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Everything posted by godarklight

  1. @Spider0804: You'll have to test it, but you shouldn't be getting explosions . @Uberlyuber: Well, That was a subtle bug... If this sounds right to you, I've just got it in dev: You loaded a single player save, then tried and failed to connect to a server. There's only 2 places where DMP tries to save the persistent.sfs, one of them is when it connects, the other is when it stops. It looks like stopping the game before starting it wipes the save (which is something I didn't account for) @MAKC: Backups or not, this is still a serious bug - DMP should never affect single player games whatsoever, nor should it go crashing KSP. @HotSandwich (EDIT): Not sure if I got you on IRC, but someone notified me that turning off mod control stopped DMP from basically working - It's fixed in dev. @Everyone Dev has already had a protocol break and the LockSystem (which will fix a few bugs kicking around) is not completely stable yet, so keep using but back up your saves. For those interested in testing dev anyway - Hop on IRC, The more people using dev the easier it will be to catch bugs for the next release is targetted for the friday the 14th, but if I manage to get it ready beforehand, I'll release earlier. EDIT 2: Now in dev - The asteroids have been tamed! This is GDL ASS (Asteroid Space Station) on MrFreake's dev server:
  2. Kerbal on a cross (affected me but not gimp, Same bug in DMP): As soon as they appear on the map, the vessel is in game and can be spectated or viewed, but that won't happen until they are out of atmo (at the moment). The banned part name should appear on the screen - I'll double check that's not something dodgy going on with DMP with that specific mod tomorrow
  3. @Spacepigu: My build server (also in my sig) contains both the release and development versions at http://chrisand.no-ip.info/kmp/
  4. @Spider0804: It hasn't stopped players on MrFreake's release server from starting one EDIT: For everyone getting the kerbal on a cross bug, it's actually a stock bug - And it's fixed by running the KSP patcher to update your version of KSP. I'm so glad that wasn't a KMP or DMP bug (I experienced it in both).
  5. @HotSandwich: I intend to implement KMP's /modgen command in DMP, or perhaps have an option on the connection window that says "Generate DMPModControl.txt". You could always run /modgen from KMP and then copy KMPModControl.txt to DMPModControl.txt in the server folder (They are the same format for a reason). If it's a private server, it's safe enough to just turn off modcontrol in DMPServerSettings.txt.
  6. @Arrowstar: Not yet, although it's still pretty far up on my list @Everyone, I've uploaded a video that shows player-player rendezvous and docking: I was going to turn it into a tutorial, but then I realised I'm terrible at that. Basically, let one player do the rendezvous and make the other player stay put. After you have done the rendezvous, get the other player to sync. Player-player docking is still very hit and miss though, there's still a few issues that need to be tackled: 1. Two players should never both update a craft, that caused the orange tank to be shifted on the stage. This is going to have to be a feature (Going by closest player isn't good enough - There needs to be a lock system). 2. The dockee should never gain control of a craft. This is most likely causing duplicates and explosions. Another thing I'd like to fix, in atmo-spawning. I've played with this before, and I believe it's possible, but so far there's only one possible solution I've found. 1. Spawning it in orbit (let's say around the sun) 2. changing it's velocity to match what it should be 3. Going off rails 4. Shift it into the atmosphere. It's dirty as anything, but if it works, then shooting down plane with an SRB missile could become a thing. I haven't yet decided whether to do another bugfix release (DMP really needs a, or whether to push straight for 0.1.4 and include bugfixes as I go along. 0.1.4 makes slightly more sense, I can't fix flags without a protocol break, and it would be nice to get asteroids working too.
  7. @cosmo88: You've definitely confirmed my suspicion about that bug, even though I still haven't dug into it. You game is lagging very badly - You can see TimeSyncer setting your clock when it gets to 5 seconds of error. It puts everything on rails, however it appears things are messing up when this happens. @Everyone: I haven't got them all the bugs I wanted just yet, but is available on my build server and DMPUpdater.
  8. DMPUpdater only touches the files listed in the index here: http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp/updater/versions/release/client.txt - So it has to be one of those files. I know it doesn't really mean much to most people, but DMPUpdater is open source if you're interested in actually going through it to make sure it doesn't do anything dodgy . The updating magic happens here: https://github.com/godarklight/DMPUpdater/blob/master/DMPUpdater/DMPUpdater.cs#L249-L273, but the rest of the program should be pretty easy to follow as well - Even to those that aren't really familiar with C# but familiar enough with things like PHP or bash (which is where most of my "programming" experience came from). Although there's no problem running it under admin, it *really* shouldn't need admin rights. It's a fairly simple and handy for 8 kilobytes, but the packages are there on my website too if you'd rather do things that way. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if someone has already knocked up a bash or python script that works like DMPUpdater either, even if it's just for the lulz.
  9. @cpy: 0.1.3 added the status port which requires HttpListener. It works without admin rights on linux, But for some reason or another, requires them on windows. I'll add the option in to turn the HttpListener completely off, which would drop that requirement. SUBSPACE_SIMPLE and MCW_LOWEST were never implemented, but the general idea was this: SUBSPACE_SIMPLE: Works like subspace, except you sync with '>' instead of the button. MCW_LOWEST: All players go into warp at the lowest players warp rate. They were both pretty terrible ideas - I'll remove them sooner or later unless there's someone out there that's curious about it . You definitely shouldn't give DMPUpdater admin rights - As long as it can write to GameData/DarkMultiPlayer and can access http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp/updater/, everything should be fine. Can you screenshot it running under cmd.exe without admin rights - I'd like to see what exception is thrown . EDIT: Sorry, the option is already there. To disable the status port, change the httpport to 0 in DMPServerSettings.txt.
  10. @cpy: It most definitely does *not* need admin rights, nor should you give it admin rights. @MusterBuster: "DMP is working perfectly", You haven't tried hard enough to break it @Tantalus792: Thanks, My main aim is to be able to play multiplayer with others too until Squad releases their multiplayer @Byter: http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp-serverlist/ looks pretty bad, If you want to have a little play with the CSS I'd happily change the default. @Your_Uncle: "shared science" is something that I know how to do the dodgy way (simply replace the science and hope for the best), but I think it's going to be more complicated than that. I have a feeling that's not going to work for a lot of mod data, perhaps there's only parts of the data that should be replaced. There's also going to be some paradoxical situations where one person buys one thing with the points, and another person buys another thing - The question is how to handle situations like this... Also I'm on pretty much the exact opposite side of Australia EDIT: You can already have shared kethane maps, kinda. Connect with kethane to a server, and then copy your kethane data into the "Scenarios/Initial" folder. The seed and locations will be the same, but the actual amount of kethane will be local to the player. EDIT 2 (missed it sorry): @JT2227: Can you upload KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt to pastebin - Those types of errors I do treat seriously, you shouldn't be able to completely break DMP .
  11. Your_Uncle: I've got a fairly good idea what is causing it: putting a vessel on rails at the wrong time - going on rails while landed makes things stop dead in their tracks, so it's got to be something along these lines. I haven't actually looked into it yet however... will be a bugfix-only release where I'll tackle these kinds of issues though. My current goal is to just bugfix now, there's enough features in DMP to be playable (although it could look a little prettier), if everything worked correctly with no problems, then I'd be happy to drop the alpha tag After, All I've really got for 0.1.4 is asteroids (easy), flag syncing (easy), vessel/group permissions (needs to be easy to use - so probably a little tricky to get right), RockyTV's admin system (nearly complete), and the remote telnet server console (obviously off by default, and will require authentication). After 0.1.4, I think DMP is kind of... complete?. We'll have to wait and see what KSP 0.24 throws at us
  12. DarkMultiPlayer has been released on DMPUpdater and my build server.. This release is happening a little early - It doesn't yet contain asteroids or all the bugfixes listed here, but because RockyTV has added the JSON server status thing needed for a server list, I've ported my server list to DMP. You'll most likely want to bookmark this page now http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp-serverlist/
  13. My internet went down for a bit - Sorry guys. Eventually I'll migrate the server list to somewhere a little more permanent
  14. These are probably the highlights from dev, but this is all pre-1.0 stuff: MCW_VOTE mode (just to demonstrate why it's probably a bad idea): delayed subspace updates: Probably the holy grail of multiplayer, flying wingman style: That wingman style video was best case scenario though, it was on the local computer and you need to stay within 2.5km of each other. I'm going to have a lot of free time again - I'd like to simply play/stream DMP with other players to get a real feel on how it's going and what things I need to work on next. I haven't sat down and simply played KSP for quite a while too . If anyone's interested, jump on IRC when you get the chance (there's a web chat on my build server page).
  15. Vladthemad: I'd prefer to make it work like stock KSP. Also, you've given me an idea. Coming soon: Flags from other players will be downloaded as needed. Also, I'm fairly sure I have to handle flags in a special way, I'll test this later EDIT: @SlimeCrusher - It appears my build server restarted (or my brother sneakily restarted it), and my servers do not automatically come online. I'll have to fix that up @KvickFlygarn87/cpy: Yes. When I get time to actually play with all those asteroids, they'll make it into DMP EDIT 2: When I get a day off (soon), I'll push for There's enough bugs around that I should specifically just focus on bugfixes . Targets for * Try every combination of player/player and player/spectator+player docking to make sure everything works (which I know it does not yet) * Make a handshake failure even more clear (I want the server version made clear on a handshake failure: protocol mismatch) so you know what to connect with (issue #22). * Remove "Client already connected" if they aren't actually connected (Just have to heartbeat an existing client to make sure it's still there). There's already a 10 second timeout on this but I hit it often enough. * Handle EVA's properly so I don't get duplicate or disappearing kerbals (issue #19) * Handle a forward-sync more correctly (If they are far enough in the future, the game could try to apply thousands of updates which will likely cause local duplicates). * Send full updates when the vessel is renamed (issue #1) * Send full updates in the atmosphere *if possible* (On kerbin, it should work >22km) (issue #2). * Handle flags (issue #4), and save selected flag. * Attempt to fix the "vessels lose all surface velocity" bug while in orbit reported here on the forums. I'm thinking about the following features for 0.1.3: * Flag sync (DMP/Flags folder only). * Fix those ugly UI's. I still have JohannesMP's mockup bookmarked * Make the UI's resizeable, and save their positions. * Asteroids. * Server status port, so things like my KMP server list can exist. Things I'd love to get working eventually: * In atmosphere vessel loading + vessel range bump to 10km (so you have to stay within 10km, instead of KSP deciding to eat your ships at the 2.5km mark). * Instant automatic server updating. This will probably be an external program that runs DMPUpdater/DMPUpdater-development, along with automatically restarting DMPServer. * RCON server port.
  16. Version is now available on my build server / DMPUpdater @Thomas988: I changed the handshake reply message to include the reason for disconnection, so it's a protocol break. Luckily, all of those problems should be gone starting with MrFreake (chickenkiller), and my servers all update automatically, so you'll need to run DMPUpdater/install the new version . EDIT: Ok, chickenkiller release doesn't update automatically. If you like the chickenkiller servers, dev does automatically update, and dev is release at the moment (port 6704). EDIT 2: @Shivaran: DMP's server requirements are nearly nothing (currently using 12mb of ram, 0% cpu on my release server), and people have ran it on a raspberry pi before - I wouldn't be too surprised if it ran on your NAS as well, so long as you have mono installed (mono-complete on debian). EDIT 3: I knew I'd find something for I'll fix "Uploading screenshots..." from being in the screenshot tomorrow
  17. "Is the dev version somewhat stable" - I haven't been able to personally just sit down and play KSP/DMP for a little while, but from what I gather in the IRC it should be pretty sane I'll probably release today - Just want to make a few UI tweaks and then I'll be happy with calling it
  18. @cpy/@Vladthemad: I've fixed the disappearing vessels bug in dev - The destroy event fires on the next update after vessel.Die, I was only blocking the destruction around vessel.Die()... I'll still need to poke the loss of all orbital velocity however. @inigma: And I'll have to create a status page so I can port my server list over, you can still host it if you like . @Firebird: I don't transfer solar panels until KMP does, the full update. But I do transfer lights, brakes, gear, rcs and sas on every tick. I never quite figured out what that offset was during my KMP development orbit branch. If you get really close to the vessel you will probably also notice there's about 0.1m/s (radial out?) velocity difference (as in the position jumps away 0.1m/s but the target velocity is 0m/s). I'm unsure if that's KSP floating point oddness, or if I'm setting the velocity to what it should be but the position is slightly out and that's the velocity vector difference between the 2 positions. The oddest thing of all is that the position error is a stable error, as if the orbit position and the vessel position are offset by KSP somehow. I'll dig into it eventually . @Player-player docking is mostly complete in dev, screenshots are also in dev - But I'm holding off until I know I haven't botched the release like
  19. @Everyone: I have tomorrow off, player-player docking and then screenshot sharing will be my targets. I'm hoping for a release late tomorrow (18th 0000UTC) assuming I can get a few people from IRC to confirm everything is ok). @Deathsoul097: Looks like I'll be looking at this as well . @Azimech: The "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." error is one from C#, It means your DMP client got a "TCP Connection Refused" packet from whatever you tried to connect to. As far as I'm aware, this can only be caused by a firewall refusing the connection (and sending a reply saying it's refused, rather than what most people do - just silently drop the connection).
  20. @Deathsoul097: You're onto something there, DMP keeps the planet clock synchronized normally by constantly skewing the unity clock (like physwarp). When the error is greater than 5 seconds, it gives up, puts everything on rails, sets the clock, and then vessels should go off rails again. It sounds like the GoOnRails call is canceling all velocity, which is *really* weird :-/. I've noticed this before on the ground, I didn't think it could happen while in orbit however. Also, DMP has the same mod control system as KMP - Mod to your hearts content, but if you're adding parts, read DMPModControl.txt on the server. If you can control the GameData directories, there's also an option to completely turn off mod control in DMPServerSettings.txt.
  21. 5) Player 2 connects - now there is SpaceStationOne with SpaceShipOne docked to is as he left it, only there is a copy of SpaceStationOne 1km behind it in orbit, and a copy of SpaceShipOne in a sub-orbital trajectory too. I really need to implement player-player docking. It's simple enough, I've just recently started working and I've been focusing on getting the "social" side of DMP up and running (chat/craft sharing). Screenshots will come soon . Also, I'm going to implement a sync cache - It's already half completed after a few hours. Syncing to some servers seems to take quite a while :-/. "All the duplication issues happened in the first release (1.0.0)" I'm 99% sure vessel deletions didn't work in the first release, I forgot to send the delete message to the server . "Is the docking resolved in a flip of a coin with the kraken?" - It depends on the point of view. In KSP, a docking destroys one of the vessels and updates one of the old vessels with a new copy containing both vessels docked. *however*, As a defense, When a players vessel attempts to get deleted it is resent to the server and back to the client (causing a duplicate in the same place). Things will then get kind of explody for the other player. If the other player docks to you and their own vessel gets destroyed (never quite worked out which one becomes the new vessel - but it doesn't matter either way), then the other client will go into spectate mode, their own ship will disappear from the other client, and on the next full protovessel update the ship will disappear. I believe spectating a docking will probably work, but don't quote me on that one . The fix for this will be to allow a "docking" deletion or proto update that doesn't stop that tiny bit of defensive code. The client should start spectating the other player and then destroy their old vessel. As I said, it's an easy thing to implement, I just have to make time for it . Tick Rate: Most likely will move to a server setting in the future, and it's fairly safe to bump. If DMP detects your outgoing queue starting to fill, it will throttle the tick rate anyway - So this is something I should implement in the near future. Number 1 concern for me atm is a client-side sync cache though
  22. @Xavienth: "add voice chat" - I'm a big fan of using mumble for things like this - It's basically a free version of teamspeak. I do run a mumble server that people can jump on if they like, but it's in australia and it's probably a better idea for someone with a proper VPS to host one for the community. The address is the same as the build server, and it uses the default port. I'm never online on it though unless I'm streaming for a DMP or KMP release. @RatoZumbi: "Server list is down. Is there any other server list?" - Err... It shouldn't be. Perhaps my internet dropped out for a bit there :-/ @Nightmare: Yet another reason I'd like to remove docking mode and convert to using the orbital parameters.
  23. MCW_LOWEST isn't implemented and I'm not sure if I want to implement it (warp to the lowest common warp factor). I'm thinking about scrapping the SUBSPACE_SIMPLE idea too (Like subspace, but there's only one future). Use either MCW_VOTE or SUBSPACE. MCW_VOTE will keep all the players in the same subspace (by doing what the warp master does). MCW_FORCE is like MCW_VOTE but there's no voting, you just take the warp master. NONE is obvious . "Sadly that means I can't give the orange one to another Kerbal I'm guessing" - That's correct, The orange suit in KSP is done by matching the name. "Another question is how do we get to fly together as shown in your videos" - Vessels will not spawn while they are flying in the atmosphere, they only spawn on the ground, or in orbit. KSP destroys things when they get out of the 2.5km limit, so you'll need to leave the safety bubble outside of the ground somewhere to take off together. On the runway, the bubble ends just before the first white marks. @Everyone: contains the fix for the craft uploading (It worked for me as I had crafts already uploaded to the server during development). It also contains a /dekessler command that deletes all debris (although the changes only show up after a resync atm).
  24. Yeah, I saw that in IRC. I might have pushed a little early... Looks like there will be a when I get back from work - sorry guys. :-/ EDIT: Forgot I did this: http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp/build/release/v0.1.0.1/
  25. DarkMultiPlayer has been released on DMPUpdater and my build server. Changelog is in the OP @cpy: The tracking station terminate & recover button should always work (apart from when the vessel is in use by another player). should fix normal vessel destructions while in flight (Eg, if you deorbit a craft it should pick it up). @Vladthemad: Nice spot, obviously I haven't been building big enough rockets . If you change the name of 0.txt, 1.txt and 2.txt on the server Universe/Kerbals/ folder you will get Jeb, bill and bob back, but I'll add them back for 0.1.2 .
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