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Everything posted by AlyxMS

  1. Are you mounting your wing directly on a cargo bay? If that's true FAR might recognize your wing as it is inside the cargo bay so it won't provide lift or drag.
  2. I don't know if anyone's experiencing this. The flap on the left side always produces a larger lift than the one on the right side. Making the plane to roll to the right. Is this a glitch or am I building my plane wrong? I have replaced the procedural wing control surfaces with B9 control surfaces, and the same thing still happens. So I guess it is not a glitch from Pwing.
  3. Waiting for it. Keep up the good work!
  4. Just saw the update, this is still alive! Woo! Any plan to use the KSP API Extensions like other procedural parts do?
  5. A few weeks ago I posted about the broken FX4L from space shuttle engines mod (Line 15389, km_se4L) You suggested me to add another @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] So I added one, now I had @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 and @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 Good thing is now the second engine uses kerosene instead of LiquidFuel. Bad thing is only the first engine module's fuel can be changed with the Realfuels GUI So even if I've chosen LH2+LOX for the engine the second half of the engine is still gonna use Kerosene instead.
  6. I changed it, still, only half of the engine works. The engine config had 2 ModuleEnginesFX, I assume only one of them is changed by modulemanager.
  7. When I was using the Liner Aerospike from the shuttle engines mod only one of the two engine modules of the aerospike engine had its propellant changed. So only half of the engine works. The other half is still using liquid fuel. Can this be fixed?
  8. Woah that's quick. Just updated to 0.9.7 and found out that my saved ships are broken. Got back on forum, 0.9.8 is out! And the bug is gone! Good job. Any planning on procedural radial decouplers? I've got so many mods installed but I'm stuck with the stock radial decouplers.
  9. Stupid Simple Cfg Modding Question here: I was trying to duplicate one of the Squad parts however I do not want to copy the entire part folder because the game will need to handle the mesh file and eat up memory. Also I was trying to keep all my cfgs in one folder, so I do not want to place any additional cfg in the Squad folder. Will all that in mind, I have copied the original cfg, changed the name = XXX and model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model to be honest I don't even think this is gonna work, however from the Globe I srb of KW Rockery, the line model = KWRocketry/Parts/Solids/025mGlobeI/KW_025mSRBGlobeI exists instead of model = KW_025mSRBGlobeI When I loaded up the game the part won't show up. I assume it's because the model file cannot be found. Also I have been modding the game entirely with modulemanager, If duplicating can be done with MM please tell me how. I don't think modulemanager can work outside Part{} though.
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