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Everything posted by uxuser

  1. When on the surface, The atmosphere turns pink and the whole land turns white, pink and purple! What is going on! Please fix this bug, but above the atmosphere, great job!
  2. I just have to share this! Go here for, uh, stuff! : http://http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Gas_planet_2 So the first paragraph states: The gas planet 2 (abbreviated GP2) is a proposed planet outside the orbit of Jool. It is planned to make the current dwarf planet Eeloo the innermost of four major moons. Like its current sister planet, Jool, it is planned to have "At least 20" smaller moons orbiting it.[1] This gas planet will most likely be the Kerbal counterpart of Saturn. Currently, the planet Sentar from Krag's Planet Factory Mod acts as GP2. It is blue, has rings, and several moons. It will be added in 0.24. So we are getting a new planet! Yay! I cant wait till 0.24! Just wanted to tell everybody about this exciting news!
  3. Indeed, There should be comets in asteroids, But they should be so that you can edit they're orbit by putting a base on the little thing and pushing it with engines on the surface facing up, Somewhat like a giant rocket, probably you will never get the asteroid again unless you quick load because it has fallen into an atmosphere, unless that of course you want to keep your asteroid/comet, don't make it fall into Kerbin or Jool. But, like Psycix said, à ¼¼ 㤠◕_â—• à ¼½ã¤ GIVE GASPLANET 2 Squad you have been warned.
  4. Hey Krag! Nasa found a planet that is 11 times bigger than Jupiter and I think on the next star you put in, Make this way far out from the star! Make it red with rings if you want, Make it 11 or 10 times bigger than Jool or Sentar. Maybe even bigger than Kerbol (Sun)! It should have about 0 or 1 or 2 moons. And I have a good description for the new born planet! Kerbal 109291 B We found this is the garbage can 2 days ago, It's probably just leftovers from Jeb's birthday party last year. Picture: My idea of sizes. Its unrealistic, I know! But it is Kerbal space program, right?
  5. Dear Krag, Can you make some of the planets on this thread ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42625-Possible-Planet-Additions-%28Revised%29 ) And make them orbit other stars other than Kerbol. Please! Can you also make an asteroid belt? Maybe Dres would be in the middle of the asteroid belt. Can you also make comets with tails and more comets with odd names like: Jebidiah Comet 2100 <- Or what ever date you want it to be found. Best Wishes, Uxuser
  6. Please show me how! I want to make my suggestion from page 12! Please make a tutorial once you know how to make a finished project creation of a new born planet!
  7. I'd like to see this planet named Cite in this mod, Go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42625-Possible-Planet-Additions-%28Revised%29 Like this: \ And its moon would be this: Hope to see this in the mod! I give credit to Samio for the pictures. Also maybe it would be a new planet orbiting serious!
  8. Hi! I think these 5 should be implemented! Remember, This is my 2nd thread! 1~Able to move around in IVA Maybe you made a space station, Well right now there are no fun you can do with it... So what you could do is look around and see if you like or love it! 2~Taking off helmet or DEATH! You can take off your helmet finally and breathe the oxygen around you... Take it off on Eeloo and maybe your Kerbonaut will start turning blue and die because of no oxygen! 3~Space Plane suits! You have the space suit but what if you had a suit that has a helmet in such but looks nicer, Idk I was bored? 4~Maybe? Steam Workshop mods? If you're like me and you got KSP off of Steam, It is hard to get mods so maybe KSP should have a workshop! 5~Inflatable stuff! Inflatable modules in KSP would help alot! Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57662-WIP-Inflatable-Hab-Module That's it! Now here are some planet names! Beliun, (BELL-E-UN) : http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/262/e/b/_psd_planet_stock_gas_giant_by_a_j_s-d5f86gt.png Soulio, (SOOL-E-O) : http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/02/article-1353006-0D01104E000005DC-659_634x373.jpg Pock, (POCK) : http://moviewriternyu.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/pluto.jpg Seb, (SEB) : http://img498.imageshack.us/img498/9687/ringed24jz.jpg Ginga, (GIN-GA) : http://www.thelivingmoon.com/43ancients/04images/Planets/EL61b.jpg Frea, (FR-AY) : http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3BlAIH57AvI/T39brPBD7OI/AAAAAAAAAC0/8Z57iwCOWDo/s1600/Planet+X1.jpg Qio, (QU-I-O) : http://nimg.sulekha.com/business/original700/earth-like-planets-2010-1-7-15-45-52.jpg Erin, (ERIN) : http://eburacum45.5u.com/images/deucalion.jpg And Swint (SWINT) : http://i.imgur.com/lRJdH.jpg Will use this in thread: (NOT YET POSTED YET! WAIT TILL TOMORROW!) (P.S. I couldn't find the image button, so I just went and put links to the planets!) Be cool!
  9. Looks amazing! Please make more inflatable stuff for KSP!
  10. So what I was thinking when I read this, It's a beautiful ring like saturns and when you get closer you can kinda see that it's just a bunch of ground scatter moving around the new GP2. But yeah they wouldn't have gravity and would be hard to land on one and explore and make a flag! Maybe there should be metal harpoons in Kerbal Space so you could take it and launch where you want it, Then you can reel yourself in and it would be like having an artificial gravity but really it's just pulling you down! I agree, But since its Kerbal Space Program, and the planets are not colored like they would realistically be. So maybe the rings need to be green or something! Idk, First thing that came to my mind...
  11. I was on the wiki and I wanted to look at Jool, Now, I didn't know this but I spelled Jool, Gool. Now I started and I saw in the list, Gas Planet 2! So I clicked on it and I saw it would have rings! Now I just watched Ender's Game, And the rings were like, A really icy, oblate planet! (Without a center orbiting this blue gas giant) So I thought about Ksp and I think you should actually be able to land on it, it would only have a like, .2 of Kerbin's gravity or something so it has like, No gravity! So yeah this would be cool . Also, This is my first post and please don't be hurtful. Thanks! Be cool!
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