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Everything posted by narhiril

  1. We can start by replacing the experiment racks with some rusty oil drums. That will bring down costs significantly.
  2. I've got one of those in my basement. Gotta remember to buy new rubber bands though - the ones on it right now are hard as rock, and probably not much younger.
  3. . We take these out about three or four times a year, when the weather is good and the fields are clear of crops. My personal collection doesn't have anything quite this big, but I'm getting close. A lot of us (myself included) got started with Estes rockets, and many of us still bring our Estes rocket collections to the launch to fire off without fear of losing anything in a tree. The time between the firings of the big ones is filled with lots of little plastic parachutes. For me, it felt wrong to have a rocketry game without this part.
  4. New version is up! Fixed a problem with saving ship designs that used this part. Delete old versions before installing the newest one. Hopefully this will work as intended now >.> EDIT: I know it still includes a few redundant object/model files, but those shouldn't (I think?) cause any problems.
  5. My apologies, it seems I forgot to rename the parts when I added the alternate colors, resulting in them all showing up as orange. 1.2.2 fixes this.
  6. Ah, awesome. Mine worked for McDonnell Douglas and (later) Boeing. I never got to see a real launch (they don't launch anything in Missouri), but I've been building my own since my tee-ball years. One of the upsides to living where I do is that there is no lack of open space, so a few friends of ours get together a few times a year to shoot off some big ones. The biggest one I've got so far takes a J, but a few of us have some that can handle M and N - it's like being on the deck of an aircraft carrier when those go off. You get blast shockwaves and sonic booms.
  7. New colors are up. File has been renamed, so delete old versions if you have duplicate parts showing up. I have a pair of AeroTech J350s sitting in my basement - just need to wait for a family friend's crops to be harvested before I have a field big enough to burn them. A J350 = roughly equivalent to 64 Estes D12's. It's quite the hobby. I still enjoy the little ones, though. They're fun - and a lot cheaper.
  8. They've changed over the years. Early ones were orange, but later they became color-coded by size (red, orange, or purple). The newest ones use a checkerboard pattern that I'm not as fond of. Most of the Estes rockets in my collection are quite old, so I have a lot of memories of the red ones. My dad's old Estes Alpha (built circa 1967) has the red-striped chute - probably a mid-80s replacement of the original orange one, though I have a couple of other reds and purples in my collection as well. Maybe I'll put together a version 1.2 with the other colors. I just used the chute from the first rocket I had lying around as the template (an Estes Yankee Clipper from the early 90s). Nowadays the rockets I build are a bit larger, and they use nylon chutes with ejection baffles, nomex blankets, or pistons to protect them. You never forget your roots, though. EDIT: Yeah, after thinking about it, I'm gonna make the other colors. Check back in a little while.
  9. Being a perfectionist, I realized that I had forgotten to add a manufacturer line. Revised version with manufacturer field and tweaked description is now available.
  10. Now in three colors (red, orange, purple)! A little blast from the past for some of us who boldly went where no ten-year-olds had gone before. It was a personal flavor mod for me, but it turned out well enough that I thought I might as well share it. Simple parachute reskin, slightly more drag than the mk16 in drogue phase. Comes complete with custom description and recovery wadding. v1.2.3 fixes an issue with 1.2.2 that was causing corrupt save files. Please delete the three part subfolders associated with 1.2.2 before installing 1.2.3. Pick it up here.
  11. Downloading while I pick up my jaw from the floor after seeing those panels.
  12. When 'cost' is actually implemented as a game mechanic, there may be some room for balancing.
  13. Been orbiting for almost five and a half hours now, this is taken at the end of the seventh full orbit. KSC is marked on the screen cap, next to the g-force meter. A tank and a half of maneuvering fuel left to go home. I'll post a picture of the booster when I decide to bring it back down, but for now I just want to see if I can go for a while longer and try to land in the water just off the coast of the pad.
  14. I am proud to say that at least 4 of those are directly my fault. Keep it coming, I love this project!
  15. Must have. Downloading the instant they go up.
  16. The only complaint I have is the lack of in-game descriptions, which is a fairly easy thing to add in the future (found in cfg file) and can really give them some personality. Great work though, I'm enjoying the variety of applications.
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