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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. Is there any chance that you are using other mods, like FAR or any kind that alters joints strength of parts? I've tried a few launches and I'm not getting it to break, even with a 12 ton payload. I even tried spinning it out of control and it didn't break or even wobble... Any chance you could post a picture of the rocket that you're having trouble with?
  2. Oops! I forgot that was there. I'll delete it ASAP. Thank you. I'm 99% sure that I forgot to set up the attach_node correctly... I'll take a look when I get home today. If you want to try and fix it yourself, it should be something like 0.625 in the z axis. Sorry for the bug! ><
  3. Hello, Welcome to the forums. I'm working on remaking many parts as well as adding new ones. I'll try and get an SAS added for the next update, it's long overdue. I haven't had trouble with the decoupler myself, but I'll check it out and see if I can figure it out. Out of curiosity are you using the correct one? (there's 2 and one is only meant to fit over the Soy-Juice's heatshield) there should be a thin solid one, this is the one that should be used for general purposes. Anyway, thanks again for trying out the mod.
  4. Version 1.3.0 is up, check out the OP for download. It's also been added to Kerbal Stuff. Tweakscale support is added. I'll put up an in depth changelog later. No, sorry not at this time. Use the "inline" chute. It has a decoupler built in.
  5. Nice, I like the red re-texture. It's a possibility. I'm not sure what it requires me to do, but it's definitely something I could look into.
  6. Oh you Thank you, glad you like em. Here's what I've got on the tanks at the moment: Still need to hit up the adapters and cones, as well as go back and redo the spec & normal maps. (Not too much work) But I think this is looking good so far, much happier with a couple parts already.
  7. I hope no one is going to be especially perturbed if I change all the dark tanks over to white primary. i think getting a better sense of uniformity across the tanks will really improve the aesthetics of the mod. I'll post some pics when they're done. I'm hoping to put out an update sometime this weekend. No new parts, but lots of bug fixing and mod support type stuff. Along with these texture changes as well.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forums. My plan for the nose is to make it so the entire top is removed when the chute deploys; see the actual Gemini. That will get rid of the ugly clipping we have right now. The stats definitely need tweaking, I agree with you there. I want to make separate docking and non docking versons of the chute, so that you aren't getting docking technology earlier in the tree than you are meant to. I can add an extra .cfg to make a copy of the Non docking version be probe controlled, but it will get added to the extras DL. I want to make sure to keep the main mod fairly small, this helps avoids part bloat and still gives everyone what they want. For example, while it's a cool idea, how often will people use this pod without crew? Even in a campaign that is RP focused it won't be too many flights. So that's just one of the things I have to weigh in when I decide what goes into the primary DL.
  9. It should be 1.25m by default, so that it works with the standard parts. I used tweakscale to make it 1.875m in the image.
  10. Still a ways off to be honest. I want to redo the nose and I need to remap the UVs on the capsule, which means re texturing both. Since the "Big-C" needs to match, it's better for me to wait and do it after I fix the basic parts, or possibly at the same time, we'll see. I'm starting with the supply module and engine though, so I won't even be touching the capsule for a bit still. And don't forget this isn't my only mod either. Sorry >_< I think he was asking about a Big Gemini style apart/pod. Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it and I always appreciate pics! I've had a lot of fun in my "Corvus Test Career" too. (Checking for balance and whatnot ) I went for miniaturization early so I could fly an Agena style circum-Munar mission.
  11. Faster, better, cheaper... They're stuck, about 20 units of monoprop short of return. I should of waited just a little longer to ditch the descent stage. @somnambulist: I'm thinking that maybe adding the Kapton as an auto-shroud that doesn't jettison might be the easiest solution. I can just make a duplicate .cfg so that you just choose if you want a capped or uncapped version. Keeps the part count and complexity down, I think.
  12. First answer for this question is usually FASA. But, I'm sure there are also others.
  13. Very cool guys! I'm always happy to get screenshots. I made a thing too! And yea the tank is tweakscalable, defaulted to 1.25m. I'm adding a download for these to the OP. Extra bits like this will be kept in a separate DL to keep the primary mod small. This is just extra goodies for those that are interested and to say thank you for all the support.
  14. Yes that's fine with me. I'll add permission to the OP.
  15. HGR is distributed as both HGR (older parts) and HGR redux (parts that have been remade) the version of HGR being distributed with Corvus is stripped down to just the props. They should be completely mergable though if that helps.
  16. Yup, as CosmoBro mentioned, the description is fixed in the newest release. While, you are correct about the size vs capacity I would rather keep the part overall lighter, especially since fuel margins can be close in the early game. I'm planning to remake the part as a combo fuel tank and supply bay. This way the capacity can be expanded using the radial tanks based on the mission parameters. The monopropellant generator will likely become its own part at that point. I thought it was automatic when I selected the option on Kerbal Stuff. I'll have a re-read and figure it out, I need to be able to do it myself. But thank you for the offer, if I can't figure it out I'll send a PM. Edit: Ahh I see. Well I'm planning to add HGR to CKAN as well, I'm just working on some bug fixing before I upload to Kerbal Stuff. I can update it's license right away though if that will allow it to be redistributed with Corvus.
  17. There's an RPM IVA in the newest download. The other screens are just props for those that don't use RPM. Yea that's fine by me, you're only using MM files to change the technode. Not 100% sure I understand what you're asking. Am I planning to roll this into HGR? No, it already has the Radish that I'm working on remaking and is a 1.875 Gemini style craft. Am I planning to continue working on this at the same time? Yes, I'll be reworking some of the older parts and possibly adding some extra stuff for the Corvus in a separate DL.
  18. OK, I fixed the bugs an put out an update. The chute had a COM problem that needed to be fixed and that's what was causing the minor rotation when thrusting. Thank you for bring these bugs to my attention and helping me get them sorted. @ev0: The chute still has some clipping, but it's not as bad now. I will most likely do a redesign of the chute at some point and change the method of deployment.
  19. I actually mostly believe Urist. I know Beale's actual name though, since we've spoken privately outside of KSP. Not sure he'd want it posted online though.
  20. Newest Update is up on the OP. Check out the change log for details. Make sure you delete the old version before updating. Also note that the nose might of been tweaked a bit and it could affect craft that are in flight. Lucky you; asking me before I posted the update. Nose now supports surface attach. The IVA has seats, you need to also install the HGR file included as it contains the props I use. (Like said seats)
  21. You could always do a drop test on the pad using the launch stabilizers. Unfortunately, I don't know the math but I'd be interested to learn as well.
  22. Yea that was pretty much my experience as well. I would glide well for a bit then stall out and just drop. After work I want to try with smaller wings and a drogue chute.
  23. Anyone else try to perform a glide landing? Almost makes me want to make little Skids.
  24. But those are both in the mod already. There's two 1.875-2.5 adapters actually. Look in the fuel tab for a conical one and in structural for a "flat" one. There's also a heatshield in the structural tab. (That's where the DRE heatshields were placed, so that's where mine ended up.) You can use the editor gizmos to simply sink it into the 1.875m decoupler so it fits flush.
  25. Thanks, I wasn't sure either honestly. But, I think it breaks things up nicely. It works for me because all the black is towards the front, I'll have to make sure not to do the same thing when I fix up the engine and service module. Sure.
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