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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. I'm sorry to keep nagging about this but I just can't get it to work. I tried just hard coding the full address into ConfigNode.Load() but still no luck. I don't get a null ref exception on the savedValues =ConfigNode.Load() call, but as soon as I try to access anything via savedValues one gets thrown. This returns the KSP_Data folder path
  2. I have tried that as well, then dropping the( savedValues = savedValues.GetNode("VALUES"); ) and getting the root node. no luck though I'll give that a shot, but how would that work if it were to be released as a mod? Everyone would have to put their own file path from wherever the folder is stored on the drive
  3. I have two problems that are basic KSP functions that I can't seem to get to work. I am trying to load a .cfg node into my script. I have a "SavedValues.cfg" in the root gamedata folder that looks like this. VALUES{ pitchP = 10; pitchI = 10; pitchD = 10; } Then I access it from my script, but it throws a null reference exception. public void Awake() { ConfigNode savedValues = ConfigNode.Load("GameData/SavedValues.cfg"); savedValues = savedValues.GetNode("VALUES"); pitchPValue = float.Parse(savedValues.GetValue("pitchP")); //pitchIValue = float.Parse(savedValues.GetValue("pitchI")); //pitchDValue = float.Parse(savedValues.GetValue("pitchD")); } It seems pretty straight forward but I can't seem to figure out why its not working. Additionally I can't get this to work either. Any help on either of these would be very much appreciated. GamePersistence.LoadGame("quicksave.sfs", "default", false, true);
  4. I found this code which seems to correspond with the current api, but for some reason it wont work for me. Any insight would be much appreciated as it would save me a great deal of time. thanks c [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, false)] public class PluginStartup : MonoBehaviour { public static bool first = true; public void LateUpdate() { Debug.Log("////////////////////start/////////////////////////////////"); if (first) { first = false; HighLogic.SaveFolder = "default"; Game game = GamePersistence.LoadGame("persistent", HighLogic.SaveFolder, true, false); } } }
  5. So I actually got it all figured out. I wasnt turning the autopilot on and now I feel dumb. Also I figured out debugging by just running it as a console program in vs. Either way I am trying to recreate this in stock c#. I drew a vector on my ships transform but as the craft got up to speed the vector lagged about half a ship behind where it actually was. I assume this is because of a delay in the network communication despite being on the same PC. I've gone back to writing a native plugin, which unfortunately means restarting the game and building every time i change a line of code.
  6. Hey, this mod is so awesome. I used to do a lot of kOS and kebal moding back in the day, and I'm dying to build some stuff with this library. I have a visual studio c# application that will connect to the server, and issue commands such as throttle, action keys, and most vessel functions. However I cannot get System.Console.WriteLine to print anything to the console, and things like SAS mode or the autopilot functions don't seem to work. Additionally I cant reference classes like UI. Am I targeting the wrong framework? Or could it be something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. Thanks I found that too, for some reason 2017 doesn't have it.
  8. So I made a new project and I'm 100% sure I selected the 3.5 library, but still the same error. Thats super frustrating, I'm gonna have to see if I can find were to change it in project.
  9. Thanks a lot, I could have sworn i selected 3.5 when i made the project. Let me try again
  10. I'm trying to turn this kos racing script into a native c# plugin which I may be able to tune with machine learning/ reinforced learning. Got the autopilot up and working, now its just about tuning the pids. I slow down time around the first gate, the fps isn't dropping. I'm begining to look into machine learning to see if i could set up ksp to loop the first gate, while having some kind of library set the pids. The main difference between this and the kos script is that the autopilot is set to close the x & y proximity gap to its target, not point at the target. With the plane rolled the yaw is responsible for for closing the x(formally y) distance, but using yaw for pitch is proving to be difficult. I'm thinking about having the pid unroll the plane to control altitude in the turns.
  11. Yeah for sure. The ones in these videos are a couple generations back however, and unfortunately i no longer have the ones with weapon bays available
  12. Pretty much done with the model. Wanna add some animations for startup and afterburner on. Just need some help with the textures, mods if you wanna move this to models/textrues that's cool.
  13. Oh wow hahaha, thanks He_162 for the heads up. I guess I'll take it as a compliment, not much else you can do. I have been working on this for years so someone taking credit for my work is kinda lame. When I saw your post they had already taken the page down on kerbalX. No one happened to get the dudes name or any pics did they? Also I have a completely stock version available for download, so they may have just jacked that and not even changed anything. Haha thanks YeoriCookie, I truly appreciate some funk up in my threads. Also the custom engine is coming along, still need a texturer though. Don't mind the cylinder part, its for debugging.
  14. Figured out all the fx and have the gimbals working,just trying to make some final decisions on the design, I'll probably release both.
  15. I deleted the addon folders and did it again to make sure I got the right message and it worked all of a sudden. Thanks anyway
  16. I cant for the life of me figure out how to get the smoke and afterburner effect to turn. I've tried turning smokepoint and messing with the localrotation in the cfg, but no luck I also changed up the model to make them a little longer, and have longer vector flaps. After I get the thrust figured out its gimbals, then animating the lighting, which i have no idea how to do. If anyone has any texture experience and wants to help hit me up
  17. So I went back to Unity 5.0 because I thought that was my problem. I imported the part tools package and moved the folder to assets, but when I try to hit "Build All" in the asset compiler i get this. And when I try to open the part tools I get Anyone help me out? EDIT- dont go back to 5. Fixed it
  18. Looking for anyone with engine mod development to help make this model a reality. fbx here.
  19. So I've never seen a stand alone f-22 engine that I liked for my replica.. I know b9 has a pretty good one but it gets bigger than the standard size fuselage which is hard to work with. So I decided to build my own. Could use some help with the textures if anyone is interested. Mods you can move this to Modeling and Textures if you want.
  20. It still works if anyone wants it. https://fat.gfycat.com/FriendlyCleanGaur.webm
  21. Video of two AI drones flying around the Air Race Course.
  22. Two of my kOS F-22 Drones racing around Scott Manley's air race course. I'm gonna add the cannons back on and use BDA guard more to make them shoot at each other if one flies into range.
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