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Posts posted by Hydrazine_Soup

  1. Ignition system:

    Just as real life rockets that need help to ignite its liquid fuel engines, I made a cool subassembly that adds that FX before taking off:

    Edit: Images are lost :/


    1. Place LV T-30 exhaust pointing at the rocket engines.

    2. Space bar to ignite those engines

    3.Throttle up and press X several times

    4. Space bar to Ignite rocket engines.

    5. Throtle at maximun

    6. Space bar to release clamps and lift off

  2. Now that's enormous :D

    Well not much more than the original vehicle :P

    The explosion of fairings - looks truly epic. ;)

    Once you get used to it, and have subassemblies of the fairings ready to use them, its just as easy as using procedural fairings

    And a very clever work with the upper stage - well done :) Much better than my simple strap-on-mega-engine ;)

    The engine is still there, I use its cover as a place to have the ESA decal

    Sorry, I don't use Steam these days, sorry.

    How come? :0

    EDIT: Forgot to add the ESA flag, its a must have to if you want to launch an Ariane rocket!


  3. Pricy. So realistic! :D

    For the exit problem, I'd just use Ship Manifest.

    I've decided to stay away from mods as much as I can for now. Stock is moar fun cuz you actually need to figure out how to use those crappy parts the way you want. (See the egg shaped round thing in my soyuz)

  4. The TMA vehicle itselft is quite pricey, arround 60.000 founds (I still don't know the exact price cuz I'm making some aestethic changes right now)

    I've launched it with my Delta IV Replica and the total cost goes up to 150.000 founds, still its too cool and thefore worth it hahaha

    Do you have any nice Soyuz launch vehicles? I could just take an already done craft and add the TMA vehicle.

    Oh I forgot to mention, It has a 5 kerbal capacity altho 2 of them can't exit

  5. Looks cool. I worked on a stock Soyuz a while back, but I could never really get it to look right.

    Thanks mate :P

    Just added download link btw

    You should maybe rotate the SAS unit on the bottom to hide the struts.

    But anyway better than i can ever build. great craft :D

    Mmm genius! just changed that, will reupload the craft file later. Thanks :D

  6. Here goes my attempt at creating an acurrate replica of the Russian áþю÷ âÃψspacecraft :D

    I still need to work a bit with the orbital module, cuz right now it looks like an egg, not a proper sphere like it should be, and making some shrouds for the engine.

    Edit: File no longer available :/

  7. the_bT said:
    Turned out I could remove enough of the cargo hold ceiling without losing structural integrity. Also dragging an asteroid with a KAS winch works remarkably well.

    There was some glitchiness when the whole assembly (asteroid in cargohold) got loaded when I approached it with the truck to unload, had to turn on unbreakable joints for that.

    I therefore conclude, using procedural wings and fairings + some of the large B9 structural elements, you can make a plane of sufficient size to carry an asteroid.

    The trickiest bit was actually putting on the ladders so the cargo loading guy could get back into the craft. Airlock is 12m above ground...



  8. I have arrived.


    My cargo hold is a tiny bit to small it seems and I'm not yet 100% sure whats the best approach to load the thing...

    I need to take the floor out, the ceiling is the backbone of the whole craft, so it needs to stay. Without floor there will be no ramp and the main landing gear has a load bearing girder going through the body below the floor, so that needs to change as well, hmm...

    Maybe I should build a bigger plane :D

    It's actually not that heavy, only 4 tons or so, I can carry that much easily...

    That is AWESOME lol

  9. Ksp's biggest flaw is running on a 32 bit engine, and that issue doesn't have anything to do with the game developer itself since they aren't using their own engine, if you want to have better performance just install any linux distro, unity 64 bit can run on Ubuntu 12.1, and Ksp benefits quite a lot from that

    Also remember that Ksp is still in a very early stage of development

    I have issues running 1000 parts ships too, my 8320 has a poor sigle threaded performance, even after being clocked at 4.5GHz

    Vonar said:
    My computer is from 2010-2011, I play on a Intel I5-2500 cpu that clocks at 3.3 ghz, and I have 24 gb worth of ram of which 16 is use able because I have the 32 bit version of windows 7. At the end of the day it probably cost me around $800-$1000 to set up and I skimped on a lot of stuff that I either used second hand or bought and installed as a later upgrade when it became obvious that I needed it.

    In all honesty though a 2.5 ghz intel core, with 6 gb worth of ram is probably a minimum specification for a game like KSP. Especially with multiplayer coming as a core feature as you know there will be trolls out there who will deliberately attempt to flood local space with garbage and create a 1,000 plus part kessler syndrome in a attempt to destroy your wonderful space station creation that took you 8 to 10 hours of game play to build.

    The 32 bit version of Windows 7 will let you use 3.4 GB of RAM.

  10. I'm on my way with the largest plane in my fleet, just to see how it compares to the thing... And to see if I can actually land in the terrain around the landing site.

    Edit: I took the liberty to hack the persistence file into sandbox mode because I'm modded to hell and back and there was no craft In my fleet that I could build without "buying" a ton of parts from the R&D :P

    No problem :wink:

    Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    The lands surrounding the asteroid are mostly plain so you can easily land there with big planes

  11. Even if you do not remove any crafts the savegame should load, crafts that have modded parts not present in the KSP install will simply not load. Of course, if there is something with modded parts attached to the asteroid, that would be a problem... Not a big one though I guess...

    The small claws with chutes attached to the asteroid have some of the KW rocketry batteries, but I just removed them so theres only one vessel in the map: The bare asteroid A.K.A "Piteroid"

    Lemme a sec to upload the savegame

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