After many maneuvers, the Round-Trip Probe finally enters an orbit around the Mun. Moreover, the second module of the Minmus Space Station is launched into space.
The Round-Trip Probe leaves its preliminary orbit and ascents to a circular 1.000 km orbit in order to prepare the trans-munar burn. In the meantime, Jedmy is cleared to approach the Science Station.
200th career mode episode! After a perfect landing on the icy moon, the crew of the Mining Lander Mk. 1 begins the mining operation on the surface of a different celestial body.
After having refueld their spacecraft, Henler, Sidrim and Obtop are beginning their journey out to Minmus in order to start the first mining operation on the surface of a different celestial body.
After successful expeditions to the surface of Duna and Ike, the two crew members of the Duna Landing Mission are finally flying back home to Kerbin.
Jedmy is flying back into space in order to deliver a heat shield to the Planet Explorer which is finally back from the Duna Landing Mission.
The Minmus Reconnaissance Probe arrives at Minmus and transmits valuable data from this little moon back home. Moreover, the Duna Landing Mission leaves the surface of Ike.