometime during the weekend. I'll PM you when I get it up. I still feel there's room for improvement on my part, but fabric is one of those things that takes a lot of practice to be able to plan the folds and wrinkles well. I like having it though as it breaks up the monotony of plates and adds some organic forms to the texture which makes it more interesting.
  17. Hi, thanks for the support and welcome to the forums. My plans for the re-envisioned service modules in simplest form, is for them to basically be a combination of fuel tank and 6s service tube. This will make them less of an all-in-one part, but still allow for a good looking exterior to match the craft that inspired them. And hey, now you can build more specifically with the mission in mind. I will likely make both LFO and Monopropellant versions and I wouldn't worry too much about engine placement as I'm sure i can get it to look good with the majority of engines out there. Now for a WIP screenshot for fun. Sorry the adapters are taking so long, I hit a slight artist's block with them initially and then have been pretty busy IRL the last week or so. Progress should pick up again soon. Obviously the textures are still WIP and these are just the "flat" adapters.
  18. So i sort of started working on something for this. It's still early and I'm not devoting tons of time to it, so i don't know how long it will take, but I wanted to try and help build support for these workshops by at least contributing something. Anyways, mine is meant to be an early game "rover" probe core. I've only just got the basics modeled and still have to finish the wheel that will go with it. I've designed it to fit inside 1.25m shrouds which should make it use-able in the early game. I'm hoping to give it the ability to take crew and eva reports (justified by those being visual analyses and it having camera equipment built in) that way it can fulfill survey contracts in place of always sending kerbals. It will not have any SAS. Here's a look at what I have so far. Most of the detail will be handled by the texture.
  19. Well I'll definitely be making tweaks and especially looking at costs. I'm not sure why some people feel the engines are over powered though. For instance the 47b is exactly two 909s, just like the poodle is the same as 4 of them. The g120 is half a mainsail that has less gimbal range and overheats faster... The G90 is the most likely to need rebalancing, but it still doesn't seem that far off based on the skipper, it has the same ISP values but with a mass of 2.25 and 450 thrust. Compared to the skipper's 3t mass and 650 thrust. So for about a third less mass you get about a third less thrust. The service module's engine has identical stats to the 909, but that's somewhat irrelevant as it wont have a built in engine when it gets re-made. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is all perfect but I will need more specific input about in what ways people feel they're Op for me to get the balance right. I'm all up for open discussion on what to do to improve things.
  20. Taking a break to do a little testing of the new parts capabilities... (Messing around, seeing what I can make) Haven't quite got the balance down yet, I don't build many shuttles. OK, I'll get back to work now.
  21. Don't worry too much GregroxMun, I'm planning to change the manufacturer of the g-120 to rockomax and incorporate orange into its color scheme. That should make up a bit of the difference and the tanks won't be so awkward when paired up with other styles.
  22. Pretty much got the new radial booster and nose cones finished. Might have to go back and do a little tweaking here and there, but for the most part I think they are looking good. A couple of notes: -The radial booster is now much taller and has similar stats/capacity as the biggest cylindrical HGR tank. -I added a new sloped nose cone for those that prefer that look. -The nose cones now hold a small supply of LFO. Since this is starting to come together, here's a bit of a quick soy-juice mock up using the new tanks. I'm going to be working on the adapters now and after that the bulk of this phase will be finished and I'll just need to do some testing and polishing before posting up a test build of the new tanks.
  23. This definately sounds like an installation problem. The green texture is an alternate version that is included with the zip but isn't bundled with the main installation. I would sugest deleting HGR and re-installing. Make sure to only extract the correct files rather than the whole zip file. Check out the readme in the zip file or the first post for installation instructions. Let me know if this fixes the issue you're having.
  24. I agree with the above but would also add "plant a flag on_" and "return a kerbal from_" to the objectives of each of the milestone contracts. That way manned return missions to each body is how you "complete" the game. The flag planting is to reward the player for at least getting a kerbal there even if their return fails. It could be switched to take surface sample just as well, I think either could work. Is there one of these types of contracts for the sun/ escaping kerbin's SOI? If not there probably should be.
  25. Nice! that's definitely a use for the spud I've never seen before. If you mean in the VAB then it should be in command. (It has a probe core) It's under command in the file structure. If it isn't spawning double check that the mod is installed correctly as it uses file paths to share texture with the "Onion" and it wont spawn if it can't find the textures. The mod should show up as such: YourKSPInstall>GameData>HGR>Parts>Etc....
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