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Special Agent Sigvan

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Everything posted by Special Agent Sigvan

  1. That sounds like a lot of effort for something that should just be in the Debug menu to begin with. Especially if the Sandbox mode should have these features to begin with.
  2. I'm referring to the stock carriers, since I can't load those.
  3. Since we already have sandbox and Career and Science mode, I think we should have in-game options to enable/disable some of those features in a sandbox save. Examples: - Enable/Disable science - Enable/Disable currency - Enable/Disable tech tree. Things of the like.
  4. That doesn't help the issue of not being able to use the stock carriers.
  5. There have been several videos with similar instances (Spinning Nonsense and Messing Around 7) of such "Anomalies". I'm almost sure he broke the game with the Claw. Squad is probably going: "Oh gawd he found another one..."
  6. I mean this: The itty-bitty satellite that is in low earth orbit (Where people at NASA are paid to mark where that is) needs to be avoided by everything to prevent space debris. There is no issue when half the time the small satellite will be marked (Something along the lines of: We are going to put our new satellite in orbit around the same time that it won't smash into something and kill it) before any missions are launched. And my sentences aren't fractured to badly, since I had trouble reading your post due to the weird use of the 'Enter' key.
  7. Is the Nuclear Reactor gone that made the pre-built Carriers even work?
  8. No, it really wouldn't. Avoid the tiny satellite somewhere in low earth orbit thankfully marked by the people paid to handle that crap. So hard. So world destroying.
  9. OH HELL NO, HELL NO. Bionicle is so worthy of the hype.
  10. Variant. I played a lot of Hybrid in the past before I came here...
  11. kerbal.curseforge.com##.yazmpa_txt_content This is one on Curse Forge
  12. ... And that's what I get for not checking in with Hyperedit like I used to. Well, off to go on a mod installation spree. Edit: Hyperedit doesn't work for that. I need geographical coordinates and that doesn't work for what I need to do.
  13. It didn't block everything, but it blocks it permanently whenever I return to the website. Like here. Some exceptions, but one entry was: www.giantbomb.com##.yazmpa_txt_content On Giantbomb
  14. So, I had a recent issue with what I do in KSP with mods, and turrets. I CAN'T PLACE THINGS WHERE I WANT THEM And no, I'm not talking about things like Hyperedit, where I can place them anywhere in the galaxy, the thing is I can't teleport my "Structures" where they need to be for what I want to do. So, I thought of a random idea for a simple mod: Something that will let me teleport my things to other places, like Hyperedit, but more about teleporting completed things around Kerbin. Like going onto the map and teleporting the thing I want to teleport to the location I selected on the map. Yes, this would be cheating. You want to line the shoreline of the abandoned airfield with turrets? Try. (If the new versions of Hyperedit can do this, I apologize. Haven't touched it in a while)
  15. Solution: Adblock has a block element for such things. I blocked them and it fixed the issue.
  16. So those of you who have read my posts will realize I have the (Self proclaimed) creative (And talent) of around 7 hamsters. But, I'm quickly learning how to does game developer (Mostly to say I learned, I may make something stupid in Gamemaker Studio for personal use), which brings me a question I've had since I decided to learn: How am I supposed to make a (Somewhat) quality soundtrack as an indie person who can't even REMOTELY afford an orchestra to compose a soundtrack? I know tools exist, but I have no clue what I should use. Preferably free because I can't afford to invest money in this time-wasting hobby.
  17. Reach is still alive, and to be honest people ARE playing Halo 2 using weird hackery. But I don't think Microsoft ruined the series, Halo is a hard thing to ruin.
  18. I already have adblock, which is why these being around is concerning. I'll probably get my Anti-Virus back up and running, just so I don't have to worry about this anymore.
  19. No, none that I remember. Most of them have stopped, except the ones here (Which are just little lines of text, that aren't changing anything). I think I need to pay the $$$ to get Norton Internet Security for the sake of having it. Hell, paranoia got the best of me and I have the toolbar running now, though it doesn't seem to stop crap (Not causing the issue though, because I've had this for the entire year and had no problems).
  20. Random websites are advertising themselves under things, like the post new thread thing on this forum. Can anyone tell me how to remove this?
  21. My mouse is in fact broken thanks to mashing the download button a million different times. I am about to get back into KSP.
  22. Oh my god. Tell me this doesn't have issues relating to weapon firing and ammo and I'll be hooked.
  23. Indie Games exist. I'll be perfectly happy if they become the sole method of good gaming.
  24. I don't know, I would love to see what EA does to KSP, to be perfectly honest.
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