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Everything posted by ComatoseJedi

  1. In a real life concept, I would imagine they would be stowed and assembled on site. The one on the I.S.S. was stowed in the trunk of the Dragon cargo vehicle and took a little while to retrieve and place. The photo had no reference to how it got there and is only a model. I wouldn't Yes, they do. But, how would you accomplish this? I don't think there will be construction crews on Mars (or any solid planetary body) with heavy machinery to cover the habs. Unless you land a Bobcat at the hab site. Would be a funny sight to land a Bobcat months ahead of the human crews to sit there and make it's own fuel until the crew got there. Radiation mitigation is something that hasn't really been addressed ad nauseum.
  2. For a moment there, I thought you wrote "meth lab"... I need new glasses. And yes, that does look right for the MPL config you are going for
  3. When it comes to space stations, the longest running one we can even compare it to is the I.S.S. Which is way past it's prime and was constructed by the lowest bidder. Granted, I have nothing against I.S.S. like station parts, but there's nothing else we can compare to a real world equivalent, besides the conceptual inflatable habs, which the BEAM module was installed on the I.S.S. not to long ago. There is a lot of conceptual freehand with stations. The only limit is your imagination and how you'd do it with current or near current technology. But, when you think inflatable habitation, you also include inflatable planetary habitation in a sense. And just for some eye candy and future thoughts. Next logical steps: Sorry! I get carried away with topics of this nature.
  4. In my stint of playing KSP, I often relied on mods to make my game time more fun and enjoyable. I got my hands dirty a little bit and tried it myself. I can safely say that I am no modder by a long shot, at the moment. If I took the time to learn everything that I need to know in order to make mods, I'd might make something that will one day be used by the masses. Whenever I went to Kennedy Space Center, I was amazed and awed by the marvels that science put together to send men (and eventually women) into space. Exploration is in our DNA and the exploration of space is the next frontier. When you think of all the brain power to make the technology to do that, it becomes bigger than anyone can possibly imagine. What does this have to do with modding you ask? Well, I'll tell you! Mod makers spend countless hours modelling and texturing, running the models through Unity and sorting through countless lines of code to make sure everything works as it should. They do this with no pay and are underappreciated for the most part. But, KSP gives a platform for the most avid dreamer of going into space and there is where the mod makers come into play. Making dreams a reality (well, a KSP reality) is something that most people do not realize when they get a mod they love. But, everyone who plays KSP shares the same vision of exploring space. But, I feel that mod makers have a bigger dream. So, take time out of your day to thank your favorite mod maker. If they have a place to donate a cup of coffee, do so. If i had the money, I'd give them all a good portion of cash just to make it worth their while. Because I have a dream, too. Thanks to KSP and mod makers, the dream is alive and well. So Thank You Mod Makers for making dreams come true!
  5. When KSP went to Unity 5, the wheel colliders (and I guess the mechanics, too) went to pot with it. So, you won't find an update of this until the wheel situation is fixed. Works fine in 1.0.5, though.
  6. Unless you are really opting in for the inflatable habitat market, I would just start off with cylindrical habs, first. See how well you can make them and move onwards from there. Think of the Mars D.I.R.E.C.T project. The hab was, in fact, a landable can with a heatshield on it. Granted, it was supposed to be 2 stories tall, to accommodate 4 humans (I'd say you can put 6 Kerbals in one of those with room for piddly things, like air, food, water, pet goldfish). But, with one of those attached to your cargo truss system, I'd say you'd had the beginnings of a fairly strait forward IPV. I know the Copernicus IPV concept did have an inflatable hab, but all the same and as always, I leave that up to you.
  7. CKAN: There's a general consensus between people who use CKAN and love it to people who don't use it and never will like it. With this mod, in the state that it's in now, will never be on CKAN during development with reasonings obvious as on the lines of why there are no craft files for the current version of the mod. As Blowfish said, all that is up to Shadowmage if it hits CKAN or not. Personally, I don't use it for my main game play and manually install my mods so I'll know exactly what I am putting in there and what's needed to operate the mods through dependencies that CKAN, often or not, doesn't include. I did, however, use CKAN for RO, but that lasted a good week before I had to give up on it. And that engine is looking fantastic, Shadowmage. Another fine addition to your sterling mod!
  8. Why can't there be an "Easy" button when it comes to stuff like this???? Just press the button and BLAMO all fixed..... The struggle is real!
  9. You are correct, the texture file goes into the GameData folder separately from the SSTU folder: just like any other mod, but only cooler . Just be sure to delete the old file before installing the new ones, just to be on the safe side New one on me about the emission of blue light. Either it's something you installed or I'll have what you are having to see that sorta stuff. But, all the same, some screenshots of this phenomenia and if there are errors in the log, they need to be posted on the issue tracker on GitHub.
  10. Ran into a slight problem with the DocSciLab when trying to put it into a larger KIS container. Somehow, it won't recognize as a part that is supposed to go into the container. It won't give a weight warning or anything. It just won't go. I was looking at the code and it appears to be in line with the other KIS configs. Unless you did some kung-fu to not have this part go into containers?
  11. Camping is never relaxing in the short term. You have to go at it for at least 2 weeks before it becomes a vacation. Unfortunately, we never have two weeks to do anything anymore. I know from experience that "weekend camping getaways" take longer to set up than to actually enjoy the camping experience. I've done the two week camping trip and it's a lot better if you are prepared to do so. As far as wheels are concerned, we know the band of miscreants trying to get this wheel issue sorted out are at wits end. Sometimes, it does good to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation. But, LoFi appears to be doing what he does best in the situation he's in, so best of luck to you, sir.
  12. What's it doing to make it inoperable? I've not ran into any problems using TAC LS, even with my MM configs on old 1.0.5 parts that I use for recycling. Even my food processing module that I added to TAC LS from 1.0.5 appears to work. *shrugs*... mystery
  13. Oh yeah! What you guys are doing is beyond awesome.
  14. It probably won't be updatable through CKAN, at least not for a while. I'd just delete the AVC file check, since you already got it working and you know it works. As far as the mod goes as operational, there are some things that @alexustas is working on. I would check out the RPM GitHub to see the progress. I'm just happy that he is working on his mods. I will be happy when the wheels get fixed so the ERS can be updated. I love that rover.
  15. 1. Yes, I was referring to making a structural part for space stations. SXT mod has a truss similar to this, but unfortunately it doesn't stretch to any length and without tweakscale, you can't resize it. A solid one of these "cargo truss" would be excellent building material for space stations. And if you've already addressed this as part of the station parts on the Git that you plan on making, forgive my ignorance on this matter and proceed to "These are not the droids you are looking for". 2. That sucks, but it's totally understandable why that is. But, there are plenty of docking/connector ports that I can work with to accomplish this, thanks for the input on that. I do remember you were working on such code, but those wheels come first, by all means. This was just an observation that I noticed and was looking through the eyes of a mod user who wouldn't be using other mods, other than yours, to utilize the cargo truss. 3. Glad to have you back and I hope you enjoyed your camping trip. I, too, enjoy the great outdoors as often as I can get around to doing so. But, since it's summer here in Georgia and the eastern diamondback rattlesnake is prolific in these parts, I will have to wait until the end of fall/beginning of winter to hit the ole campsite. In anycase, I hope you are rested and doing well. I did, however, go to Kennedy Space Center for my birthday/father's day present. That truly was better than any camping trip.... almost
  16. It works. Just as long as you keep RPM up to date, ASET Props and Avionics mods will work. Don't be afraid to test it out for yourself. Only one of 2 things are going to happen. 1) It works (maybe some things behind the scenes aren't clicking, but works all the same) 2) You won't have an IVA on pods that use ASET Props or Avionics. That's pretty much it. Your computer will not suffer a nuclear meltdown, I promise.
  17. "Enjoy your boogie woogie fever" - Venkat Kapoor
  18. Here's a simple guide on how to relive your childhood and become a kid, once again As a child, dream of going into space. Wait 30+ years and grow up still dreaming of space. Go to Kennedy Space Center for the very first time in your life when your dreams of going to space are manifested into reality. Profit! This is where I went for my birthday last Sunday. I looked around like a child looking at the things I dreamed of seeing in real life for the very first time. After all the reading about it, looking at pictures, remembering the names of astronauts who did the impossible and there you are, right in the middle of it. The roaming masses around me, weren't as amazed and totally enthralled as I was walking around that place. If you had fancied space flight and everything to do with space your entire life, you find a beauty in everything you see at that place. All of that was amazing technological art to me. And, a lot of people saw a grown man cry at these things and don't understand why. And I'm glad they don't understand.
  19. So far, I haven't ran into any immediate problems with the current version of SSTU on 1.1.3. Seems like the plug-in coding is rock solid. That's with 60 mods running and not all of them are up to date, yet. But, as I have the floor. I would like to pose some questions about some requests I'd like some answers to, if possible. 1. The new truss parts: Is there any way to make them solid, without the fairings or a lot of heavy duty work to get them that way? 2. Truss part ends: I've been piecing together vehicles comprised of these truss parts and had a startling revelation that there is no way to connect two separate for anything bigger than 2.5 meters. Luckily, the IXS warpship mod does come with 3.75 meter docking port and Space-Y has 3.75 to 5 meter docking ports (I think KW has one too at 3.75 meters). Which work okay, but since we are going for lower part count, how difficult would it be to incorporate a docking/connector port on the ends of these, like the fuel tanks can add mounts and noses to the tank ends?
  20. These are prop mods and really don't need updating, only if to update the versioning. I am using these props in 1.1.3 and haven't had a problem with them that wasn't prevalent in previous versions. Just as long as you keep your RPM up to date, you're good to go. But, if you are curious on what's going on with these mods, @alexustas and @MOARdV and company have been burning the midnight oil to bring new features on the RPM GitHub. I urge you to read up for yourself on the progress they are making.
  21. No problem. I could see how this would confuse people that played with this mod before and come back to actual hypergolic fuels from real fuels. But, this was fairly recently done, so you're sorting it out just like I am. I am kinda glad he did this. It brings it tad more realistic for replica builds.
  22. This is intentional. Shadowmage change up for the hypergolic thrusters/engines to use real fuel fuels. All the configurations for the fuel is included in the CRP. The only time you'd need the actual real fuels mod is if you plan to use RO.
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