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Special Agent Sigvan

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Everything posted by Special Agent Sigvan

  1. Kill 9000000000 kerbals. Colony mission gone horribly wrong.
  2. Good, now install as many weapon mods as you can and Mechjeb and others. Joiiiinn da dak ssssiddde (Cookies come standard.)
  3. I would make: Hotline Miami + Running with Rifles + Titanfall + KSP + Red Dead Redemption + GTA 5 + FTL: Faster Than Light + Dark Souls + Gratuitous Space Battles + Democracy 2 + Space Engineers + Gunpoint + Luftrausers + Uplink. What would this be? I would pay $60 for it...
  4. That's... ................................................................................................... Umm, there are no words... I can't post the words that are...
  5. I'm in Kansas... Severe Weather where I live = Everyone in everywhere EXCEPT MY TOWN is dying to rain, hail and tornadoes. We get Breezes and 83 degrees at night. Enjoy that.
  6. Some companies did it right, Homefront worked even though it had a form of DRM to play the multiplayer.
  7. RIP Spaceport creations from creators who are ded naow. RIP In peace.
  8. Hmm, Ubisoft's not that stupid, play the game and learn the hard way. I'll guess it might be a weird form of DRM that's intended to break illegal copies of the game cracked by people who don't fix the DRM on it first. That or it's useless and just there. That or Ubisoft is that stupid.
  9. The peaceful, idle sounds of my house: "SHUT DA **** UP YOU" "WELL **** YOU TOO" "I'M ANGRY BECAUSE OF A MUCH DEEPER EMOTIONAL REASON" "I APPROVE OF MORGAN FREEMAN" *Gunshots* (20 minutes later) "Yo the power's out" "No it's not man" "YOU CALLIN MEH A LIAH?" *Gunshot* "DUDE YOU SHOT ME" "Oh crap no witnesses" *Two more gunshots* Me: "They can't assault me if I have light and a gun..." *Telephone pole crashes into my house, taking out my lights and gun* Me: "Oh dear" 5 seconds later I'm posting this. Yes I have the worst roommates ever. No not actually, I'm playing Uplink and listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__v2T8ELpYw
  10. RIP Computers My monies on the the save imploding thanks to all of the mods.
  11. I won't question what you were building, but I think that's similar to Danny2462's shockwave bug.
  12. No, but it getting easier isn't a bad thing, it means that as realistic as KSP is, it's still appealing to the casual (or kasual) player. It's not bad to not trying to appeal to the Scott Manleys of the world, but instead people who can at least try. I haven't even put anything on the Mun (No I haven't tried to hard either, a bulk of my 160 hour playthrough of KSP was modded with weapon mods to bomb things) yet and I can't even do orbital calculations and I have yet to make any functional space crafts that can get into an orbit around the sun with enough fuel to do anything. Yet I play KSP, stock and modded.
  13. True, but we don't have to share it publicly. Also, they aren't really bugs, similar to how floating point errors work, they would be issues with how KSP handles things. SQUAD can't fix that.
  14. This is my situation, my previous "K-Drive" doesn't work at all. Hmm if we want to ACTUALLY exploit KSP's physics to make a fuel efficient craft powered by phantom forces we need to look at the code and how KSP handles things, and how we can use loopholes in the code to make the desired effect.
  15. They mashed the keyboard? Oh wait... So...No? Hmm... So KSP's creation was fate! FATE I TELZ YAH.
  16. I would be happy with an adjustable fuel tank with editable size.
  17. Hmm, as useful that will be it's still not the desired result. Though it's a good basis (Proving the Kraken has the ability to move things).
  18. *Angry/Concerned/Surprised voice* KESSLER BOMB?!
  19. There were Kerbals and then there was Danny Danny's save was declared canon. The Kerbals went extinct 5 seconds later THE END.
  20. Not really a question. I figured I'd want to mention that I was about to cause KSP to virtually (And realistically) implode, not that it matters anymore, KSP decided to die because of my twenty two mods (Memory issue, I just have to uninstall some mods, which I can do) Thanks for trying to help. Edit: Welp, I just learned the hard way that it's not going to work (Yes I tried to launch it, The Kraken ate me). LEARN FROM ME.
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