You came cause you read the title, so you MUST be interested Anyway I have this old save (.22 so not that old) called KERBAL INVASION, for the purpose of using our expendable green "friends" to invade KERBIN. Anyway here's the plan: (You guys) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):P:P:P:huh::):):):):):):(:(:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):cool::):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):): | | | | | | | (KERBIN) Looks good right? Hehe, no though I do want to plan a mass KSP (we can also use KMP if you guys want) Invasion, were we all try and land as many Kerbals on Kerbin as possible. THE PLAN I Suggest we make a giant rocket with a massive amount 3 Kerbal holding pods, that decouple and parachute to land them on Kerbin. THE INVASION They're Kerbals they require no technical guidance whatsoever, we can just set cages of them loose and BAM! invasion. So why did I post this here? I need some help from you guys, i.e. Mods, tech Support, and also NAMES. Yes I said names, you guys submit a Kerbal, and he'll probably die! Stuff I need from mods: Spawning LARGE amounts of Kerbals in places different than KSC. Something that lets me tell where Kerbals to go and they'll go there allowing me to control something else i.e. turrets. Anything Else. Thank you guys in advance! -Siggie (That's my new nickname of my username.)