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  1. Came back after a long hiatus, got some mods, started playing, got crashes every five scenes or so. Dang it! Cannot understand the logs so not sure what is happening. Here are the details: KSP: portable, Windows 64bit, expansions installed. Problem: Game crashing (unity I think) on scene changes. Mods installed: Mod List I'm also using the EVE/Scatterer/Blackrack Volumetric clouds combo (it won't show on the CKAN list I think). Reproduction steps: Happens somewhat randomly, when changing the scene (for example, from VAB to launch etc). Log: Error.log Player.log Any help would be vastly appreciated, cheers!!
  2. Question. I can change the opacity, background color and size of the HUD UI at the top the screen, where it shows info about the active Waypoint. I can also reset the UI to the default position. But, how can I move it? Right now it interferes with messages showing at the top of the screen (like when entering an area, or changing time warp etc etc).
  3. A question. Is there a restock texture pack for the mods procedural parts/fairings? I'm using those together with restock and restock+, but almost nothing fits the theme (the three Ven's Stock Revamp textures come somewhat close).
  4. Many thanks, will try both the fix and the pack out. Cheers..C:
  5. Hello and many thanks for the support. I'm having trouble with one of the missions. This one. I take the mission, go out with a valid aircraft, fly out to 2,500m, fly at Mach 1. I get a green check-mark after 200s. Sadly, as soon as I move out of the envelope (go slower or lower) to land the plane at KSC the check-mark goes away mid-flight. Any idea about this? I'm pretty sure I fulfill the contract demands (been flying with the check-mark green for more than 5 minutes just to make sure), no idea what is the problem. Any help would be vastly appreciated, feel free to ask for any additional info if needed. Cheers.
  6. Nertea's Stockalike Station Parts Redux has 1.25m, 2.5m and 3.75m sized habitats, that can go up to 16 passengers each or so. Some of them come pre-packaged for launch and need engineers on site for orbit assembly. Keep that science coming! Ven's stock Revamp also adds a couple of habitation modules, one of which is a can capable of holding 10 Kerbals. If you are using something like Restock and don't want to play with the whole mod, just choose to install the new parts. Both mods have USI_LS support. Now..for supplies. 50 Kerbals consume around 540 supplies per day. You can use personal RT-500 recyclers in the station to bring that down to 216 supplies per day, for a mere 25ec/s. An 18t 3.75m supply tank can support that population for 70 days. Adding 5 PPD-F412M agroponics modules will cost you 21t and another 16.5ec/s, but will get your net consumption down to 38 supplies per day for the station, stretching your supply tank out to 394 days. To get this you will need a total of 6382 fertilizer. Assuming then that you launch your agroponics modules full of fertilizer, you will need to bring a 2.5m fertilizer tank with you (and some change) for an addition of around 5.5t. So, with this architecture, your support infrastructure will weigh around 50t total and need a constant 42ec/s to function. Total part count for it is 57-58 parts. 50x RT-500 Recyclers, 5x PPD-F412M greenhouses, 1x 3.75m supply tank, 1x 2.5m fertilizer tank, 1x 1.25m fertilizer tank (optional). For maintenance, you will have to do one re-supply mission per year or so, carrying 15k supplies and 6,400 fertilizer. Mulch is free. It is possible to exchange ec/s and weight for part count total, by substituting the 50 RT-500s for 10 RT-5000s. This will make your colony completely stable, since your net consumption will be 156 s/d and your supply production will be 178 s/d. In that case, your support infrastructure will weigh around 77t total and need a constant 204ec/s to function (much more difficult to do on Jool with a solar grid, but still tame for nuclear generation). Total part count for it is 16 parts. 10x RT-5000 Recyclers, 5x PPD-F412M greenhouses, 1x 3.75m fertilizer tank. That is enough to last you for 925 days or about two Kerbal years. For maintenance, you will have to do one re-supply mission every two years or so after that, carrying 15,000 fertilizer. Hope that helps, cheers.
  7. 1. There is no need for the contract to put the hotel in KSO. 2. If you are using Nerteas' mods, you have large habitats available as well as nuclear power generators. 3. You need to provide the habitation capacity for the guests. There is no need for prolonged USI_LS support for them. When you build the hotel, you will get contracts to ferry tourists, 10 to 20 at a time. The tourists don't need to stay in the station for long (you will get contracts to bring them down again as soon as you send them up actually). 4. The mod procedural parts provides scalable life support and energy storage tanks/modules. 5. You don't really need 15 recyclers or agroponics plants to service 50 Kerbals, if you crunch the numbers. And the idea is not to make the station completely supply independent in the first place (since that would effectively remove supply missions from the mix and water down the challenge that USI_LS presents for the player). Hope that helps, cheers..C:
  8. Your problem consists of two parts. 1. How to know where the biomes are in a planet. If you don't want to use scansat or kerbnet or KER etc etc, use this: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Biome 2. How to plan and land on a specific biome. Use this to plan your landing burns: The landing tab on KER works too.
  9. A question, I don't know if anybody can help. I want the Strategia Pilot focus bonuses to apply to an additional contract type: Rescue and Recovery. I think that this type is stock. What/how do I have to edit so that this works?
  10. I don't know of any mod that provides this functionality (you essentially want a biome map overlay projected into the ground while flying around) , it would be extremely cool to have it though. To make do in the meantime, Kerbnet provides this functionality on some drones/command pods. And Scansat (after you scan the celestial body at hand with a multispectral scanner) has a very nifty zoom minimap function, that is light enough (in FPS) for use while flying around and has a lot of functions.
  11. Having said that, a mod that adds decoupler variants with built in parachutes would be very handy for re-usable rocketry. It's not unheard of, either. US2 does something similar, with adding reaction wheels to decouplers. Also, the old Fuel Tanks+ mod had decouplers with built in solid motors for de-orbiting the attached stage. A mod with that functionality (and Realchute compatibility too) would be really cool.
  12. What I tend to do. 1. Use Stagerecovery 2. Use Realchute 3. Sink (surface attaching will blow it up on staging, due to overheating from the next stage firing) a radial parachute inside the cap of the first tank, just after the decoupler. For bigger stages, you may put a couple of parachutes radially close to the top of the tank instead. 4. Configure the chute to arm on staging, and tweak materials, size, opening parameters etc to recover the empty stage properly. You don't need a probe core that way. You will need one when staging with fuel remaining, and wanting to do a propulsive landing, or when you need to control the expended stage so that it de-orbits (stage with a little fuel left in that case - btw this mod gives us excellent tools for things like that).
  13. Clean install 1.8.1+DLCs, Restock, Restock+ and RealChute. Works fine.
  14. I Confirm having the same problem when Restock and Realchutes are installed together via CKAN. Removing one or the other fixes the problem for me. Running those two and some visual mods only.
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