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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. Hmm makes me wonder if there's any mods with landing skis. Actually it's funny you ask about the Voskhod. One thing I've thought about doing is a complete line of "direct ascent" hybrid style pods like the spud. So a voskhod inspired midrange and sort sort of mash-up of near future and proposed pods for a 3 man. It seems like it would be neat for the multicrew ones to have one kerbal in a normal pod style position and another in a lander style seat, so you can do the whole landing in IVA if you wanted. Maybe something to work on after my current project (stock-like soyuz) but it seems like this one is going to take me forever to get anywhere on. Oh well ksp isnt going anywhere
  2. Ha how well did it fly? I tried this once back before the last major update to the radish. It didn't go well...
  3. I like the way you designed the satalites, they look cool.
  4. Turnaround! I don't know if you meant it that way but I love puns. It's a bad habit I know.
  5. OK, the spud should be all fixed now. As always back up your saves before updating.
  6. It should be an easy fix. I have things set up well in unity, so a quick rotation of the scenes and we should be good to go. I won't be able to check it out till later, like after 9pm California time though.
  7. @Spartwo: I don't know if it's what you're going for, but that reminds me of the skyranger from xcom.
  8. I'll check it out ASAP. I fly almost purely by navball and nobody seemed to notice in the test phase. Lol funny thing is I've landed this thing on Mun and Minmus in IVA mode and never noticed... Just watched the instruments and glanced out window to check that the terrain was flat. Now that you've brought it up I'm pretty sure you're right though.
  9. Hahaha I have a hard time going back as well. I'm more than a little biased though.
  10. It's something I've thought about but if I do it it'll be something I do later. I wish there was a way to set a max amount of "stuff" a part could hold and then people could use tweakables to choose their cargo.
  11. So here's a question for you guys. I've been thinking about basing the orbital module more off of the Shenzhou for a couple reasons. For one thing I think it looks more kerbal-ish. It also would make it look better doubling as a small station part or a (fat)1.25m habitat. After reading about the Shenzhou I've been thinking about giving it a little built in probe core as well regardless of the aesthetic style I choose. Here's some examples to give you an idea of what I mean. So yea, let me know what you think. Even if you hate the idea. Progress is moving slowly but surely. (lol progress) But I don't want to show anything until I have at least most of each piece done, just because Soyuz is a spacecraft that's more than the sum of it's parts and I think just seeing a single part doesn't have the same effect.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64336-0-23-Panda-Jager-Laboratories-Parts-Pack Here's the mod I was talking about if you're interested. He's apparently go mini versions of the science jr and goo too
  13. Nice, I'm tempted to create a new install and try playing w/o stock too. How are handling upgrade nodes? Are you forcing yourself to get all of a specific tier before moving up?
  14. I think I've seen a mod that adds some extra science, mostly for rovers. It could help out, I'll see if I can find it later when I have some time.
  15. I'm not planning to build an engine into it so that people have more options available to them. Unfortunately unless you use radial engines that will probably mean leaving a shroud behind. But, I feel limiting this to a single built in engine would give it too narrow of a scope for a stock like part. If course you could always disable the shroud on whatever engine you use, or even easier, use a stack seperator and the fairing will not be on your PF base.
  16. Don't worry, that wasn't the actual shape, just a mock-up to explain my design plans better.
  17. "Looks like we've had our glitch for the mission..." Guess it was only one of many. keep it up this is good!
  18. It's ok I know you're excited lol. The answer to most of it though is that it's still too early to tell. An orbital module would be nice and I'd like to make one, but I want the parts I make to work universally. So for example, an orbital module could double as a mini hitchhiker pod. The service/instrument module will be able to connect with a mk1-2 pod if you so desire. But, stuff like dedicated heatshield that only fits this pod, or same for special parachutes or fairings, I'm against because it clutters the VAB, bloats the mod, and often times you can find these types of parts from other mods. Also remember there's already this Soviet pack. It has extensively detailed recreations of the actual thing, so I feel my parts need to do something different and be meant to be used alongside the stock parts already in the game. Edit: Don't worry about asking questions either, I'll try to answer the best I can, as long as I actually have an answer that is.
  19. Hey nice satalite network I can never synchronize mine so well.
  20. Okay, this is very rough and quicky mock-up so forgive me. The grey is the capsule, red node is where a shroud will spawn, blue node is meant for the service module but could be used as a normal node for creative designs, the green cylinder is a representation of an average 2.5m part like a fuel tank or a poodle. So the idea is that the pod will have less resources than the mk1-2 pod and be a little smaller. This means less battery power, less monopropellant, less torque on the reaction wheels, etc. This way by itself it can act as a sort of mk 1-2 "light" version, not as good but less weight. In this case you can just attach it using the built in shroud (shown in red) and it will fit the large size parts fine. Now when you instead use the dedicated service module (shown in blue and a separate part from the pod) you get a heavy duty system. I'm planning for the service module to contain extra battery power, extra monopropellant, a supply of fuel and oxidizer, and a reaction wheel of its own to add to the torque power of the craft. It will also likely include a built in decoupler to keep the part count in both the VAB and this mod down. I hope this gives a better idea of the sort of design direction I'm planning to go in with this pod. Also please remember this is only a mock-up and the actual thing will look much different.
  21. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68196-CoolRockets!-Cryo-and-Launch-Particle-FX Nope cool rockets
  22. I think it's from a mod called cool rockets or something like that. Also how's everything going capt. did you get mission 3 working?
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