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Everything posted by uxuser

  1. I'd like a cartooney-ish sort of flag, with my team's star on it, the star itself is orange, with the red, orange, and black particles coming out. There would also be a moon (Like the ones from your Kerbin sample) and the moon is red. Thanks! Here is the inspiration pic:
  2. Very Interesting Idea! I will definitely use this!
  3. Since PFCE doesn't work with 0.25, Thanks _Augustus_, We will try to use 'Kopernicus', But we will need help because none of us know how to use it, :/
  4. What if we could make a mod like Whack a Kerbal, But instead of shooting balls, It gives you asteroids to shoot at stuff? It's just a simple modification, But would still be fun to play with.
  5. Bad news everyone, GavinColex (Our team leader)'s hard drive has been wiped, it had all of his mods, saves, and personal belongings in it, he's become depressed lately, and has said that the fun is over, and we may not see him again. Fortunately, we will still be working on the mod, but it will be dedicated to him, like a memorial, Prey that Gavin will come back one day...
  6. We have planned to create a habitable planet, If you guys would like to see if your sugguestions could be part of Genoya's system, go ahead and leave a reply about what you would like to see. Currently, the state of the mod is going well, as soon as we fix the stretched texture bug with planet factory, and Gavin get's his new computer, We will post more pictures, and the first download.
  7. We were going to release it on the day 0.25 came out, but we cant now, because all the textures for the planet are stretched. I'm sorry, But until we fix this problem, You must wait.
  8. Yes. Please. Can you make the fuselage too?
  9. We haven't made the seven planets yet, Gavincolex stated that in later versions, there would be seven.
  10. Thanks! That helped alot, I almost started a post asking how to do that, Thanks!
  11. (I'm not the best at art. ) (IN DEDICATION TO GAVINCOLEX) "What is this you call, Genoya?" Genoya is a star that recently went supernova, We used Planet Factory CE, By Kragathea: http://http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE and Kittopian Space, By KCreator: http://http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-0-24_2-Plugin-WIP-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-1755?highlight=kcreator "Pfffft, Sounds boring, How many planets does it have?" As of now, Two. But eventually we will make seven planets, with tons of moons for these planets! So check on this post daily for updates! "Fine, But how far away is this system?" "GENOYA" Is approximately 2457384000000 KM away from Kerbol. Good luck getting there in Career mode, I highly recommend you get a warp drive ship. "Who are you though?" "We" Are The "Interstellar Exploration Collective", We make Add-ons for KSP (If you didn't already know...) As of now, in our group we have: Gavincolex, Uxuser, Ezekiel bacon, KCreator, Supernova Pulsar. "This is dope, the are no pics, dawg." Calm down, , Here are some pictures: "Alright! Now where is the download!?" Calm down buddy, Sadly, at the moment there will be no download because this is a WIP Add-on, But check regularly for updates! Next update will be soon!
  12. Hey! Recently I've joined a team with Kcreator, and GavinColeX. And we're making Planet Factory Mods! But Gavin had an awesome idea of making an awesome solar system! http://tinyurl.com/mmepvhn But it looks like Gavin asked for too much... So as of today, we are letting modders in our team to help us, and we won't always work on this awesome solar system, We will work on other projects so we're all happy... Gavin's suggestion video: http://tinyurl.com/pxz6ke7 How to get in our team: 1. Watch the suggestion video. 2. Post a comment saying that you want to participate. 3. PROOF: make sure Gavin knows that you play Kerbal Space Program! 4. Wait for Gavin to reply to you! BTW:At this time, we are only accepting people who know how to make mods as in CODING.
  13. Anybody else want a piece of this thread?
  14. Good idea! Many islands near the equator! (Restriction for putting your "Program" in the water)
  15. I'm suggesting what to add to multiplayer.
  16. Don't know exactly. EDIT: Removed that weird "please be stickied" part.
  17. Good luck, Squad, trying to make this stuff if you can!
  18. So, I was thinking about multiplayer in KSP, when I got this idea! My idea was, You can join a game, you get to pick where on the planet Kerbin you want your "Space program". When you get a place you want, you choose your flag and also name your space program, like, "Mike Space Program" or something, If you are in career mode, you start out with the VAB, Tracking station, and the Research and Development Facility, you also have to earn money to gain more buildings like Mission Control, SPH, Runway, or the Astronaut Complex. (You only get 7 Kerbals when you join.) But if you are in sandbox, you get to instantly build them without any money... Plus you get to choose where you want to put the other buildings! You must place your "Space Program" on, or near the equator. You are not aloud to place your Space program right next to another person's space program, you at least have to be 5 or 10 km away from another one. You have to place your program on a flat area, or in a valley, (You cannot place your program on top of KSC2 or monoliths, or the abandoned airstrip... In the tracking station, you cant fly someone Else's rocket or plane, instead, if it is not yours, the "Fly" button is replaced with a "View" button, You are not in control of the ship, you can only move the camera, pretty much just like watching a live Youtube video. The debug menu will be controlled by the host, if they want Whack-A-Kerbal on, they can enable it and the GUI will show up for everyone. Time warp only effects you, so lets say that your friend in the computer to your right is playing KSP, and you are too, both playing on the same local server, if you time warp, time warp wont effect him, it only effects you. I'm not sure, but I think you must need the same version, and both need the same mods. Yes, You are able to sabotage someone Else's station with your rocket. If you go into map mode. You can see everybody Else's orbits and time warping all around the planets. Hope you liked my ideas, maybe it will be in version 0.27! Lol, If you think all of this is just some random nonsense that you found on these forums. Come on, I bet you have at least, one time in your life, seen a post with this much text.
  19. Medikohl, If you are making a Gas Giant, I would be happy to suggest some ideas! (Yes, I might have segguested this on Sido's system too, but it doesn't matter! Right?) Gas planet named: Lavendarous Picture: Information: It is actually not stormy at all! And it's polls are on its side along with rings going from equator to equator! This fun purple planet loves to get its hands dirty! Spec.: Sideways rings, Sideways polls, Sideways Equator! Orbits: Sun or Kerbol Moon named: Carter Picture: +Map: Information: This planet is a cratered planet with oceans in the craters and this planet also is call "dead" Because of it's low gravity (Duna gravity) And lack of water... Specs.: Dead, Duna Grav, Cratered water, Lack of water, Mountain-y Orbits: Lavendarous Moon named: Desta Picture: +Map: Information: This little planet is made of rocks, more rocks, And rocks! Isn't that just exciting?! Specs.: Giant crater Orbits: Carter Moon named: Multo Picture: Information: This planet is purple. Maybe it is a sister to Eve in a way! Who knows, Maybe this should be my new baby crib! Not saying I'm a baby! Specs.: Icy, Purple, little craters, Thick atmosphere Orbits: Lavendarous I love these ideas and hope you make a gas giant, With some of these moons orbiting it! Plus, Please add more moons, I didn't wan't to make this message too long, I love your work, Medikohl, Hope life is good!
  20. Sido, I am sorry if you posted saying no more planet suggestions, But I love astronomy, So If you are making a new Gas Giant, I would be happy to suggest some ideas! Gas planet named: Lavendarous Picture: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/262/e/b/_psd_planet_stock_gas_giant_by_a_j_s-d5f86gt.png Information: It is actually not stormy at all! And it's polls are on its side along with rings going from equator to equator! This fun purple planet loves to get its hands dirty! Spec.: Sideways rings, Sideways polls, Sideways Equator! Orbits: Sun or Kerbol Moon named: Carter Picture: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/163/6/9/planet_cite_by_samio85-d5jrhp3.png +Map: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/163/3/2/cite_surface_by_samio85-d68trr4.png Information: This planet is a cratered planet with oceans in the craters and this planet also is call "dead" Because of it's low gravity (Duna gravity) And lack of water... Specs.: Dead, Duna Grav, Cratered water, Lack of water, Mountain-y Orbits: Lavendarous Moon named: Desta Picture: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/172/4/2/crato_by_samio85-d5jgrvq.png +Map: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/172/c/4/crato_surface_by_samio85-d6a3pg7.png Information: This little planet is made of rocks, more rocks, And rocks! Isn't that just exciting?! Specs.: Giant crater Orbits: Carter Moon named: Multo Picture: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/5435/8pt0.png Information: This planet is purple. Maybe it is a sister to Eve in a way! Who knows, Maybe this should be my new baby crib! Not saying I'm a baby! Specs.: Icy, Purple, little craters, Thick atmosphere Orbits: Lavendarous I love these ideas and hope you make a new gas giant, With some of these moons orbiting it! Plus, Please add more moons, I didn't wan't to make this message too long, I love your work, Sido, Hope life is good!
  21. Hi, 3 questions, 1. Are the a couple buildings that are hollow? If so, cool! 2. Are you able to create moving objects? If so, you could make kerbals on the streets! 3. Are you going to add a city next to KSC, along the coastline should be a long board walk, along with some residential homes! Thanks, hopefully my questions are easy to read and possible!
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