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Special Agent Sigvan

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Everything posted by Special Agent Sigvan

  1. If you can stop it from "Locking" then you could use the speed it locked at and release it. I'm more afraid of it being exploded mid-warp than it well, exploding. We'll find a way to avoid that certain setup of bugs, does it work with probe cores? If so save the original ship and mess with the design a little, we'll try and see test the result. If we can get Impulse Engines on it we can use them in place of the drive, if the drive doesn't tear the ship apart. If you can, try and put up the craft file, I'll try it for myself and see what happens.
  2. You could try to build up speed slowly and use it as a Hyperspeed warp. I'm all for sacrifices for the greater good, but we could do it with a probe core. Edit: Tried to CLAW a Kerbal and use him as a propulsion drive, it failed miserably.
  3. That's accurate, but I have my own theory: The ship grapples onto itself, and the engine (confused) makes it undergo immense force, the ship catches up with itself and breaks apart, because of the collisions the CLAWs cause. You can use this as a K-Drive if you can stop it from exploding, and make it visually appealing. Edit: Still no progress on how to make my Drive work?
  4. That's odd, I don't think that a K-Drive can be made from CLAW units, as with Ladders. But'll try myself, anyone have any ideas how to help? Oh and I have an Image Why this works I have no idea, I need help with that too. I'm gonna be honest and say that I want to reverse engineer this tech to make an FTL drive, but for now, I'll contribute to the matter at hand.
  5. Guys, using stock parts, I discovered a new Kraken With some tweaks I can make a KrakenDrive subassembly. Edit: More info: (I have Screenshots taken from Steam, if you can tell me how to post them) After some edits, to only way for this to work is to leave it without engines, it appears the location of the center of thrust is the what makes this work, even losing 2 of the pylons will prevent this working. It works the same as a regular Kraken Drive, but there is no way to stop the Gyro Phantom Forces from spinning this, and it seems the Gyro Forces are stronger than the Lifting Forces.
  6. That happened to me too, I exploded a rocket on accident and that happened I think it's either a collision issue, or physics glitch or both.
  7. Stock should work, bu since everything short of HyperEdit doesn't change game values, so they shouldn't invalidate tests. I really wanna use this tech to make an FTL drive, warmongering Cruisers need to get to colonies too.
  8. Where do I sign? Edit: is it okay if I use mods? (Like B9 and some mods that add weapon, if you need a list, ask).
  9. So, let me see: We are using the Kraken to slap our ship around space in place of actual engines, using glitches in the physics engine?
  10. I think I have a problem: Whenever I click on "Full deploy" the parachute does not launch/deploy (I've killed far too many Kerbals to know if this is a bug or not). Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  11. You came cause you read the title, so you MUST be interested Anyway I have this old save (.22 so not that old) called KERBAL INVASION, for the purpose of using our expendable green "friends" to invade KERBIN. Anyway here's the plan: (You guys) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):P:P:P:huh::):):):):):):(:(:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):cool::):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):): | | | | | | | (KERBIN) Looks good right? Hehe, no though I do want to plan a mass KSP (we can also use KMP if you guys want) Invasion, were we all try and land as many Kerbals on Kerbin as possible. THE PLAN I Suggest we make a giant rocket with a massive amount 3 Kerbal holding pods, that decouple and parachute to land them on Kerbin. THE INVASION They're Kerbals they require no technical guidance whatsoever, we can just set cages of them loose and BAM! invasion. So why did I post this here? I need some help from you guys, i.e. Mods, tech Support, and also NAMES. Yes I said names, you guys submit a Kerbal, and he'll probably die! Stuff I need from mods: Spawning LARGE amounts of Kerbals in places different than KSC. Something that lets me tell where Kerbals to go and they'll go there allowing me to control something else i.e. turrets. Anything Else. Thank you guys in advance! -Siggie (That's my new nickname of my username.)
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