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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Rebuilt for 1.1, also changed the fuselage shape a little, made the body thicker and moved the wheels. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zomry875mpsi574/mrk%20VIII.craft?dl=0 Got a new PC so I can finally run my wingman mod with no lag. Also here his my AI flying through the first 6 gates of Scott Manley's Air Race.
  2. I really dig the f-35. I took it apart but unfortunately it wont meet my needs. I want one that works like the real thing. I've been using the parts from this mod to try and build one. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/quiztech-aero-pack I've actually just gone ahead and started working on the 14 again. The disc parts actually hold up ok.
  3. Yeah that one is awesome, no VTOL though. I actually have a old VTOL version, I was looking for something better. I actually have an F-14 I gave up on too if anyone wants to try and finish it.
  4. So I've gotten pretty good at KOS while building a wingman script for my F-22. I want some more craft for development, but simply don't have the hundreds of hours needed to build another really good replica. I'm looking for the best working VTOL F-35 to program VTOL takeoff and precise, location based landings. I'm also looking for an F-14 with working mechanical wings. I want to write code to make the wings autonomously increase/decrease the radius of turns in order to help keep the wingman in position during intense maneuvers. Or decrease G force when it's getting to much for a kerbal to handle. If you have, or know of any one who has a really good replica of either one of these, please let me know. I'll post all the development here.
  5. I was also thinking that I could write a kOS script to get them into starting positions if you guys want.
  6. So I've been trying to get in on this for a while, but I always forget.
  7. I'm working on a wingman program for kOS. It works with BDA's autopilot too.
  8. Thanks a lot man. Have you tried it out? Also I'm writing a wingman kos script
  9. The 7th complete rebuild of my Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. This build has is completely rebuilt for 1.05, and is the first to be properly scaled. I took a page out of landfish's book and used a blueprint and Kronal viewer to make sure it was as closed to perfect as I could get. More photos & craft files can be found in the OP. More videos, versions, and kOS scripts will be posted as I finish them.
  10. Aforementioned kOS scripts for my Raynos Zoid. Scripts for VTOL takeoff and walking. Future plans are for VTOL landing, disabling flaps over a certain velocity, and moving wings over a certain g force. Also gonna try and get the gundam to walk.
  11. Unfortunetly I don't have much time to play anymore. I do have kos scripts for my raynos and a mrk VII f22 for 1.05 almost done though. Scaled correctly too.
  12. So I'm figuring out kOS for the Raynos. My first two programs allow it to walk and achieve VTOL takeoff autonomously. The walking program. Locks heading to current heading Inverts the leg servos for walking (Thanks to u/ozin for this bit) Moves the legs back and forth as many times as it is told (10 in the video) When the walking program is completed the legs move back to center Leg servos return to uninverted for flight. The VTOL program Calculates the target altitude for transformation (allowing the program to work no matter where or what altitude you need to launch from) Locks into the current heading, at a pitch of -5 Rotates the engine down Limits the top engine to 7 Activates both engines Once the target altitude is achieved, the top engine is unlimited and the legs transform to flying position. Pitch is changed to 15 When the top engine reaching target thrust the bottom engine is rotated up to flying postion When the target velocity is achieve, the craft is handed over to BDarmory autopilot
  13. Would it be possible to change the ascent profile in the extended settings? Between the circular climb we have now, and the old vertical climb. I do enjoy the circular climb up, and I understand it is beneficial for craft that can't climb very well, but it takes way longer to reach the set altitude. Mines at 5300m, and it takes quite a while to get up there. It would be nice to have the option to go straight up like we used to. And I miss this.
  14. This will always be one of my favorites. This dude built that transformer too.
  15. It doesn't look like anyone has nominated a cupcake... craft yet, which is bananas.
  16. I'm dying for wing-men. And I know this is far-fetched but do you have any plans to decrease missile weight or size? I only ask because the whiplash engine is too big for fighter jets now, and the panther isn't super powerful. A moderate weapons payload really makes the crafts too slow.
  17. Glad to see you're still around dude, it's been a while. Hope all is well. I haven't been playing as much since I started my new job, and I'm waiting for 1.1. I bought a nano qx quadcopter which I absolutely love. Reminds me of flying around one of your craft though.
  18. Man I didn't think the wait for 1.1 would be this long. I really want to wait for all the changes before getting back at it. If you haven't tried the gundam out yet I wish you would, even if you don't like mechs its super fun to fly. The way the legs move while flying makes it look super realistic. Unfortunetly I never got the stealth 22 released. I have it if you would lime to try, the missiles in the bay won't fire for some reason, I think it has to do with the clearance check. Also 21000 views isn't that shabby, thanks everyone who checked my sht out.
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